/** * @class Ext.field.BoxLabelable */ /** * @var {color} * {@link #boxLabel} text color */ $field-box-label-color: dynamic($field-label-color); /** * @var {string/number} * {@link #boxLabel} font-weight */ $field-box-label-font-weight: dynamic($field-label-font-weight); /** * @var {number} * {@link #boxLabel} font-size */ $field-box-label-font-size: dynamic($field-label-font-size); /** * @var {number} * {@link #boxLabel} font-size in the {@link Global_CSS#$enable-big big} sizing scheme */ $field-box-label-font-size-big: dynamic($field-label-font-size-big); /** * @var {number} * {@link #boxLabel} line-height */ $field-box-label-line-height: dynamic($field-label-line-height); /** * @var {number} * {@link #boxLabel} line-height in the {@link Global_CSS#$enable-big big} sizing scheme */ $field-box-label-line-height-big: dynamic($field-label-line-height-big); /** * @var {string} * {@link #boxLabel} font-family */ $field-box-label-font-family: dynamic($field-label-font-family); /** * @var {number/list} * {@link #boxLabel} padding * The padding box will be flipped horizontally when {@link #boxLabelAlign} is `before` */ $field-box-label-padding: dynamic(top($field-label-padding) 0 bottom($field-label-padding) 4px); /** * @var {number/list} * {@link #boxLabel} padding in the {@link Global_CSS#$enable-big big} sizing scheme * The padding box will be flipped horizontally when {@link #boxLabelAlign} is `before` */ $field-box-label-padding-big: dynamic(top($field-label-padding-big) 0 bottom($field-label-padding-big) 5px); /** * @private */ @mixin box-label-ui( $box-label-color: null, $box-label-font-weight: null, $box-label-font-size: null, $box-label-font-size-big: null, $box-label-line-height: null, $box-label-line-height-big: null, $box-label-font-family: null, $box-label-padding: null, $box-label-padding-big: null ) { .#{$prefix}box-label-el { color: $box-label-color; padding: $box-label-padding; @include font( $box-label-font-weight, $box-label-font-size, $box-label-line-height, $box-label-font-family ); @if $enable-big { .#{$prefix}big & { font-size: $box-label-font-size-big; line-height: $box-label-line-height-big; padding: $box-label-padding-big; } } } &.#{$prefix}box-label-align-before .#{$prefix}box-label-el { padding: flip-horizontal($box-label-padding); @if $enable-big { .#{$prefix}big & { padding: flip-horizontal($box-label-padding-big); } } } }