// All rule-generating imports go here vs in etc/all.scss so that they will // cascade after the framework rules. This ensures that where the framework provides // a default icon, but also provides an iconCls to override it (for example tree icons) // the fa rules will override the framework ones (assuming specificity of fa rules is // the same or greater than the framework rules) @import "../etc/_animated.scss"; @import "../etc/_bordered-pulled.scss"; @import "../etc/_core.scss"; @import "../etc/_fixed-width.scss"; @import "../etc/_icons.scss"; @import "../etc/_larger.scss"; @import "../etc/_list.scss"; @import "../etc/_rotated-flipped.scss"; @import "../etc/_screen-reader.scss"; @import "../etc/_stacked.scss"; @import "../etc/fa-brands.scss"; @import "../etc/fa-regular.scss"; @import "../etc/fa-solid.scss"; // The "x-fa" class should be used in Ext JS applications instead // of "fa". The "fa" class sets some properties that may collide // with theme properties, whereas "x-fa" sets only the font-family. .#{$prefix}fa, .#{$prefix}fas { &:before { font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free' !important; } } .#{$prefix}far:before { font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free Regular' !important; } .#{$prefix}fab:before { font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Brands' !important; } // NOTE: _variables.scss is imported much earlier by ext/sass/etc/font-awesome-variables.scss