GetOne('select @@identity'); } function create_blobvar($blobVarName) { $this->Execute("create variable $blobVarName long binary"); return; } function drop_blobvar($blobVarName) { $this->Execute("drop variable $blobVarName"); return; } function load_blobvar_from_file($blobVarName, $filename) { $chunk_size = 1000; $fd = fopen ($filename, "rb"); $integer_chunks = (integer)filesize($filename) / $chunk_size; $modulus = filesize($filename) % $chunk_size; if ($modulus != 0){ $integer_chunks += 1; } for($loop=1;$loop<=$integer_chunks;$loop++){ $contents = fread ($fd, $chunk_size); $contents = bin2hex($contents); $hexstring = ''; for($loop2=0;$loop2qstr($hexstring); $this->Execute("set $blobVarName = $blobVarName || " . $hexstring); } fclose ($fd); return; } function load_blobvar_from_var($blobVarName, &$varName) { $chunk_size = 1000; $integer_chunks = (integer)strlen($varName) / $chunk_size; $modulus = strlen($varName) % $chunk_size; if ($modulus != 0){ $integer_chunks += 1; } for($loop=1;$loop<=$integer_chunks;$loop++){ $contents = substr ($varName, (($loop - 1) * $chunk_size), $chunk_size); $contents = bin2hex($contents); $hexstring = ''; for($loop2=0;$loop2qstr($hexstring); $this->Execute("set $blobVarName = $blobVarName || " . $hexstring); } return; } /* Insert a null into the blob field of the table first. Then use UpdateBlob to store the blob. Usage: $conn->Execute('INSERT INTO blobtable (id, blobcol) VALUES (1, null)'); $conn->UpdateBlob('blobtable','blobcol',$blob,'id=1'); */ function UpdateBlob($table,$column,&$val,$where,$blobtype='BLOB') { $blobVarName = 'hold_blob'; $this->create_blobvar($blobVarName); $this->load_blobvar_from_var($blobVarName, $val); $this->Execute("UPDATE $table SET $column=$blobVarName WHERE $where"); $this->drop_blobvar($blobVarName); return true; } }; //class class ADORecordSet_sqlanywhere extends ADORecordSet_odbc { var $databaseType = "sqlanywhere"; }; //class } //define