package Devel::Cover::Report::Html_subtle; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '1.15'; # VERSION use Devel::Cover::DB; use Devel::Cover::Html_Common "launch"; use Devel::Cover::Truth_Table; use Getopt::Long; use Template 2.00; use CGI; my $Template; my %Filenames; my %File_exists; sub get_options { my ($self, $opt) = @_; $opt->{option}{outputfile} = "coverage.html"; die "Invalid command line options" unless GetOptions($opt->{option}, qw( outputfile=s )); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : cvg_class() # Purpose : Determine the CSS class for an element based on its amount of # coverage. # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cvg_class { my ($pc, $err) = @_; defined $err && !$err ? "covered" : $pc < 75 ? "uncovered" : $pc < 90 ? "covered75" : $pc < 100 ? "covered90" : "covered"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : print_stylesheet() # Purpose : Create the stylesheet for HTML reports. # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_stylesheet { my $db = shift; my $file = "$db->{db}/cover.css"; open(CSS, '>', $file) or return; my $p = tell(DATA); print CSS ; seek(DATA, $p, 0); close(CSS); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : print_summary() # Purpose : Print the database summary report. # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_summary { my ($db, $options) = @_; my @showing = grep $options->{show}{$_}, $db->all_criteria; my @headers = map { ($db->all_criteria_short)[$_] } grep { $options->{show}{($db->all_criteria)[$_]} } (0 .. $db->all_criteria - 1); my @files = (grep($db->{summary}{$_}, @{$options->{file}}), 'Total'); my %vals; for my $file (@files) { my %pvals; my $part = $db->{summary}{$file}; for my $criterion (@showing) { my $pc = exists $part->{$criterion} ? do { my $x = sprintf "%5.2f", $part->{$criterion}{percentage}; chop $x; $x } : "n/a"; if ($pc ne 'n/a') { if ($criterion ne 'time') { $vals{$file}{$criterion}{class} = cvg_class($pc); } if (exists $Filenames{$file}) { if ($criterion eq 'branch') { $vals{$file}{$criterion}{link} = "$Filenames{$file}--branch.html"; } elsif ($criterion eq 'condition') { $vals{$file}{$criterion}{link} = "$Filenames{$file}--condition.html"; } elsif ($criterion eq 'subroutine') { $vals{$file}{$criterion}{link} = "$Filenames{$file}--subroutine.html"; } } my $c = $part->{$criterion}; $vals{$file}{$criterion}{details} = ($c->{covered} || 0) . " / " . ($c->{total} || 0); } $vals{$file}{$criterion}{pc} = $pc; } } my $vars = { title => "Coverage Summary: $db->{db}", dbname => $db->{db}, showing => \@showing, headers => \@headers, files => \@files, filenames => \%Filenames, file_exists => \%File_exists, vals => \%vals, }; my $html = "$options->{outputdir}/$options->{option}{outputfile}"; $Template->process("summary", $vars, $html) or die $Template->error(); print "HTML output sent to $html\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : get_metrics() # Purpose : Determine which metrics to include in report. # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_metrics { my ($db, $options, $file_data, $line) = @_; my %m; for my $c ($db->criteria) { # find all metrics available in db next unless $options->{show}{$c}; # skip those we don't want in report my $criterion = $file_data->$c(); # check if metric collected for this file if ($criterion) { # if it exists... my $li = $criterion->location($line); # get the metric info for the current line $m{$c} = $li ? [@$li] : undef; # and stash it } } return %m; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : print_file() # Purpose : Print coverage overview report for a file. # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_file { my ($db, $file, $options) = @_; open(F,'<', $file) or warn("Unable to open '$file' [$!]\n"), return; my @lines; my @showing = grep $options->{show}{$_}, $db->criteria; my @headers = map { ($db->all_criteria_short)[$_] } grep { $options->{show}{($db->criteria)[$_]} } (0 .. $db->criteria - 1); my $file_data = $db->cover->file($file); while (my $l = ) { chomp $l; my %metric = get_metrics($db, $options, $file_data, $.); my %line = ( number => $., text => CGI::escapeHTML($l), metrics => [], ); $line{text} =~ s/\t/ /g; $line{text} =~ s/\s/ /g; # IE doesn't honor "white-space: pre" CSS foreach my $c ($db->criteria) { next unless $options->{show}{$c}; push(@{$line{metrics}}, []), next unless $metric{$c}; if ($c eq 'branch') { my @p; foreach (@{$file_data->branch->get($.)}) { push @p, {text => sprintf("%.0f", $_->percentage), class => cvg_class($_->percentage), link => "$Filenames{$file}--branch.html#line$."}; } push @{$line{metrics}}, \@p; } elsif ($c eq 'condition') { my @tt = $file_data->condition->truth_table($.); my @p; if (@tt) { foreach (@tt) { push @p, {text => sprintf("%.0f", $_->[0]->percentage), class => cvg_class($_->[0]->percentage), link => "$Filenames{$file}--condition.html#line$."}; } } else { push @p, { text => "expression contains > 16 terms: ignored" }; } push @{$line{metrics}}, \@p; } elsif ($c eq 'subroutine') { my @p; while (my $o = shift @{$metric{$c}}) { push @p, {text => $o->covered, class => $o->error ? 'uncovered' : 'covered', link => "$Filenames{$file}--subroutine.html#line$."}; } push @{$line{metrics}}, \@p; } else { my @p; while (my $o = shift @{$metric{$c}}) { push @p, {text => ($c =~ /statement|pod|time/) ? $o->covered : $o->percentage, class => $c eq 'time' ? undef : $o->error ? 'uncovered' : 'covered', link => undef}; } push @{$line{metrics}}, \@p; } } push @lines, \%line; last if $l =~ /^__(END|DATA)__/; } close F or die "Unable to close '$file' [$!]"; my $vars = { title => "File Coverage: $file", file => $file, percentage => sprintf("%.1f", $db->{summary}{$file}{total}{percentage}), class => cvg_class($db->{summary}{$file}{total}{percentage}), showing => \@showing, headers => \@headers, filenames => \%Filenames, file_exists => \%File_exists, lines => \@lines, perlver => join('.', map {ord} split(//, $^V)), # should come from db platform => $^O, # should come from db }; my $html = "$options->{outputdir}/$Filenames{$file}.html"; $Template->process("file", $vars, $html) or die $Template->error(); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : print_branches() # Purpose : Print branch coverage report for a file. # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_branches { my ($db, $file, $options) = @_; my $branches = $db->cover->file($file)->branch; return unless $branches; my @branches; for my $location (sort { $a <=> $b } $branches->items) { my $count = 0; for my $b (@{$branches->location($location)}) { my @tf = $b->values; push @branches, { ref => "line$location", number => $count++ ? undef : $location, percentage => sprintf("%.0f", $b->percentage), class => cvg_class($b->percentage), parts => [{text => 'T', class => $tf[0] ? 'covered' : 'uncovered'}, {text => 'F', class => $tf[1] ? 'covered' : 'uncovered'}], text => CGI::escapeHTML($b->text), }; } } my $vars = { title => "Branch Coverage: $file", file => $file, percentage => sprintf("%.1f", $db->{summary}{$file}{branch}{percentage}), class => cvg_class($db->{summary}{$file}{branch}{percentage}), branches => \@branches, perlver => join('.', map {ord} split(//, $^V)), # should come from db platform => $^O, # should come from db }; my $html = "$options->{outputdir}/$Filenames{$file}--branch.html"; $Template->process("branches", $vars, $html) or die $Template->error(); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : print_conditions() # Purpose : Print condition coverage report for a file. # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_conditions { my ($db, $file, $options) = @_; my $conditions = $db->cover->file($file)->condition; return unless $conditions; my @data; for my $location (sort { $a <=> $b } $conditions->items) { my @x = $conditions->truth_table($location); for my $c (@x) { push @data, { line => $location, ref => "line$location", percentage => sprintf("%.0f", $c->[0]->percentage), class => cvg_class($c->[0]->percentage), condition => CGI::escapeHTML($c->[1]), coverage => $c->[0]->html, }; } } my $vars = { title => "Condition Coverage: $file", file => $file, percentage => sprintf("%.1f", $db->{summary}{$file}{condition}{percentage}), class => cvg_class($db->{summary}{$file}{condition}{percentage}), headers => ['line', '%', 'coverage', 'condition'], conditions => \@data, perlver => join('.', map {ord} split(//, $^V)), # should come from db platform => $^O, # should come from db }; my $html = "$db->{db}/$Filenames{$file}--condition.html"; $Template->process("conditions", $vars, $html) or die $Template->error(); } sub print_subroutines { my ($db, $file, $options) = @_; my $subroutines = $db->cover->file($file)->subroutine; return unless $subroutines; my @data; for my $location ($subroutines->items) { my $l = $subroutines->location($location); for my $sub (@$l) { push @data, { ref => "line$location", line => $location, name => $sub->name, class => cvg_class($sub->percentage), } } } my $vars = { title => "Subroutine Coverage: $file", file => $file, percentage => sprintf("%.1f", $db->{summary}{$file}{subroutine}{percentage}), class => cvg_class($db->{summary}{$file}{subroutine}{percentage}), subroutines => [ sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } @data ], perlver => join('.', map {ord} split(//, $^V)), # should come from db platform => $^O, # should come from db }; my $html = "$db->{db}/$Filenames{$file}--subroutine.html"; $Template->process("subroutines", $vars, $html) or die $Template->error(); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : report() # Purpose : Entry point for printing HTML reports. # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub report { my ($pkg, $db, $options) = @_; $Template = Template->new({ LOAD_TEMPLATES => [Devel::Cover::Report::Html_subtle::Template::Provider->new({}),], }); %Filenames = map {$_ => do {(my $f = $_) =~ s/\W/-/g; $f}} @{$options->{file}}; %File_exists = map {$_ => -e} @{$options->{file}}; print_stylesheet($db); print_summary($db, $options); for my $file (@{$options->{file}}) { print_file($db, $file, $options); print_branches($db, $file, $options) if $options->{show}{branch}; print_conditions($db, $file, $options) if $options->{show}{condition}; print_subroutines($db, $file, $options) if $options->{show}{subroutine}; } } 1; package Devel::Cover::Report::Html_subtle::Template::Provider; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '1.15'; # VERSION use base "Template::Provider"; my %Templates; sub fetch { my $self = shift; my ($name) = @_; # print "Looking for <$name>\n"; $self->SUPER::fetch(exists $Templates{$name} ? \$Templates{$name} : $name); } # $Templates{html} = <<'EOT'; [% title %] [% content %] EOT $Templates{summary} = <<'EOT'; [% WRAPPER html %]

Coverage Summary

Database: [% dbname %]

[% FOREACH header = headers %] [% END %] [% FOREACH file = files %] [% FOREACH criterion = showing %] [% IF vals.$file.$criterion.class %] [% END %] [% END %]
File [% header %]
[% IF file_exists.$file %] [% file %] [% ELSE %] [% file %] [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% IF vals.$file.$] [% vals.$file.$criterion.pc %] [% ELSE %] [% vals.$file.$criterion.pc %] [% END %]
[% END %] EOT $Templates{branches} = <<'EOT'; [% WRAPPER html %]

Branch Coverage

File: [% file %]
Coverage: [% percentage %]%
Perl version: [% perlver %]
Platform: [% platform %]

[% FOREACH branch = branches %] [% FOREACH part = %] [% END %] [% END %]
line % coverage branch
[% IF branch.number.defined %] [% branch.number %] [% ELSE %] [% branch.number %] [% END %] [% branch.percentage %] [% part.text %] [% branch.text %]
[% END %] EOT $Templates{conditions} = <<'EOT'; [% WRAPPER html %]

Condition Coverage

File: [% file %]
Coverage: [% percentage %]%
Perl version: [% perlver %]
Platform: [% platform %]

[% FOREACH header = headers %] [% END %] [% FOREACH cond = conditions %] [% END %]
[% header %]
[% cond.line %] [% cond.percentage %]
[% cond.coverage %]
[% cond.condition %]
[% END %] EOT $Templates{subroutines} = <<'EOT'; [% WRAPPER html %]

Subroutine Coverage

File: [% file %]
Coverage: [% percentage %]%
Perl version: [% perlver %]
Platform: [% platform %]

[% FOREACH sub = subroutines %] [% END %]
subroutine line
[% %] [% sub.line %]
[% END %] EOT $Templates{file} = <<'EOT'; [% WRAPPER html %]

File Coverage

File: [% file %]
Coverage: [% percentage %]%
Perl version: [% perlver %]
Platform: [% platform %]

[% FOREACH header = headers %] [% END %] [% FOREACH line = lines %] [% FOREACH metric = line.metrics %] [% END %] [% END %]
line[% header %]code
[% line.number %] [% FOREACH cr = metric %] [% IF cr.class.defined %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %] [% IF %] [% cr.text %] [% ELSE %] [% cr.text %] [% END %]
[% END %]
[% line.text %]
[% END %] EOT # remove some whitespace from templates s/^\s+//gm for values %Templates; 1; =pod =head1 NAME Devel::Cover::Report::Html_subtle - HTML backend for Devel::Cover =head1 VERSION version 1.15 =head1 SYNOPSIS cover -report html_subtle =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides a HTML reporting mechanism for coverage data. It is designed to be called from the C program. Based on an original by Paul Johnson, the output was greatly improved by Michael Carman ( =head1 SEE ALSO Devel::Cover =head1 BUGS Huh? =head1 LICENCE Copyright 2001-2014, Paul Johnson ( This software is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. The latest version of this software should be available from my homepage: =cut package Devel::Cover::Report::Html_subtle; __DATA__ /* Stylesheet for Devel::Cover HTML reports */ /* You may modify this file to alter the appearance of your coverage * reports. If you do, you should probably flag it read-only to prevent * future runs from overwriting it. */ /* Note: default values use the color-safe web palette. */ body { font-family: sans-serif; } h1 { background-color: #3399ff; border: solid 1px #999999; padding: 0.2em; } a { color: #000000; } a:visited { color: #333333; } code { white-space: pre; } table { /* border: solid 1px #000000;*/ border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px; } td,th { border: solid 1px #cccccc; } /* Classes for color-coding coverage information: * header : column/row header * uncovered : path not covered or coverage < 75% * covered75 : coverage >= 75% * covered90 : coverage >= 90% * covered : path covered or coverage = 100% */ .header { background-color: #cccccc; border: solid 1px #333333; padding-left: 0.2em; padding-right: 0.2em; } .uncovered { background-color: #ff9999; border: solid 1px #cc0000; } .covered75 { background-color: #ffcc99; border: solid 1px #ff9933; } .covered90 { background-color: #ffff99; border: solid 1px #cccc66; } .covered { background-color: #99ff99; border: solid 1px #009900; }