package Devel::StackTrace::Frame; $Devel::StackTrace::Frame::VERSION = '2.00'; use strict; use warnings; # Create accessor routines BEGIN { no strict 'refs'; foreach my $f ( qw( package filename line subroutine hasargs wantarray evaltext is_require hints bitmask args ) ) { next if $f eq 'args'; *{$f} = sub { my $s = shift; return $s->{$f} }; } } { my @fields = ( qw( package filename line subroutine hasargs wantarray evaltext is_require hints bitmask ) ); sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref $proto || $proto; my $self = bless {}, $class; @{$self}{@fields} = @{ shift() }; # fixup unix-style paths on win32 $self->{filename} = File::Spec->canonpath( $self->{filename} ); $self->{args} = shift; $self->{respect_overload} = shift; $self->{max_arg_length} = shift; $self->{message} = shift; $self->{indent} = shift; return $self; } } sub args { my $self = shift; return @{ $self->{args} }; } sub as_string { my $self = shift; my $first = shift; my $p = shift; my $sub = $self->subroutine; # This code stolen straight from and then tweaked. All # errors are probably my fault -dave if ($first) { $sub = defined $self->{message} ? $self->{message} : 'Trace begun'; } else { # Build a string, $sub, which names the sub-routine called. # This may also be "require ...", "eval '...' or "eval {...}" if ( my $eval = $self->evaltext ) { if ( $self->is_require ) { $sub = "require $eval"; } else { $eval =~ s/([\\\'])/\\$1/g; $sub = "eval '$eval'"; } } elsif ( $sub eq '(eval)' ) { $sub = 'eval {...}'; } # if there are any arguments in the sub-routine call, format # them according to the format variables defined earlier in # this file and join them onto the $sub sub-routine string # # We copy them because they're going to be modified. # if ( my @a = $self->args ) { for (@a) { # set args to the string "undef" if undefined $_ = "undef", next unless defined $_; # hack! $_ = $self->Devel::StackTrace::_ref_to_string($_) if ref $_; local $SIG{__DIE__}; local $@; eval { my $max_arg_length = exists $p->{max_arg_length} ? $p->{max_arg_length} : $self->{max_arg_length}; if ( $max_arg_length && length $_ > $max_arg_length ) { substr( $_, $max_arg_length ) = '...'; } s/'/\\'/g; # 'quote' arg unless it looks like a number $_ = "'$_'" unless /^-?[\d.]+$/; # print control/high ASCII chars as 'M-' or '^' s/([\200-\377])/sprintf("M-%c",ord($1)&0177)/eg; s/([\0-\37\177])/sprintf("^%c",ord($1)^64)/eg; }; if ( my $e = $@ ) { $_ = $e =~ /malformed utf-8/i ? '(bad utf-8)' : '?'; } } # append ('all', 'the', 'arguments') to the $sub string $sub .= '(' . join( ', ', @a ) . ')'; $sub .= ' called'; } } # If the user opted into indentation (a la Carp::confess), pre-add a tab my $tab = $self->{indent} && !$first ? "\t" : q{}; return "${tab}$sub at " . $self->filename . ' line ' . $self->line; } 1; # ABSTRACT: A single frame in a stack trace __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Devel::StackTrace::Frame - A single frame in a stack trace =head1 VERSION version 2.00 =head1 DESCRIPTION See L for details. =for Pod::Coverage new =head1 METHODS See Perl's C documentation for more information on what these methods return. =head2 $frame->package() =head2 $frame->filename() =head2 $frame->line() =head2 $frame->subroutine() =head2 $frame->hasargs() =head2 $frame->wantarray() =head2 $frame->evaltext() Returns undef if the frame was not part of an eval. =head2 $frame->is_require() Returns undef if the frame was not part of a require. =head2 $frame->args() Returns the arguments passed to the frame. Note that any arguments that are references are returned as references, not copies. =head2 $frame->hints() =head2 $frame->bitmask() =head2 $frame->as_string() Returns a string containing a description of the frame. =head1 AUTHOR Dave Rolsky =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2000 - 2014 by David Rolsky. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible) =cut