// Fixes a bug in IE 9 standards. When there is a row that is wider than the view, the horizontal scrollbar is triggered b/c overflow // is set to auto. The boundlist will then continue to grow vertically in size every time addCls is called when the rows are highlighted. // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5788726/add-remove-css-will-cause-ie9-to-increase-the-tables-height // http://blog.brianrichards.net/post/6721471926/ie9-hover-bug-workaround // // Note that without escaping the '%' this was not working, IE 9 was changing 0% to 0px. The backslash forced it to remain '0%'. @if $include-ie { .#{$prefix}ie9 .#{$prefix}boundlist-list-ct { min-height: 0\%; } }