_insertid; } function _affectedrows() { return $this->_affectedrows; } function MetaDatabases() { return false; } // returns true or false function _connect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename) { if (strtolower(substr($argHostname,0,7)) !== 'http://') return false; $this->_url = $argHostname; return true; } // returns true or false function _pconnect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename) { if (strtolower(substr($argHostname,0,7)) !== 'http://') return false; $this->_url = $argHostname; return true; } function MetaColumns($table, $normalize=true) { return false; } // parameters use PostgreSQL convention, not MySQL function SelectLimit($sql, $nrows = -1, $offset = -1, $inputarr = false, $secs2cache = 0) { global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $nrows = (int) $nrows; $offset = (int) $offset; $url = $this->_url.'?sql='.urlencode($sql)."&nrows=$nrows&fetch=". (($this->fetchMode !== false)?$this->fetchMode : $ADODB_FETCH_MODE). "&offset=$offset"; $err = false; $rs = csv2rs($url,$err,false); if ($this->debug) print "$url
"; $at = strpos($err,'::::'); if ($at === false) { $this->_errorMsg = $err; $this->_errorNo = (integer)$err; } else { $this->_errorMsg = substr($err,$at+4,1024); $this->_errorNo = -9999; } if ($this->_errorNo) if ($fn = $this->raiseErrorFn) { $fn($this->databaseType,'EXECUTE',$this->ErrorNo(),$this->ErrorMsg(),$sql,''); } if (is_object($rs)) { $rs->databaseType='csv'; $rs->fetchMode = ($this->fetchMode !== false) ? $this->fetchMode : $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $rs->connection = $this; } return $rs; } // returns queryID or false function _Execute($sql,$inputarr=false) { global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; if (!$this->_bindInputArray && $inputarr) { $sqlarr = explode('?',$sql); $sql = ''; $i = 0; foreach($inputarr as $v) { $sql .= $sqlarr[$i]; if (gettype($v) == 'string') $sql .= $this->qstr($v); else if ($v === null) $sql .= 'NULL'; else $sql .= $v; $i += 1; } $sql .= $sqlarr[$i]; if ($i+1 != sizeof($sqlarr)) print "Input Array does not match ?: ".htmlspecialchars($sql); $inputarr = false; } $url = $this->_url.'?sql='.urlencode($sql)."&fetch=". (($this->fetchMode !== false)?$this->fetchMode : $ADODB_FETCH_MODE); $err = false; $rs = csv2rs($url,$err,false); if ($this->debug) print urldecode($url)."
"; $at = strpos($err,'::::'); if ($at === false) { $this->_errorMsg = $err; $this->_errorNo = (integer)$err; } else { $this->_errorMsg = substr($err,$at+4,1024); $this->_errorNo = -9999; } if ($this->_errorNo) if ($fn = $this->raiseErrorFn) { $fn($this->databaseType,'EXECUTE',$this->ErrorNo(),$this->ErrorMsg(),$sql,$inputarr); } if (is_object($rs)) { $rs->fetchMode = ($this->fetchMode !== false) ? $this->fetchMode : $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $this->_affectedrows = $rs->affectedrows; $this->_insertid = $rs->insertid; $rs->databaseType='csv'; $rs->connection = $this; } return $rs; } /* Returns: the last error message from previous database operation */ function ErrorMsg() { return $this->_errorMsg; } /* Returns: the last error number from previous database operation */ function ErrorNo() { return $this->_errorNo; } // returns true or false function _close() { return true; } } // class class ADORecordset_csv extends ADORecordset { function _close() { return true; } } } // define