iterator = new PriorityList(); $this->iterator->isLIFO(false); parent::__construct($name, $options); } /** * Set options for a fieldset. Accepted options are: * - use_as_base_fieldset: is this fieldset use as the base fieldset? * * @return $this * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public function setOptions(iterable $options) { parent::setOptions($options); if (isset($this->options['use_as_base_fieldset'])) { $this->setUseAsBaseFieldset($this->options['use_as_base_fieldset']); } if (isset($this->options['allowed_object_binding_class'])) { $this->setAllowedObjectBindingClass($this->options['allowed_object_binding_class']); } return $this; } /** * Compose a form factory to use when calling add() with a non-element/fieldset * * @return $this */ public function setFormFactory(Factory $formFactory) { $this->factory = $formFactory; return $this; } /** * Retrieve composed form factory * * Lazy-loads one if none present. */ public function getFormFactory(): Factory { if (null === $this->factory) { $this->setFormFactory(new Factory()); assert(null !== $this->factory); } return $this->factory; } /** * Add an element or fieldset * * $flags could contain metadata such as the alias under which to register * the element or fieldset, order in which to prioritize it, etc. * * @todo Should we detect if the element/fieldset name conflicts? * @param array|Traversable|ElementInterface $elementOrFieldset * @param array $flags * @return $this * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public function add($elementOrFieldset, array $flags = []) { if ( is_array($elementOrFieldset) || ($elementOrFieldset instanceof Traversable && ! $elementOrFieldset instanceof ElementInterface) ) { $factory = $this->getFormFactory(); $elementOrFieldset = $factory->create($elementOrFieldset); } if (! $elementOrFieldset instanceof ElementInterface) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( '%s requires that $elementOrFieldset be an object implementing %s; received "%s"', __METHOD__, __NAMESPACE__ . '\ElementInterface', is_object($elementOrFieldset) ? get_class($elementOrFieldset) : gettype($elementOrFieldset) )); } $name = $elementOrFieldset->getName(); if (array_key_exists('name', $flags) && $flags['name'] !== '') { $name = $flags['name']; // Rename the element or fieldset to the specified alias $elementOrFieldset->setName($name); } if (null === $name || '' === $name) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( '%s: element or fieldset provided is not named, and no name provided in flags', __METHOD__ )); } $order = 0; if (array_key_exists('priority', $flags)) { $order = $flags['priority']; } $this->iterator->insert($name, $elementOrFieldset, $order); if ($elementOrFieldset instanceof FieldsetInterface) { $this->fieldsets[$name] = $elementOrFieldset; return $this; } $this->elements[$name] = $elementOrFieldset; return $this; } /** * Does the fieldset have an element/fieldset by the given name? */ public function has(string $elementOrFieldset): bool { return $this->iterator->get($elementOrFieldset) !== null; } /** * Retrieve a named element or fieldset * * @return FieldsetInterface|ElementInterface */ public function get(string $elementOrFieldset): ElementInterface { if (! $this->has($elementOrFieldset)) { throw new Exception\InvalidElementException(sprintf( 'No element by the name of [%s] found in form', $elementOrFieldset )); } return $this->iterator->get($elementOrFieldset); } /** * Remove a named element or fieldset * * @return $this */ public function remove(string $elementOrFieldset) { if (! $this->has($elementOrFieldset)) { return $this; } $this->iterator->remove($elementOrFieldset); if (isset($this->fieldsets[$elementOrFieldset])) { unset($this->fieldsets[$elementOrFieldset]); return $this; } unset($this->elements[$elementOrFieldset]); return $this; } /** * Set/change the priority of an element or fieldset * * @return $this */ public function setPriority(string $elementOrFieldset, int $priority) { $this->iterator->setPriority($elementOrFieldset, $priority); return $this; } /** * Retrieve all attached elements * * Storage is an implementation detail of the concrete class. */ public function getElements(): array { return $this->elements; } /** * Retrieve all attached fieldsets * * Storage is an implementation detail of the concrete class. */ public function getFieldsets(): array { return $this->fieldsets; } /** * Set a hash of element names/messages to use when validation fails * * @return $this * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public function setMessages(iterable $messages) { foreach ($messages as $key => $messageSet) { if (! $this->has((string) $key)) { $this->messages[$key] = $messageSet; continue; } $element = $this->get((string) $key); $element->setMessages($messageSet); } return $this; } /** * Get validation error messages, if any * * Returns a hash of element names/messages for all elements failing * validation, or, if $elementName is provided, messages for that element * only. * * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public function getMessages(?string $elementName = null): array { if (null === $elementName) { $messages = $this->messages; foreach ($this->iterator as $name => $element) { $messageSet = $element->getMessages(); if ( empty($messageSet) || (! is_array($messageSet) && ! $messageSet instanceof Traversable) ) { continue; } $messages[$name] = $messageSet; } return $messages; } if (! $this->has($elementName)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Invalid element name "%s" provided to %s', $elementName, __METHOD__ )); } $element = $this->get($elementName); return $element->getMessages(); } /** * Ensures state is ready for use. Here, we append the name of the fieldsets to every elements in order to avoid * name clashes if the same fieldset is used multiple times */ public function prepareElement(FormInterface $form): void { $name = $this->getName(); foreach ($this->iterator as $elementOrFieldset) { $elementOrFieldset->setName($name . '[' . $elementOrFieldset->getName() . ']'); // Recursively prepare elements if ($elementOrFieldset instanceof ElementPrepareAwareInterface) { $elementOrFieldset->prepareElement($form); } } } /** * Recursively populate values of attached elements and fieldsets * * @param iterable $data * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public function populateValues(iterable $data): void { if ($data instanceof Traversable) { $data = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($data); } foreach ($this->iterator as $name => $elementOrFieldset) { $valueExists = array_key_exists($name, $data); if ($elementOrFieldset instanceof FieldsetInterface) { if ($valueExists && (is_array($data[$name]) || $data[$name] instanceof Traversable)) { $elementOrFieldset->populateValues($data[$name]); continue; } if ($elementOrFieldset instanceof Element\Collection) { if ($valueExists && null !== $data[$name]) { $elementOrFieldset->populateValues($data[$name]); continue; } /* This ensures that collections with allow_remove don't re-create child * elements if they all were removed */ $elementOrFieldset->populateValues([]); continue; } } if ($valueExists) { $elementOrFieldset->setValue($data[$name]); } } } /** * Countable: return count of attached elements/fieldsets */ public function count(): int { return $this->iterator->count(); } /** * IteratorAggregate: return internal iterator */ public function getIterator(): PriorityList { return $this->iterator; } /** * Set the object used by the hydrator * * @param object $object * @return $this * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public function setObject($object) { if (! is_object($object)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( '%s expects an object argument; received "%s"', __METHOD__, $object )); } $this->object = $object; return $this; } /** * Get the object used by the hydrator * * @return mixed */ public function getObject() { return $this->object; } /** * Set the class or interface of objects that can be bound to this fieldset. * * @param null|class-string $allowObjectBindingClass */ public function setAllowedObjectBindingClass(?string $allowObjectBindingClass): void { $this->allowedObjectBindingClass = $allowObjectBindingClass; } /** * Get The class or interface of objects that can be bound to this fieldset. * * @return null|class-string */ public function allowedObjectBindingClass(): ?string { return $this->allowedObjectBindingClass; } /** * Checks if the object can be set in this fieldset * * @param object|array $object */ public function allowObjectBinding($object): bool { $validBindingClass = false; $allowedObjectBindingClass = $this->allowedObjectBindingClass(); if (is_object($object) && $allowedObjectBindingClass !== null) { $objectClass = ltrim($allowedObjectBindingClass, '\\'); $reflection = new ReflectionClass($object); $validBindingClass = $reflection->getName() === $objectClass || $reflection->isSubclassOf($allowedObjectBindingClass); } return $validBindingClass || ($this->object && $object instanceof $this->object); } /** * Set the hydrator to use when binding an object to the element * * @return $this */ public function setHydrator(HydratorInterface $hydrator) { $this->hydrator = $hydrator; return $this; } /** * Set the hydrator by name to use when binding an object to the element. * * The form element manager {@see FormElementManager} is used via the * form factory {@see Factory} to fetch the hydrator. * * @throws Exception\DomainException If hydrator is not found in hydrator * manager or service manager. */ public function setHydratorByName(string $hydratorName): void { $this->setHydrator( $this->getFormFactory() ->getFormElementManager() ->getHydratorFromName($hydratorName) ); } /** * Get the hydrator used when binding an object to the fieldset * * If no hydrator is present and object implements HydratorAwareInterface, * hydrator will be retrieved from the object. * * Will lazy-load Hydrator\ArraySerializable if none is present. */ public function getHydrator(): HydratorInterface { if (! $this->hydrator instanceof HydratorInterface) { if ($this->object instanceof HydratorAwareInterface) { $hydrator = $this->object->getHydrator(); assert($hydrator !== null); $this->setHydrator($hydrator); } else { $this->setHydrator(new Hydrator\ArraySerializableHydrator()); } assert(null !== $this->hydrator); } return $this->hydrator; } /** * Checks if this fieldset can bind data */ public function allowValueBinding(): bool { return is_object($this->object); } /** * Bind values to the bound object * * @param array $values * @param array|null $validationGroup * @return mixed */ public function bindValues(array $values = [], ?array $validationGroup = null) { $objectData = $this->extract(); $hydrator = $this->getHydrator(); $hydratableData = []; foreach ($this->iterator as $name => $element) { if ( $validationGroup && (! array_key_exists($name, $validationGroup) && ! in_array($name, $validationGroup)) ) { continue; } if (! array_key_exists($name, $values)) { if (! $element instanceof Collection) { continue; } $values[$name] = []; } $value = $values[$name]; if ($element instanceof FieldsetInterface && $element->allowValueBinding()) { $value = $element->bindValues($value, empty($validationGroup[$name]) ? null : $validationGroup[$name]); } // skip post values for disabled elements, get old value from object if (! $element->getAttribute('disabled')) { $hydratableData[$name] = $value; } elseif (array_key_exists($name, $objectData)) { $hydratableData[$name] = $objectData[$name]; } } if (! empty($hydratableData) && $this->object) { $this->object = $hydrator->hydrate($hydratableData, $this->object); } return $this->object; } /** * Set if this fieldset is used as a base fieldset * * @return $this */ public function setUseAsBaseFieldset(bool $useAsBaseFieldset) { $this->useAsBaseFieldset = $useAsBaseFieldset; return $this; } /** * Is this fieldset use as a base fieldset for a form ? */ public function useAsBaseFieldset(): bool { return $this->useAsBaseFieldset; } /** * Extract values from the bound object * * @return array */ protected function extract(): array { if (! is_object($this->object)) { return []; } $values = $this->getHydrator()->extract($this->object); // Recursively extract and populate values for nested fieldsets foreach ($this->fieldsets as $fieldset) { $name = (string) $fieldset->getName(); if (isset($values[$name])) { $object = $values[$name]; if ($fieldset instanceof Fieldset && $fieldset->allowObjectBinding($object)) { $fieldset->setObject($object); $values[$name] = $fieldset->extract(); } } } return $values; } /** * Make a deep clone of a fieldset * * @return void */ public function __clone() { $items = $this->iterator->toArray(PriorityList::EXTR_BOTH); $this->elements = []; $this->fieldsets = []; $this->iterator = new PriorityList(); $this->iterator->isLIFO(false); foreach ($items as $name => $item) { $elementOrFieldset = clone $item['data']; $this->iterator->insert($name, $elementOrFieldset, $item['priority']); if ($elementOrFieldset instanceof FieldsetInterface) { $this->fieldsets[$name] = $elementOrFieldset; } elseif ($elementOrFieldset instanceof ElementInterface) { $this->elements[$name] = $elementOrFieldset; } } $this->iterator->rewind(); // Also make a deep copy of the object in case it's used within a collection if (is_object($this->object)) { $this->object = clone $this->object; } } }