toArray(); } else if (!is_array($options)) { $options = func_get_args(); $temp = array(); if (!empty($options)) { $temp['encoding'] = array_shift($options); } $options = $temp; } if (!array_key_exists('encoding', $options) && function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) { $options['encoding'] = mb_internal_encoding(); } if (array_key_exists('encoding', $options)) { $this->setEncoding($options['encoding']); } } /** * Returns the set encoding * * @return string */ public function getEncoding() { return $this->_encoding; } /** * Set the input encoding for the given string * * @param string $encoding * @return Zend_Filter_StringToLower Provides a fluent interface * @throws Zend_Filter_Exception */ public function setEncoding($encoding = null) { if ($encoding !== null) { if (!function_exists('mb_strtolower')) { require_once 'Zend/Filter/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Filter_Exception('mbstring is required for this feature'); } $encoding = (string) $encoding; if (!in_array(strtolower($encoding), array_map('strtolower', mb_list_encodings()))) { require_once 'Zend/Filter/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Filter_Exception("The given encoding '$encoding' is not supported by mbstring"); } } $this->_encoding = $encoding; return $this; } /** * Defined by Zend_Filter_Interface * * Returns the string $value, converting characters to lowercase as necessary * * @param string $value * @return string */ public function filter($value) { if ($this->_encoding !== null) { return mb_strtolower((string) $value, $this->_encoding); } return strtolower((string) $value); } }