validateStorage($storage); $this->storage = $storage; } /** * Destructor. * * Saves any deferred items that have not been committed */ public function __destruct() { $this->commit(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getItem($key) { $this->validateKey($key); if (! $this->hasDeferredItem($key)) { $value = null; $isHit = false; try { $value = $this->storage->getItem($key, $isHit); } catch (Exception\InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } catch (Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) { // ignore } return new CacheItem($key, $value, $isHit); } else { return clone $this->deferred[$key]; } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getItems(array $keys = []) { $this->validateKeys($keys); $items = []; // check deferred items first foreach ($keys as $key) { if ($this->hasDeferredItem($key)) { // dereference deferred items $items[$key] = clone $this->deferred[$key]; } } $keys = array_diff($keys, array_keys($items)); if ($keys) { try { $cacheItems = $this->storage->getItems($keys); } catch (Exception\InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } catch (Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) { $cacheItems = []; } foreach ($cacheItems as $key => $value) { $isHit = true; $items[$key] = new CacheItem($key, $value, $isHit); } // Return empty items for any keys that where not found foreach (array_diff($keys, array_keys($cacheItems)) as $key) { $items[$key] = new CacheItem($key, null, false); } } return $items; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function hasItem($key) { $this->validateKey($key); // check deferred items first $hasItem = $this->hasDeferredItem($key); if (! $hasItem) { try { $hasItem = $this->storage->hasItem($key); } catch (Exception\InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } catch (Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) { $hasItem = false; } } return $hasItem; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * If the storage adapter supports namespaces and one has been set, only that namespace is cleared; otherwise * entire cache is flushed. */ public function clear() { $this->deferred = []; try { $namespace = $this->storage->getOptions()->getNamespace(); if ($this->storage instanceof ClearByNamespaceInterface && $namespace) { $cleared = $this->storage->clearByNamespace($namespace); } else { $cleared = $this->storage->flush(); } } catch (Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) { $cleared = false; } return $cleared; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function deleteItem($key) { return $this->deleteItems([$key]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function deleteItems(array $keys) { $this->validateKeys($keys); // remove deferred items first $this->deferred = array_diff_key($this->deferred, array_flip($keys)); try { $result = $this->storage->removeItems($keys); } catch (Exception\InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } catch (Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) { return false; } // BC compatibility can be removed in 3.0 if (! is_array($result)) { return $result !== null; } if ($result === []) { return true; } $existing = $this->storage->hasItems($result); $unified = array_unique($existing); return ! in_array(true, $unified, true); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function save(CacheItemInterface $item) { if (! $item instanceof CacheItem) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('$item must be an instance of ' . CacheItem::class); } $itemTtl = $item->getTtl(); // delete expired item if ($itemTtl < 0) { $this->deleteItem($item->getKey()); $item->setIsHit(false); return false; } $saved = true; $options = $this->storage->getOptions(); $ttl = $options->getTtl(); try { // get item value and serialize, if required $value = $item->get(); // reset TTL on adapter, if required if ($itemTtl > 0) { $options->setTtl($itemTtl); } $saved = $this->storage->setItem($item->getKey(), $value); // saved items are a hit? see integration test CachePoolTest::testIsHit() $item->setIsHit($saved); } catch (Exception\InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } catch (Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) { $saved = false; } finally { $options->setTtl($ttl); } return $saved; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function saveDeferred(CacheItemInterface $item) { if (! $item instanceof CacheItem) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('$item must be an instance of ' . CacheItem::class); } $ttl = $item->getTtl(); if ($ttl !== null && $ttl <= 0) { return false; } // deferred items should always be a 'hit' until they expire $item->setIsHit(true); $this->deferred[$item->getKey()] = $item; return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function commit() { $notSaved = []; foreach ($this->deferred as &$item) { if (! $this->save($item)) { $notSaved[] = $item; } } $this->deferred = $notSaved; return empty($this->deferred); } /** * Throws exception is storage is not compatible with PSR-6 * @param StorageInterface $storage * @throws CacheException */ private function validateStorage(StorageInterface $storage) { if ($this->isSerializationRequired($storage)) { throw new CacheException(sprintf( 'The storage adapter "%s" requires a serializer plugin; please see' . '' . ' for details on how to attach the plugin to your adapter.', get_class($storage) )); } // all current adapters implement this if (! $storage instanceof FlushableInterface) { throw new CacheException(sprintf( 'Storage %s does not implement %s', get_class($storage), FlushableInterface::class )); } // we've got to be able to set per-item TTL on write $capabilities = $storage->getCapabilities(); if (! ($capabilities->getStaticTtl() && $capabilities->getMinTtl())) { throw new CacheException(sprintf( 'Storage %s does not support static TTL', get_class($storage) )); } if ($capabilities->getUseRequestTime()) { throw new CacheException(sprintf( 'The capability "use-request-time" of storage %s violates PSR-6', get_class($storage) )); } if ($capabilities->getLockOnExpire()) { throw new CacheException(sprintf( 'The capability "lock-on-expire" of storage %s violates PSR-6', get_class($storage) )); } } /** * Returns true if deferred item exists for given key and has not expired * @param string $key * @return bool */ private function hasDeferredItem($key) { if (isset($this->deferred[$key])) { $ttl = $this->deferred[$key]->getTtl(); return $ttl === null || $ttl > 0; } return false; } /** * Throws exception if given key is invalid * @param mixed $key * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private function validateKey($key) { if (! is_string($key) || preg_match('#[{}()/\\\\@:]#', $key)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( "Key must be a string and not contain '{}()/\\@:'; '%s' given", is_string($key) ? $key : gettype($key) )); } } /** * Throws exception if any of given keys is invalid * @param array $keys * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private function validateKeys($keys) { foreach ($keys as $key) { $this->validateKey($key); } } }