.#{$prefix}dock { overflow: hidden; display: flex; flex: 1 1; position: relative; // ListSwiper may insert positioned elements as previous siblings of the dock wrapper // wrapper. Inheriting background-color prevents those elements from showing through background-color: inherit; .#{$prefix}ie11 & { // Allows align: stretch to align items to the height of the tallest item // in an auto-heighted hbox layout. // can't use flex-basis: auto everywhere because it breaks percentage-sized children // in chrome: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=680484 flex-basis: auto; } > .#{$prefix}component { flex-shrink: 0; } } .#{$prefix}dock-body { overflow: hidden; flex: 1 1; display: flex; flex-direction: column; // ListSwiper may insert positioned elements as previous siblings of the dock wrapper // wrapper. Inheriting background-color prevents those elements from showing through background-color: inherit; } .#{$prefix}dock-vertical { flex-direction: column; > .#{$prefix}component { width: auto; } } .#{$prefix}dock-horizontal > .#{$prefix}component { height: auto; }