# Copyright 2002-2014, Paul Johnson (paul@pjcj.net) # This software is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. # The latest version of this software should be available from my homepage: # http://www.pjcj.net package Devel::Cover::Test; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '1.15'; # VERSION use Carp; use File::Spec; use Test (); use Devel::Cover::Inc; sub new { my $class = shift; my $test = shift; croak "No test specified" unless $test; my %params = @_; my $criteria = delete $params{criteria} || "statement branch condition subroutine"; eval "use Test::Differences"; my $differences = $INC{"Test/Differences.pm"}; my $self = bless { test => $test, criteria => [ $criteria ], skip => "", uncoverable_file => [], select => "", ignore => [], changes => [], test_parameters => [], debug => $ENV{DEVEL_COVER_DEBUG} || 0, differences => $differences, no_coverage => $ENV{DEVEL_COVER_NO_COVERAGE} || 0, delay_after_run => 0, %params }, $class; $self->get_params } sub set_test { my $self = shift; my ($test) = @_; $self->{test} = $test; } sub shell_quote { my ($item) = @_; $^O eq "MSWin32" ? (/ / and $_ = qq("$_")) : s/ /\\ /g for $item; $item }; sub get_params { my $self = shift; my $test = $self->test_file; if (open T, $test) { while () { push @{$self->{$1}}, $2 if /__COVER__\s+(\w+)\s+(.*)/; } close T or die "Cannot close $test: $!"; } $self->{criteria} = $self->{criteria}[-1]; $self->{select} ||= "-select /tests/$self->{test}\\b"; $self->{test_parameters} = "$self->{select}" . " -ignore blib Devel/Cover @{$self->{ignore}}" . " -merge 0 -coverage $self->{criteria} " . "@{$self->{test_parameters}}"; $self->{criteria} =~ s/-\w+//g; $self->{db_name} ||= $self->{test}; $self->{cover_db} = "$Devel::Cover::Inc::Base/t/e2e/" . "cover_db_$self->{db_name}/"; unless (mkdir $self->{cover_db}) { die "Can't mkdir $self->{cover_db}: $!" unless -d $self->{cover_db}; } $self->{cover_parameters} = join(" ", map "-coverage $_", split " ", $self->{criteria}) . " -report text " . shell_quote $self->{cover_db}; $self->{cover_parameters} .= " -uncoverable_file " . "@{$self->{uncoverable_file}}" if @{$self->{uncoverable_file}}; if (exists $self->{skip_test}) { for my $s (@{$self->{skip_test}}) { my $r = shift @{$self->{skip_reason}}; next unless eval "{$s}"; $self->{skip} = $r; last; } } $self } sub perl { my $self = shift; join " ", map shell_quote($_), $Devel::Cover::Inc::Perl, map "-I$Devel::Cover::Inc::Base/$_", "", "blib/lib", "blib/arch" } sub test_command { my $self = shift; my $c = $self->perl; unless ($self->{no_coverage}) { $c .= " " . shell_quote "-MDevel::Cover=" . join(",", "-db", $self->{cover_db}, split " ", $self->{test_parameters}); } $c .= " " . shell_quote $self->test_file; $c .= " " . $self->test_file_parameters; $c } sub cover_command { my $self = shift; my $b = shell_quote $Devel::Cover::Inc::Base; my $c = $self->perl . " $b/bin/cover $self->{cover_parameters}"; $c } sub test_file { my $self = shift; "$Devel::Cover::Inc::Base/tests/$self->{test}" } sub test_file_parameters { my $self = shift; exists $self->{test_file_parameters} ? $self->{test_file_parameters} : "" } sub cover_gold { my $self = shift; my $test = $self->{golden_test} || $self->{test}; my $td = "$Devel::Cover::Inc::Base/test_output/cover"; opendir D, $td or die "Can't opendir $td: $!"; my @versions = sort { $a <=> $b } map { /^$test\.(5\.\d+)$/ ? $1 : () } readdir D; closedir D or die "Can't closedir $td: $!"; # print STDERR "Versions for [$test] from [$td] @versions\n"; my $v = "5.0"; for (@versions) { last if $_ > $]; $v = $_; } # die "Can't find golden results for $test" if $v eq "5.0"; $v = $ENV{DEVEL_COVER_GOLDEN_VERSION} if exists $ENV{DEVEL_COVER_GOLDEN_VERSION}; ("$td/$test", $v eq "5.0" ? 0 : $v) } sub run_command { my $self = shift; my ($command) = @_; print STDERR "Running test [$command]\n" if $self->{debug}; open T, "$command 2>&1 |" or die "Cannot run $command: $!"; while () { print STDERR if $self->{debug}; } close T or die "Cannot close $command: $!"; if ($self->{delay_after_run}) { eval { select undef, undef, undef, $self->{delay_after_run}; 1 } or sleep int $self->{delay_after_run} + 1; } 1 } sub run_test { my $self = shift; if ($self->{skip}) { Test::plan tests => 1; Test::skip($self->{skip}, 1); return; } my $version = int(($] - 5) * 1000 + 0.5); if ($version % 2 && $version < 20) { Test::plan tests => 1; Test::skip("Perl version $] is an obsolete development version", 1); return; } if ($] > 5.019001 && $] < 5.019004) { Test::plan tests => 1; Test::skip("Perl version $] contains a bug which causes this test " . "to fail", 1); return; } my ($base, $v) = $self->cover_gold; # print STDERR "[$base,$v]\n"; return 1 unless $v; # assume we are generating the golden results my $gold = "$base.$v"; open I, $gold or die "Cannot open $gold: $!"; my @cover = ; close I or die "Cannot close $gold: $!"; $self->{cover} = \@cover; # print STDERR "gold from $gold\n", @cover if $self->{debug}; Test::plan tests => $self->{differences} ? 1 : exists $self->{tests} ? $self->{tests}->(scalar @cover) : scalar @cover; local $ENV{PERL5OPT}; $self->{run_test} ? $self->{run_test}->($self) : $self->run_command($self->test_command); $self->run_cover unless $self->{no_report}; $self->{end}->() if $self->{end}; 1 } sub run_cover { my $self = shift; my $cover_com = $self->cover_command; print STDERR "Running cover [$cover_com]\n" if $self->{debug}; my (@at, @ac); my $change_line = sub { my ($get_line) = @_; local *_; LOOP: while (1) { $_ = scalar $get_line->(); $_ = "" unless defined $_; print STDERR $_ if $self->{debug}; redo if /^Devel::Cover: merging run/; redo if /^Set up gcc environment/; # for MinGW if (/Can't opendir\(.+\): No such file or directory/) { # parallel tests scalar $get_line->(); redo; } s/^(Reading database from ).*/$1/; s|(__ANON__\[) .* (/tests/ \w+ : \d+ \])|$1$2|x; s/(Subroutine) +(Location)/$1 $2/; s/-+/-/; # s/.* Devel-Cover - \d+ \. \d+ \/*(\S+)\s*/$1/x; s/^ \.\.\. .* - \d+ \. \d+ \/*(\S+)\s*/$1/x; s/.* Devel \/ Cover \/*(\S+)\s*/$1/x; s/^(Devel::Cover: merging run).*/$1/; s/^(Run: ).*/$1/; s/^(OS: ).*/$1/; s/^(Perl version: ).*/$1/; s/^(Start: ).*/$1/; s/^(Finish: ).*/$1/; s/copyright .*//ix; no warnings "exiting"; eval join "; ", @{$self->{changes}}; return $_; } }; # use Devel::Cover::Dumper; print STDERR "--->", Dumper $self->{changes}; open T, "$cover_com 2>&1 |" or die "Cannot run $cover_com: $!"; while (!eof T) { my $t = $change_line->(sub { }); my $c = $change_line->(sub { shift @{$self->{cover}} }); # print STDERR "[$t]\n[$c]\n" if $t ne $c; do { chomp(my $tn = $t); chomp(my $cn = $c); print STDERR "c-[$tn] $.\ng=[$cn]\n"; } if $self->{debug}; if ($self->{differences}) { push @at, $t; push @ac, $c; } else { $self->{no_coverage} ? Test::ok 1 : Test::ok $t, $c; last if $self->{no_coverage} && !@{$self->{cover}}; } } if ($self->{differences}) { no warnings "redefine"; local *Test::_quote = sub { "@_" }; $self->{no_coverage} ? Test::ok 1 : eq_or_diff(\@at, \@ac, "output"); } elsif ($self->{no_coverage}) { Test::ok 1 for @{$self->{cover}}; } close T or die "Cannot close $cover_com: $!"; 1 } sub create_gold { my $self = shift; # Pod::Coverage not available on all versions, but it must be there on # 5.6.1 and 5.8.0 return if $self->{criteria} =~ /\bpod\b/ && $] != 5.006001 && $] != 5.008000; my ($base, $v) = $self->cover_gold; my $gold = "$base.$v"; my $new_gold = "$base.$]"; my $gv = $v; my $ng = ""; unless (-e $new_gold) { open my $g, ">$new_gold" or die "Can't open $new_gold: $!"; unlink $new_gold; } # use Devel::Cover::Dumper; print STDERR Dumper $self; if ($self->{skip}) { print STDERR "Skipping: $self->{skip}\n"; return; } $self->{run_test} ? $self->{run_test}->($self) : $self->run_command($self->test_command); my $cover_com = $self->cover_command; print STDERR "Running cover [$cover_com]\n" if $self->{debug}; open G, ">$new_gold" or die "Cannot open $new_gold: $!"; open T, "$cover_com 2>&1 |" or die "Cannot run $cover_com: $!"; while (my $l = ) { next if $l =~ /^Devel::Cover: merging run/; $l =~ s/^($_: ).*$/$1.../ for "Run", "Perl version", "OS", "Start", "Finish"; $l =~ s/^(Reading database from ).*$/$1.../; print STDERR $l if $self->{debug}; print G $l; $ng .= $l; } close T or die "Cannot close $cover_com: $!"; close G or die "Cannot close $new_gold: $!"; print STDERR "gv is $gv and this is $]\n" if $self->{debug}; print STDERR "gold is $gold and new_gold is $new_gold\n" if $self->{debug}; unless ($gv eq "0" || $gv eq $]) { open G, "$gold" or die "Cannot open $gold: $!"; my $g = do { local $/; }; close G or die "Cannot close $gold: $!"; print STDERR "checking $new_gold against $gold\n" if $self->{debug}; # print "--[$ng]--\n"; # print "--[$g]--\n"; if ($ng eq $g) { print STDERR "matches $v"; unlink $new_gold; } else { print STDERR "new"; } } $self->{end}->() if $self->{end}; 1 } 1 __END__ =head1 NAME Devel::Cover::Test - Internal module for testing =head1 VERSION version 1.15 =head1 METHODS =cut =head2 new my $test = Devel::Cover::Test->new($test, criteria => $string) Constructor. "criteria" parameter (optional, defaults to "statement branch condition subroutine") is a space separated list of tokens. Supported tokens are "statement", "branch", "condition", "subroutine" and "pod". More optional parameters are supported. Refer to L sub. =head2 shell_quote my $quoted_item = shell_quote($item) Returns properly quoted item to cope with embedded spaces. =head2 perl my $perl = $self->perl Returns absolute path to Perl interpreter with proper -I options (blib-wise). =head2 test_command my $command = $self->test_command Returns test command, made of: =over 4 =item absolute path to Perl interpreter =item Devel::Cover -M option (if applicable) =item test file =item test file parameters (if applicable) =back =head2 cover_command my $command = $self->cover_command Returns test command, made of: =over 4 =item absolute path to Perl interpreter =item absolute path to cover script =item cover parameters =back =head2 test_file my $file = $self->test_file Returns absolute path to test file. =head2 test_file_parameters my $parameters = $self->test_file_parameters Accessor to test_file_parameters property. =head2 cover_gold my ($base, $v) = $self->cover_gold; Returns the absolute path of the base to the golden file and the suffix version number. $base comes from the name of the test and $v will be $] from the earliest perl version for which the golden results should be the same as for the current $] =head2 run_command $self->run_command($command) Runs command, most likely obtained from L sub. =head1 BUGS Huh? =head1 LICENCE Copyright 2001-2014, Paul Johnson (paul@pjcj.net) This software is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. The latest version of this software should be available from my homepage: http://www.pjcj.net =cut