exporter = $exporter; } /** * Returns whether this exporter supports the given object. * * @param \ReflectionObject $reflectionObject A reflection of the object. * * @return bool */ abstract public function supports(\ReflectionObject $reflectionObject) : bool; /** * Exports the given object. * * @param object $object The object to export. * @param \ReflectionObject $reflectionObject A reflection of the object. * @param string[] $path The path to the current object in the array/object graph. * @param int[] $parentIds The ids of all objects higher in the graph. * * @return string[] The lines of code. * * @throws ExportException */ abstract public function export(object $object, \ReflectionObject $reflectionObject, array $path, array $parentIds) : array; /** * Returns the code to create a new object of the given class. * * If the class has a constructor, reflection will be used to bypass it. * * @param \ReflectionClass $class * * @return string[] The lines of code. */ final protected function getCreateObjectCode(\ReflectionClass $class) : array { $className = '\\' . $class->getName(); if ($class->getConstructor() === null) { return ['$object = new ' . $className . ';']; } $lines = ['$class = new \ReflectionClass(' . $className . '::class);']; if ($this->exporter->addTypeHints) { $lines[] = ''; $lines[] = '/** @var ' . $className . ' $object */'; } $lines[] = '$object = $class->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();'; return $lines; } /** * Wraps the given PHP code in a static closure. * * @param string[] $code The lines of code. * * @return string[] The lines of code, wrapped in a closure. */ final protected function wrapInClosure(array $code) : array { return array_merge( ['(static function() {'], $this->exporter->indent($code), ['})()'] ); } }