_restoreFromArray($userAgent); } else { // Constructing new object $this->setUserAgent($userAgent); $this->_server = $server; $this->_config = $config; $this->_getDefaultFeatures(); $this->_defineFeatures(); } } /** * Serialize object * * @return string */ public function serialize() { $spec = array( '_aFeatures' => $this->_aFeatures, '_aGroup' => $this->_aGroup, '_browser' => $this->_browser, '_browserVersion' => $this->_browserVersion, '_userAgent' => $this->_userAgent, '_images' => $this->_images, ); return serialize($spec); } /** * Unserialize * * @param string $serialized * @return void */ public function unserialize($serialized) { $spec = unserialize($serialized); $this->_restoreFromArray($spec); } /** * Restore object state from array * * @param array $spec * @return void */ protected function _restoreFromArray(array $spec) { foreach ($spec as $key => $value) { if (property_exists($this, $key)) { $this->{$key} = $value; } } } /** * Look for features * * @return array|null */ protected function _defineFeatures() { $features = $this->_loadFeaturesAdapter(); if (is_array($features)) { $this->_aFeatures = array_merge($this->_aFeatures, $features); } return $this->_aFeatures; } /** * Gets the browser type identifier * * @return string */ abstract public function getType(); /** * Check a feature for the current browser/device. * * @param string $feature The feature to check. * @return bool */ public function hasFeature($feature) { return (isset($this->_aFeatures[$feature]) && !is_null($this->_aFeatures[$feature])); } /** * Gets the value of the current browser/device feature * * @param string $feature Feature to search * @return string|null */ public function getFeature($feature) { if ($this->hasFeature($feature)) { return $this->_aFeatures[$feature]; } } /** * Set a feature for the current browser/device. * * @param string $feature The feature to set. * @param string $value (option) feature value. * @param string $group (option) Group to associate with the feature * @return Zend_Http_UserAgent_AbstractDevice */ public function setFeature($feature, $value = false, $group = '') { $this->_aFeatures[$feature] = $value; if (!empty($group)) { $this->setGroup($group, $feature); } return $this; } /** * Affects a feature to a group * * @param string $group Group name * @param string $feature Feature name * @return Zend_Http_UserAgent_AbstractDevice */ public function setGroup($group, $feature) { if (!isset($this->_aGroup[$group])) { $this->_aGroup[$group] = array(); } if (!in_array($feature, $this->_aGroup[$group])) { $this->_aGroup[$group][] = $feature; } return $this; } /** * Gets an array of features associated to a group * * @param string $group Group param * @return array */ public function getGroup($group) { return $this->_aGroup[$group]; } /** * Gets all the browser/device features * * @return array */ public function getAllFeatures() { return $this->_aFeatures; } /** * Gets all the browser/device features' groups * * @return array */ public function getAllGroups() { return $this->_aGroup; } /** * Sets all the standard features extracted from the User Agent chain and $this->_server * vars * * @return void */ protected function _getDefaultFeatures() { $server = array(); // gets info from user agent chain $uaExtract = $this->extractFromUserAgent($this->getUserAgent()); if (is_array($uaExtract)) { foreach ($uaExtract as $key => $info) { $this->setFeature($key, $info, 'product_info'); } } if (isset($uaExtract['browser_name'])) { $this->_browser = $uaExtract['browser_name']; } if (isset($uaExtract['browser_version'])) { $this->_browserVersion = $uaExtract['browser_version']; } if (isset($uaExtract['device_os'])) { $this->device_os = $uaExtract['device_os_name']; } /* browser & device info */ $this->setFeature('is_wireless_device', false, 'product_info'); $this->setFeature('is_mobile', false, 'product_info'); $this->setFeature('is_desktop', false, 'product_info'); $this->setFeature('is_tablet', false, 'product_info'); $this->setFeature('is_bot', false, 'product_info'); $this->setFeature('is_email', false, 'product_info'); $this->setFeature('is_text', false, 'product_info'); $this->setFeature('device_claims_web_support', false, 'product_info'); $this->setFeature('is_' . strtolower($this->getType()), true, 'product_info'); /* sets the browser name */ if (isset($this->list) && empty($this->_browser)) { $lowerUserAgent = strtolower($this->getUserAgent()); foreach ($this->list as $browser_signature) { if (strpos($lowerUserAgent, $browser_signature) !== false) { $this->_browser = strtolower($browser_signature); $this->setFeature('browser_name', $this->_browser, 'product_info'); } } } /* sets the client IP */ if (isset($this->_server['remote_addr'])) { $this->setFeature('client_ip', $this->_server['remote_addr'], 'product_info'); } elseif (isset($this->_server['http_x_forwarded_for'])) { $this->setFeature('client_ip', $this->_server['http_x_forwarded_for'], 'product_info'); } elseif (isset($this->_server['http_client_ip'])) { $this->setFeature('client_ip', $this->_server['http_client_ip'], 'product_info'); } /* sets the server infos */ if (isset($this->_server['server_software'])) { if (strpos($this->_server['server_software'], 'Apache') !== false || strpos($this->_server['server_software'], 'LiteSpeed') !== false) { $server['version'] = 1; if (strpos($this->_server['server_software'], 'Apache/2') !== false) { $server['version'] = 2; } $server['server'] = 'apache'; } if (strpos($this->_server['server_software'], 'Microsoft-IIS') !== false) { $server['server'] = 'iis'; } if (strpos($this->_server['server_software'], 'Unix') !== false) { $server['os'] = 'unix'; if (isset($_ENV['MACHTYPE'])) { if (strpos($_ENV['MACHTYPE'], 'linux') !== false) { $server['os'] = 'linux'; } } } elseif (strpos($this->_server['server_software'], 'Win') !== false) { $server['os'] = 'windows'; } if (preg_match('/Apache\/([0-9\.]*)/', $this->_server['server_software'], $arr)) { if ($arr[1]) { $server['version'] = $arr[1]; $server['server'] = 'apache'; } } } $this->setFeature('php_version', phpversion(), 'server_info'); if (isset($server['server'])) { $this->setFeature('server_os', $server['server'], 'server_info'); } if (isset($server['version'])) { $this->setFeature('server_os_version', $server['version'], 'server_info'); } if (isset($this->_server['http_accept'])) { $this->setFeature('server_http_accept', $this->_server['http_accept'], 'server_info'); } if (isset($this->_server['http_accept_language'])) { $this->setFeature('server_http_accept_language', $this->_server['http_accept_language'], 'server_info'); } if (isset($this->_server['server_addr'])) { $this->setFeature('server_ip', $this->_server['server_addr'], 'server_info'); } if (isset($this->_server['server_name'])) { $this->setFeature('server_name', $this->_server['server_name'], 'server_info'); } } /** * Extract and sets informations from the User Agent chain * * @param string $userAgent User Agent chain * @return array */ public static function extractFromUserAgent($userAgent) { $userAgent = trim($userAgent); /** * @see http://www.texsoft.it/index.php?c=software&m=sw.php.useragent&l=it */ $pattern = "(([^/\s]*)(/(\S*))?)(\s*\[[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]\])?\s*(\\((([^()]|(\\([^()]*\\)))*)\\))?\s*"; preg_match("#^$pattern#", $userAgent, $match); $comment = array(); if (isset($match[7])) { $comment = explode(';', $match[7]); } // second part if exists $end = substr($userAgent, strlen($match[0])); if (!empty($end)) { $result['others']['full'] = $end; } $match2 = array(); if (isset($result['others'])) { preg_match_all('/(([^\/\s]*)(\/)?([^\/\(\)\s]*)?)(\s\((([^\)]*)*)\))?/i', $result['others']['full'], $match2); } $result['user_agent'] = trim($match[1]); $result['product_name'] = isset($match[2]) ? trim($match[2]) : ''; $result['browser_name'] = $result['product_name']; if (isset($match[4]) && trim($match[4])) { $result['product_version'] = trim($match[4]); $result['browser_version'] = trim($match[4]); } if (count($comment) && !empty($comment[0])) { $result['comment']['full'] = trim($match[7]); $result['comment']['detail'] = $comment; $result['compatibility_flag'] = trim($comment[0]); if (isset($comment[1])) { $result['browser_token'] = trim($comment[1]); } if (isset($comment[2])) { $result['device_os_token'] = trim($comment[2]); } } if (empty($result['device_os_token']) && !empty($result['compatibility_flag'])) { // some browsers do not have a platform token $result['device_os_token'] = $result['compatibility_flag']; } if ($match2) { $i = 0; $max = count($match2[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i ++) { if (!empty($match2[0][$i])) { $result['others']['detail'][] = array( $match2[0][$i], $match2[2][$i], $match2[4][$i], ); } } } /** Security level */ $security = array( 'N' => 'no security', 'U' => 'strong security', 'I' => 'weak security', ); if (!empty($result['browser_token'])) { if (isset($security[$result['browser_token']])) { $result['security_level'] = $security[$result['browser_token']]; unset($result['browser_token']); } } $product = strtolower($result['browser_name']); // Mozilla : true && false $compatibleOrIe = false; if (isset($result['compatibility_flag']) && isset($result['comment'])) { $compatibleOrIe = ($result['compatibility_flag'] == 'compatible' || strpos($result['comment']['full'], "MSIE") !== false); } if ($product == 'mozilla' && $compatibleOrIe) { if (!empty($result['browser_token'])) { // Classic Mozilla chain preg_match_all('/([^\/\s].*)(\/|\s)(.*)/i', $result['browser_token'], $real); } else { // MSIE specific chain with 'Windows' compatibility flag foreach ($result['comment']['detail'] as $v) { if (strpos($v, 'MSIE') !== false) { $real[0][1] = trim($v); $result['browser_engine'] = "MSIE"; $real[1][0] = "Internet Explorer"; $temp = explode(' ', trim($v)); $real[3][0] = $temp[1]; } if (strpos($v, 'Win') !== false) { $result['device_os_token'] = trim($v); } } } if (!empty($real[0])) { $result['browser_name'] = $real[1][0]; $result['browser_version'] = $real[3][0]; } else { if(isset($result['browser_token'])) { $result['browser_name'] = $result['browser_token']; } $result['browser_version'] = '??'; } } elseif ($product == 'mozilla' && isset($result['browser_version']) && $result['browser_version'] < 5.0 ) { // handles the real Mozilla (or old Netscape if version < 5.0) $result['browser_name'] = 'Netscape'; } /** windows */ if ($result['browser_name'] == 'MSIE') { $result['browser_engine'] = 'MSIE'; $result['browser_name'] = 'Internet Explorer'; } if (isset($result['device_os_token'])) { if (strpos($result['device_os_token'], 'Win') !== false) { $windows = array( 'Windows NT 6.1' => 'Windows 7', 'Windows NT 6.0' => 'Windows Vista', 'Windows NT 5.2' => 'Windows Server 2003', 'Windows NT 5.1' => 'Windows XP', 'Windows NT 5.01' => 'Windows 2000 SP1', 'Windows NT 5.0' => 'Windows 2000', 'Windows NT 4.0' => 'Microsoft Windows NT 4.0', 'WinNT' => 'Microsoft Windows NT 4.0', 'Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90' => 'Windows Me', 'Windows 98' => 'Windows 98', 'Win98' => 'Windows 98', 'Windows 95' => 'Windows 95', 'Win95' => 'Windows 95', 'Windows CE' => 'Windows CE', ); if (isset($windows[$result['device_os_token']])) { $result['device_os_name'] = $windows[$result['device_os_token']]; } else { $result['device_os_name'] = $result['device_os_token']; } } } // iphone $apple_device = array( 'iPhone', 'iPod', 'iPad', ); if (isset($result['compatibility_flag'])) { if (in_array($result['compatibility_flag'], $apple_device)) { $result['device'] = strtolower($result['compatibility_flag']); $result['device_os_token'] = 'iPhone OS'; if (isset($comment[3])) { $result['browser_language'] = trim($comment[3]); } if (isset($result['others']['detail'][1])) { $result['browser_version'] = $result['others']['detail'][1][2]; } elseif (isset($result['others']['detail']) && count($result['others']['detail'])) { $result['browser_version'] = $result['others']['detail'][0][2]; } if (!empty($result['others']['detail'][2])) { $result['firmware'] = $result['others']['detail'][2][2]; } if (!empty($result['others']['detail'][3])) { $result['browser_name'] = $result['others']['detail'][3][1]; $result['browser_build'] = $result['others']['detail'][3][2]; } } } // Safari if (isset($result['others'])) { if ($result['others']['detail'][0][1] == 'AppleWebKit') { $result['browser_engine'] = 'AppleWebKit'; if (isset($result['others']['detail'][1]) && $result['others']['detail'][1][1] == 'Version') { $result['browser_version'] = $result['others']['detail'][1][2]; } else { $result['browser_version'] = $result['others']['detail'][count($result['others']['detail']) - 1][2]; } if (isset($comment[3])) { $result['browser_language'] = trim($comment[3]); } $last = $result['others']['detail'][count($result['others']['detail']) - 1][1]; if (empty($result['others']['detail'][2][1]) || $result['others']['detail'][2][1] == 'Safari') { if (isset($result['others']['detail'][1])) { $result['browser_name'] = ($result['others']['detail'][1][1] && $result['others']['detail'][1][1] != 'Version' ? $result['others']['detail'][1][1] : 'Safari'); $result['browser_version'] = ($result['others']['detail'][1][2] ? $result['others']['detail'][1][2] : $result['others']['detail'][0][2]); } else { $result['browser_name'] = ($result['others']['detail'][0][1] && $result['others']['detail'][0][1] != 'Version' ? $result['others']['detail'][0][1] : 'Safari'); $result['browser_version'] = $result['others']['detail'][0][2]; } } else { $result['browser_name'] = $result['others']['detail'][2][1]; $result['browser_version'] = $result['others']['detail'][2][2]; // mobile version if ($result['browser_name'] == 'Mobile') { $result['browser_name'] = 'Safari ' . $result['browser_name']; if ($result['others']['detail'][1][1] == 'Version') { $result['browser_version'] = $result['others']['detail'][1][2]; } } } // For Safari < 2.2, AppleWebKit version gives the Safari version if (strpos($result['browser_version'], '.') > 2 || (int) $result['browser_version'] > 20) { $temp = explode('.', $result['browser_version']); $build = (int) $temp[0]; $awkVersion = array( 48 => '0.8', 73 => '0.9', 85 => '1.0', 103 => '1.1', 124 => '1.2', 300 => '1.3', 400 => '2.0', ); foreach ($awkVersion as $k => $v) { if ($build >= $k) { $result['browser_version'] = $v; } } } } // Gecko (Firefox or compatible) if ($result['others']['detail'][0][1] == 'Gecko') { $searchRV = true; if (!empty($result['others']['detail'][1][1]) && !empty($result['others']['detail'][count($result['others']['detail']) - 1][2]) || strpos(strtolower($result['others']['full']), 'opera') !== false) { $searchRV = false; $result['browser_engine'] = $result['others']['detail'][0][1]; // the name of the application is at the end indepenently // of quantity of information in $result['others']['detail'] $last = count($result['others']['detail']) - 1; // exception : if the version of the last information is // empty we take the previous one if (empty($result['others']['detail'][$last][2])) { $last --; } // exception : if the last one is 'Red Hat' or 'Debian' => // use rv: to find browser_version */ if (in_array($result['others']['detail'][$last][1], array( 'Debian', 'Hat', ))) { $searchRV = true; } $result['browser_name'] = $result['others']['detail'][$last][1]; $result['browser_version'] = $result['others']['detail'][$last][2]; if (isset($comment[4])) { $result['browser_build'] = trim($comment[4]); } if (isset($comment[3])) { $result['browser_language'] = trim($comment[3]); } // Netscape if ($result['browser_name'] == 'Navigator' || $result['browser_name'] == 'Netscape6') { $result['browser_name'] = 'Netscape'; } } if ($searchRV) { // Mozilla alone : the version is identified by rv: $result['browser_name'] = 'Mozilla'; if (isset($result['comment']['detail'])) { foreach ($result['comment']['detail'] as $rv) { if (strpos($rv, 'rv:') !== false) { $result['browser_version'] = trim(str_replace('rv:', '', $rv)); } } } } } // Netscape if ($result['others']['detail'][0][1] == 'Netscape') { $result['browser_name'] = 'Netscape'; $result['browser_version'] = $result['others']['detail'][0][2]; } // Opera // Opera: engine Presto if ($result['others']['detail'][0][1] == 'Presto') { $result['browser_engine'] = 'Presto'; if (!empty($result['others']['detail'][1][2])) { $result['browser_version'] = $result['others']['detail'][1][2]; } } // UA ends with 'Opera X.XX' or 'Opera/X.XX' if ($result['others']['detail'][0][1] == 'Opera') { $result['browser_name'] = $result['others']['detail'][0][1]; // Opera X.XX if (isset($result['others']['detail'][1][1])) { $result['browser_version'] = $result['others']['detail'][1][1]; // Opera/X.XX } elseif (isset($result['others']['detail'][0][2])) { $result['browser_version'] = $result['others']['detail'][0][2]; } } // Opera Mini if (isset($result["browser_token"])) { if (strpos($result["browser_token"], 'Opera Mini') !== false) { $result['browser_name'] = 'Opera Mini'; } } // Symbian if ($result['others']['detail'][0][1] == 'SymbianOS') { $result['device_os_token'] = 'SymbianOS'; } } // UA ends with 'Opera X.XX' if (isset($result['browser_name']) && isset($result['browser_engine'])) { if ($result['browser_name'] == 'Opera' && $result['browser_engine'] == 'Gecko' && empty($result['browser_version'])) { $result['browser_version'] = $result['others']['detail'][count($result['others']['detail']) - 1][1]; } } // cleanup if (isset($result['browser_version']) && isset($result['browser_build'])) { if ($result['browser_version'] == $result['browser_build']) { unset($result['browser_build']); } } // compatibility $compatibility['AppleWebKit'] = 'Safari'; $compatibility['Gecko'] = 'Firefox'; $compatibility['MSIE'] = 'Internet Explorer'; $compatibility['Presto'] = 'Opera'; if (!empty($result['browser_engine'])) { if (isset($compatibility[$result['browser_engine']])) { $result['browser_compatibility'] = $compatibility[$result['browser_engine']]; } } ksort($result); return $result; } /** * Loads the Features Adapter if it's defined in the $config array * Otherwise, nothing is done * * @param string $browserType Browser type * @return array */ protected function _loadFeaturesAdapter() { $config = $this->_config; $browserType = $this->getType(); if (!isset($config[$browserType]) || !isset($config[$browserType]['features'])) { return array(); } $config = $config[$browserType]['features']; if (empty($config['classname'])) { require_once 'Zend/Http/UserAgent/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Http_UserAgent_Exception('The ' . $this->getType() . ' features adapter must have a "classname" config parameter defined'); } $className = $config['classname']; if (!class_exists($className)) { if (isset($config['path'])) { $path = $config['path']; } else { require_once 'Zend/Http/UserAgent/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Http_UserAgent_Exception('The ' . $this->getType() . ' features adapter must have a "path" config parameter defined'); } if (false === include_once ($path)) { require_once 'Zend/Http/UserAgent/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Http_UserAgent_Exception('The ' . $this->getType() . ' features adapter path that does not exist'); } } return call_user_func(array($className, 'getFromRequest'), $this->_server, $this->_config); } /** * Retrieve image format support * * @return array */ public function getImageFormatSupport() { return $this->_images; } /** * Get maximum image height supported by this device * * @return int */ public function getMaxImageHeight() { return null; } /** * Get maximum image width supported by this device * * @return int */ public function getMaxImageWidth() { return null; } /** * Get physical screen height of this device * * @return int */ public function getPhysicalScreenHeight() { return null; } /** * Get physical screen width of this device * * @return int */ public function getPhysicalScreenWidth() { return null; } /** * Get preferred markup type * * @return string */ public function getPreferredMarkup() { return 'xhtml'; } /** * Get supported X/HTML version * * @return int */ public function getXhtmlSupportLevel() { return 4; } /** * Does the device support Flash? * * @return bool */ public function hasFlashSupport() { return true; } /** * Does the device support PDF? * * @return bool */ public function hasPdfSupport() { return true; } /** * Does the device have a phone number associated with it? * * @return bool */ public function hasPhoneNumber() { return false; } /** * Does the device support HTTPS? * * @return bool */ public function httpsSupport() { return true; } /** * Get the browser type * * @return string */ public function getBrowser() { return $this->_browser; } /** * Get the browser version * * @return string */ public function getBrowserVersion() { return $this->_browserVersion; } /** * Get the user agent string * * @return string */ public function getUserAgent() { return $this->_userAgent; } /** * @return the $_images */ public function getImages() { return $this->_images; } /** * @param string $browser */ public function setBrowser($browser) { $this->_browser = $browser; } /** * @param string $browserVersion */ public function setBrowserVersion($browserVersion) { $this->_browserVersion = $browserVersion; } /** * @param string $userAgent */ public function setUserAgent($userAgent) { $this->_userAgent = $userAgent; return $this; } /** * @param array $_images */ public function setImages($_images) { $this->_images = $_images; } /** * Match a user agent string against a list of signatures * * @param string $userAgent * @param array $signatures * @return bool */ protected static function _matchAgentAgainstSignatures($userAgent, $signatures) { $userAgent = strtolower($userAgent); foreach ($signatures as $signature) { if (!empty($signature)) { if (strpos($userAgent, $signature) !== false) { // Browser signature was found in user agent string return true; } } } return false; } }