lastResponse; } /** * Return console adapter to use when showing prompt. * * @return ConsoleAdapter */ public function getConsole() { if (! $this->console) { $this->console = Console::getInstance(); } return $this->console; } /** * Set console adapter to use when showing prompt. * * @param ConsoleAdapter $adapter */ public function setConsole(ConsoleAdapter $adapter) { $this->console = $adapter; } /** * Create an instance of this prompt, show it and return response. * * This is a convenience method for creating statically creating prompts, i.e.: * * $name = Laminas\Console\Prompt\Line::prompt("Enter your name: "); * * @return mixed * @throws Exception\BadMethodCallException */ public static function prompt() { if (get_called_class() === __CLASS__) { throw new Exception\BadMethodCallException( 'Cannot call prompt() on AbstractPrompt class. Use one of the Laminas\Console\Prompt\ subclasses.' ); } $refl = new ReflectionClass(get_called_class()); $instance = $refl->newInstanceArgs(func_get_args()); return $instance->show(); } }