#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright 2001-2014, Paul Johnson (paul@pjcj.net) # This software is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. # The latest version of this software should be available from my homepage: # http://www.pjcj.net require 5.6.1; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '1.15'; # VERSION use Devel::Cover::DB; use Config; use File::Spec; use File::Find (); use File::Path; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Devel::Cover::Dumper; # For debugging use Data::Dumper (); # no import of Dumper (use Devel::Cover::Dumper if needed) my $Options = { add_uncoverable_point => [], annotation => [], coverage => [], delete => undef, delete_uncoverable_point => [], gcov => $Config{gccversion}, ignore => [], ignore_re => [], launch => 0, make => $Config{make}, report => "", report_c0 => 75, report_c1 => 90, report_c2 => 100, select => [], select_re => [], summary => 1, uncoverable_file => [".uncoverable", glob("~/.uncoverable")], }; sub get_options { Getopt::Long::Configure("pass_through"); die "Bad option" unless GetOptions($Options, # Store the options in the Options hash. "write:s" => sub { @$Options{qw( write summary )} = ($_[1], 0) }, qw( add_uncoverable_point=s annotation=s clean_uncoverable_points! coverage=s delete! delete_uncoverable_point=s dump_db! gcov! help|h! ignore_re=s ignore=s info|i! launch! make=s outputdir=s report_c0=s report_c1=s report_c2=s report=s select_re=s select=s silent! summary! test! uncoverable_file=s version|v! )); Getopt::Long::Configure("nopass_through"); $Options->{report} ||= "html" unless exists $Options->{write}; # handle comma seperated ops, like -coverage branch,statement # also accept them in the same format they're output my %coverage_abbrev = ( stmt => "statement", bran => "branch", cond => "condition", sub => "subroutine", ); my %coverage_allowed = map {$_ => 1} values %coverage_abbrev, "time", "pod"; # expanding 'default' to all available @{$Options->{coverage}} = map { $_ eq "default" ? (keys %coverage_allowed) : $_ } split(/,/, join(",", @{$Options->{coverage}})); # delete exclusions from that list for my $exclusion (grep /^-/, @{$Options->{coverage}}) { $exclusion = substr($exclusion, 1); # chop off leading - $Options->{coverage} = [grep $_ ne $exclusion, @{$Options->{coverage}}]; } my %options_coverage = map {$_ => 1} @{$Options->{coverage}}; while (my ($abbr, $full) = each %coverage_abbrev) { $options_coverage{$full} = delete $options_coverage{$abbr} if $options_coverage{$abbr}; } @{$Options->{coverage}} = keys %options_coverage; # generating data may take time, so bail now if options are wrong for my $cov (@{$Options->{coverage}}) { die "Unrecognised -coverage: $cov" unless $coverage_allowed{$cov}; } } sub delete_db { for my $del (@_) { my $db = Devel::Cover::DB->new(db => $del); unless ($db->is_valid) { print "Devel::Cover: $del is an invalid database - ignoring\n" unless $Options->{silent}; next; } print "Deleting database $del\n" if $db->exists && !$Options->{silent}; $db->delete; rmtree($del); } } # Decide whether to run ./Build test or make test sub test_command { -e "Build" ? mb_test_command() : mm_test_command() } # Compiler arguments necessary to do a coverage run sub gcov_args() { "-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage" } # Test command for MakeMaker sub mm_test_command { my $test = "$Options->{make} test"; if ($Options->{gcov}) { my $o = gcov_args(); $test .= qq{ "OPTIMIZE=-O0 $o" "OTHERLDFLAGS=$o"}; } $test } # Test command for Module::Build sub mb_test_command { my $test = "./Build test"; if ($Options->{gcov}) { my $o = gcov_args(); $test .= qq{ "--extra_compiler_flags=-O0 $o" "--extra_linker_flags=$o"}; } $test } sub main { $|++; # try to impose order on STDOUT and STDERR if (!$ENV{DEVEL_COVER_SELF} && $INC{"Devel/Cover.pm"}) { my $err = "$0 shouldn't be run with coverage turned on.\n"; eval { require POSIX; print STDERR $err; POSIX::_exit(1); }; die $err; } get_options; $Devel::Cover::Silent = 1 if $Options->{silent}; my $format = "Devel::Cover::Report::\u$Options->{report}"; if (length $Options->{report}) { eval ("use $format"); if ($@) { print "Error: $Options->{report} ", "is not a recognised output format\n\n$@"; exit 1; } } $format->get_options($Options) if $format->can("get_options"); $Options->{annotations} = []; for my $a (@{$Options->{annotation}}) { my $annotation = "Devel::Cover::Annotation::\u$a"; eval ("use $annotation"); if ($@) { print "Error: $a is not a recognised annotation\n\n$@"; exit 1; } my $ann = $annotation->new; $ann->get_options($Options) if $ann->can("get_options"); push @{$Options->{annotations}}, $ann; } print "$0 version " . __PACKAGE__->VERSION . "\n" and exit 0 if $Options->{version}; pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 1) if $Options->{help}; pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 2) if $Options->{info}; my $dbname = File::Spec->rel2abs(@ARGV ? shift @ARGV : "cover_db"); die "Can't open database $dbname\n" if !$Options->{delete} && !$Options->{test} && !-d $dbname; $Options->{outputdir} = $dbname unless exists $Options->{outputdir}; my $od = File::Spec->rel2abs($Options->{outputdir}); $Options->{outputdir} = $od if defined $od; mkpath($Options->{outputdir}) unless -d $Options->{outputdir}; if ($Options->{delete}) { delete_db($dbname, @ARGV); exit 0 } my $test_result = 0; if ($Options->{test}) { # TODO - make this a little robust # system "$^X Makefile.PL" unless -e "Makefile"; delete_db($dbname, @ARGV) unless defined $Options->{delete}; my $env_db_name = $dbname; $env_db_name =~ s/\\/\\\\/g if $^O eq 'MSWin32'; $env_db_name =~ s/ /\\ /g; my $extra = ""; $extra .= ",-coverage,$_" for @{$Options->{coverage}}; $extra .= ",-ignore,$_" for @{$Options->{ignore_re}}, map quotemeta glob, @{$Options->{ignore}}; $extra .= ",-select,$_" for @{$Options->{select_re}}, map quotemeta glob, @{$Options->{select}}; $Options->{$_} = [] for qw( ignore ignoring select select_re ); local $ENV{ -d "t" ? "HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES" : "PERL5OPT" } = ($ENV{DEVEL_COVER_TEST_OPTS} || "") . " -MDevel::Cover=-db,$env_db_name$extra"; my $test = test_command(); # touch the XS, C and H files so they rebuild if ($Options->{gcov}) { my $t = $] > 5.7 ? undef : time; my $xs = sub { utime $t, $t, $_ if /\.(xs|cc?|hh?)$/ }; File::Find::find({ wanted => $xs, no_chdir => 0 }, "."); } # print STDERR "$_: $ENV{$_}\n" for qw(PERL5OPT HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES); print STDERR "cover: running $test\n"; $test_result = system $test; $test_result >>= 8; $Options->{report} ||= "html"; } if ($Options->{gcov}) { my $gc = sub { return unless /\.(xs|cc?|hh?)$/; for my $re (@{$Options->{ignore_re}}) { return if /$re/; } my ($name) = /([^\/]+$)/; # Don't bother running gcov if there's no index files. # Otherwise it's noisy. my $graph_file = $_; $graph_file =~ s{\.\w+$}{.gcno}; return unless -e $graph_file; my @c = ("gcov", "-abc", "-o", $File::Find::dir, $name); print STDERR "cover: running @c\n"; system @c; }; File::Find::find({ wanted => $gc, no_chdir => 1 }, "."); my @gc; my $gp = sub { return unless /\.gcov$/; my $xs = $_; return if $xs =~ s/\.(cc?|hh?)\.gcov$/.xs.gcov/ && -e $xs; s/^\.\///; push @gc, $_; }; File::Find::find({ wanted => $gp, no_chdir => 1 }, "."); if (@gc) { # Find the right gcov2perl based on this current script. require Cwd; my $path = Cwd::abs_path($0); my ($vol, $dir, $cover) = File::Spec->splitpath($path); my $gcov2perl = File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, 'gcov2perl'); my @c = ($^X, $gcov2perl, "-db", $dbname, @gc); print STDERR "cover: running @c\n"; system @c; } } print "Reading database from $dbname\n" unless $Options->{silent}; my $db = Devel::Cover::DB->new( db => $dbname, uncoverable_file => $Options->{uncoverable_file}, ); $db = $db->merge_runs; $db->add_uncoverable ($Options->{add_uncoverable_point} ); $db->delete_uncoverable ($Options->{delete_uncoverable_point}); $db->clean_uncoverable if $Options->{clean_uncoverable_points} ; exit $test_result if @{$Options->{add_uncoverable_point}} || @{$Options->{delete_uncoverable_point}} || $Options->{clean_uncoverable_points}; my $structure; my $read_structure = sub { unless ($structure) { $structure = Devel::Cover::DB::Structure->new(base => $dbname); $structure->read_all; } }; for my $merge (@ARGV) { $read_structure->(); print "Merging database from $merge\n" unless $Options->{silent}; my $mdb = Devel::Cover::DB->new(db => $merge); $mdb = $mdb->merge_runs; $db->merge($mdb); my $mst = Devel::Cover::DB::Structure->new(base => $merge); $mst->read_all; # print STDERR "Merging structure", Dumper($structure), # "From ", Dumper($mst); $structure->merge($mst); # print STDERR "Merged structure", Dumper($structure); } if ($Options->{dump_db}) { my $d = Data::Dumper->new([$db], ["db"]); $d->Indent(1); $d->Sortkeys(1) if $] >= 5.008; print $d->Dump; $read_structure->(); my $s = Data::Dumper->new([$structure], ["structure"]); $s->Indent(1); $s->Sortkeys(1) if $] >= 5.008; print $s->Dump; exit $test_result; } if (exists $Options->{write}) { $dbname = $Options->{write} if length $Options->{write}; print "Writing database to $dbname\n" unless $Options->{silent}; $db->write($dbname); $read_structure->(); $structure->write($dbname); } exit $test_result unless $Options->{summary} || $Options->{report}; $Options->{coverage} = [ $db->collected ] unless @{$Options->{coverage}}; $Options->{show} = { map { $_ => 1 } @{$Options->{coverage}} }; $Options->{show}{total} = 1 if keys %{$Options->{show}}; $db->calculate_summary(map { $_ => 1 } @{$Options->{coverage}}); print "\n\n" unless $Options->{silent}; # TODO - The sense of select and ignore should be reversed to match # collection. my %f = map { $_ => 1 } (@{$Options->{select}} ? map glob, @{$Options->{select}} : $db->cover->items); delete @f{map glob, @{$Options->{ignore}}}; my $keep = sub { my ($f) = @_; return 0 unless exists $db->{summary}{$_}; for (@{$Options->{ignore_re}}) { return 0 if $f =~ /$_/ } for (@{$Options->{select_re}}) { return 1 if $f =~ /$_/ } !@{$Options->{select_re}} }; @{$Options->{file}} = sort grep $keep->($_), keys %f; $db->print_summary($Options->{file}, $Options->{coverage}, {force => 1}) if $Options->{summary}; exit $test_result unless length $Options->{report}; $format->report($db, $Options); if ($Options->{launch}) { if ($format->can("launch")) { $format->launch($Options); } else { print STDERR "The launch option is not available for the ", "$Options->{report} report.\n" } } exit $test_result; } main __END__ =head1 NAME cover - report coverage statistics =head1 VERSION version 1.15 =head1 SYNOPSIS cover -help -info -version -summary -report report_format -outputdir dir -select filename -ignore filename -select_re RE -ignore_re RE -write [db] -delete -dump_db -launch -silent -coverage criterion -test -gcov -make [make] -add_uncoverable_point -delete_uncoverable_point -clean_uncoverable_points -uncoverable_file [report specific options] coverage_database [coverage_database ...] =head1 DESCRIPTION Report coverage statistics in a variety of formats. The summary option produces a short textual summary. Other reports are available by using the report option. The following reports are currently available: text - detailed textual summary html - detailed HTML reports html_basic - detailed HTML reports with syntax highlighting compilation - output in a format similar to Perl =head1 OPTIONS The following command line options are supported: -h -help - show help -i -info - show documentation -v -version - show version -silent - don't print informational messages (default off) -summary - give summary report (default on) -report report_format - report format (default html) -outputdir - directory for output (default db) -launch - launch report in viewer (if avail) (default off) -select filename - only report on the file (default all) -ignore filename - don't report on the file (default none) -select_re RE - append to REs of files to select (default none) -ignore_re RE - append to REs of files to ignore (default none) -write [db] - write the merged database (default off) -delete - drop database(s) (default off) -dump_db - dump database(s) (for debugging) (default off) -coverage criterion - report on criterion (default all available) -test - drop database(s) and run make test (default off) -gcov - run gcov to cover XS code (default on if using gcc) -make make_prog - use the given 'make' program for 'make test' other options specific to the report format =head1 REPORT FORMATS Tool accepts -report option: =over 4 =item html|html_minimal (default) HTML reporting. Percentage thresholds are color-coded and configurable via -report_c0 , -report_c1 and -report_c2 .: 0% 75% 90% 100% | .. | .. | .. | or L module is detected. Like html|html_minimal reporting, percentage thresholds are colour-coded and configurable. =item text Plain text reporting. =item compilation Like text but hacked to give a minimal output in a format similar to that output by Perl itself so that it's easier to step through the untested locations with Emacs compilation mode. =back =head1 DETAILS Any number of coverage databases may be specified on the command line. These databases will be merged and the reports will be based on the merged information. If no databases are specified the default database (cover_db) will be used. The -write option will write out the merged database. If no name is given for the new database, the first database read in will be overwritten. When this option is used no reports are generated by default. Specify the -select, -select_re, -ignore, and -ignore_re options to report on specific files. -select and -ignore are interpreted as shell globs; -select_re and -ignore_re are interpreted as regular expressions. Specify -coverage options to report on specific criteria. By default all available information on all criteria in all files will be reported. Available coverage options are statement, branch, condition, subroutine, pod, and default (which equates to all available options). However, if you know you only want coverage information for certain criteria it is better to only collect data for those criteria in the first place by specifying them at that point. This will make the data collection and reporting processes faster and less memory intensive. See the documentation for L for more information. If you want all *except* some criteria, then you can say something like '-coverage default,-pod'. The -test option will delete the databases and run your tests to generate new coverage data before reporting on it. L knows how to work with standard Perl Makefiles as well as L based distributions. For detailed instructions see the documentation for ExtUtils::MakeMaker at L or for Module::Build at L both of which come as standard in recent Perl distributions. The -gcov option will try to run gcov on any XS code. This requires that you are using gcc of course. If you are using the -test option will be turned on by default. =head1 EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 All operations were completed successfully. >0 An error occurred. With the -test option the exit status of the underlying test run is returned. =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 BUGS Did I mention that this is alpha code? See the BUGS file. =head1 LICENCE Copyright 2001-2014, Paul Johnson (paul@pjcj.net) This software is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. The latest version of this software should be available from my homepage: http://www.pjcj.net =cut