package File::Findgrep; require 5.005; # we want qr's ! $VERSION = '0.02'; use strict; # POD AT THE END! sub Locale::Maketext::DEBUG () {0} # set to 1 or higher to see trace messages. sub DEBUG () {0} use File::Findgrep::I18N; use vars qw($LH $orig_rs $binary_re); $LH = File::Findgrep::I18N->get_handle() || die "Can't get a language handle!"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------ $orig_rs = $/; $binary_re = # file suffixes to ignore: qr<\.(?: gif|png|jpg|jpeg|bmp|wav|snd|ra|ram|au|exe|com|img |pdf|ps|jar|mcp|ico|cur |mid|sit|mp3|hqx|uu|uue|swf|tgz|tar\.gz|zip|z|gz )(?:~.*)?$>xis; sub findgrep { @_ = @ARGV unless @_; _usage($LH->maketext("What options?")) unless @_; my($_R, $_m, $_M) = (0,1,10_000_000); # defaults # Lame switch processing... while(@_ and $_[0] =~ m/^-/s) { if($_[0] eq '-R') { $_R = 1 } elsif($_[0] =~ m/^-m=?(\d+)/s) { $_m = $1 * 1 } elsif($_[0] =~ m/^-m=?(\d+)[Kk]$/s) { $_m = $1 * 1024 } elsif($_[0] =~ m/^-m=?(\d+)M$/s) { $_m = $1 * (1024 ** 2) } elsif($_[0] =~ m/^-m=?(\d+)G$/s) { $_m = $1 * (1024 ** 3) } elsif($_[0] =~ m/^-M=?(\d+)/s) { $_M = $1 * 1 } elsif($_[0] =~ m/^-M=?(\d+)[Kk]$/s) { $_M = $1 * 1024 } elsif($_[0] =~ m/^-M=?(\d+)M$/s) { $_M = $1 * (1024 ** 2) } elsif($_[0] =~ m/^-M=?(\d+)G$/s) { $_M = $1 * (1024 ** 3) } # two bonus switches: elsif($_[0] eq '--') { shift @_; last; } elsif($_[0] eq '-h') { _usage() } else { _usage($LH->maketext("Unknown switch \"[_1]\"\n", $_[0])) } shift @_; } die $LH->maketext( "Minimum ([_1]) is larger than maximum ([_2])!\n", $_m, $_M ) if $_m > $_M # sanity ; _usage($LH->maketext("Not enough arguments for findgrep!")) unless @_; my($line_pattern, $file_pattern); eval { $line_pattern = qr/$_[0]/i }; $@ and die $LH->maketext("Invalid line-regexp: [_1] -- [_2]", $_[0], $@ ); shift @_; if(@_) { $file_pattern = $_[0]; if($file_pattern =~ m/^[*?]/s) { # forgive things that look like wildcards instead of REs, I guess $file_pattern = '^' . $file_pattern . '$'; $file_pattern =~ s/\*/.*/gs; $file_pattern =~ s/\?/./gs; } eval { $file_pattern = qr/$file_pattern/i }; $@ and die $LH->maketext("Invalid file-regexp: [_1] -- [_2]", $_[0], $@ ); shift @_; } else { $file_pattern = qr/^[^.~][^~]+$/s; # we can ignore the possibilty of a zero-length filename, I think. } my @dirs = @_; @dirs = ('.') unless @dirs; my($lines_matched, $files_matched, $directory_count) = (0,0,0); my $recursor; $recursor = sub { my $dir = $_[0]; $dir .= '/' unless $dir =~ m<[\\/]$>s; my @files; unless(opendir(INDIR, $dir)) { warn $LH->maketext("Can't open directory [_1]: [_2]\n", $dir, $!); closedir(INDIR); return; } @files = sort readdir(INDIR); DEBUG and print "Items in $dir: <@files>\n"; ++$directory_count; closedir(INDIR); print STDERR $LH->maketext("# Searching in directory [_1]\n", $dir); my $basename; File: foreach my $f (@files) { next File if $f eq '.' or $f eq '..'; # skip scary things $basename = $f; $f = "$dir$f"; # fully qualify it DEBUG > 2 and print "Considering $f\n"; if(-l $f) { # skip symlinks DEBUG and print "$f is a symlink. Skipping.\n"; } elsif(-d _ and $_R) { DEBUG and print "$f is a dir. Recursing.\n"; $recursor->($f); # recurse into the subdir } elsif( -f _ and -s _ >= $_m and -s _ <= $_M ) { DEBUG and print "Considering file $f...\n"; if($basename =~ $binary_re) { DEBUG and print "The filename $basename is excluded by binary_re.\n"; next File; } elsif($basename =~ $file_pattern ) { DEBUG > 1 and print "The filename $basename matches $file_pattern\n"; } else { DEBUG > 1 and print "The filename $basename doesn't match $file_pattern! Skipping\n"; next File; } unless(open(IN, "<$f")) { close(IN); warn $LH->maketext( "Can't open file [_1]: [_2]\n", $f, $! ); next File; } my $chunk = ''; binmode(IN); read(IN, $chunk, 1024); if($chunk =~ m/[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0e-\x1F]/s) { # any control codes but tab (09), lf(0a), ff (0c), and cr (0d) print STDERR "# ", $LH->maketext( "[_1] looks like a binary file. Skipping.\n", $f ); close(IN); next; } elsif($chunk =~ m<(\cm\cj|\cm|\cj)>s) { $/ = $1; } else { $/ = $orig_rs; } seek(IN,0,0); # rewind my $count_this_file; while() { next unless $_ =~ $line_pattern; chomp; print "$f\:$.\:$_\n"; ++$lines_matched; $count_this_file = 1; } close(IN); ++$files_matched if $count_this_file; } # end of if-it's-a-file } # end of File loop return; }; #end of closure # Prep for the recursion: local $/ = $/; # since the file loop alters $/ local($_); # since the file loop alters $_ ++$|; { my $oldfh = select(STDERR); ++$|; select($oldfh); } DEBUG and print "Dirs: <@dirs>\n"; # Actually recurse now: foreach my $dir (@dirs) { $recursor->($dir) } undef $recursor; # break self-reference print $LH->maketext( "Found [quant,_1,line] in [quant,_2,file], in [quant,_3,directory,directories] scanned.\n", $lines_matched, $files_matched, $directory_count ) } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _usage { die join("\n", @_, $LH->maketext('_USAGE_MESSAGE')); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ findgrep(@ARGV) unless caller; # if executed instead of used, go run! 1; __END__ Example batch file using this module: @echo off rem set LANG=fr rem or, with Win32::Locale installed, just set your locale rem in the "Regional Settings" control panel. perl -MFile::Findgrep -e File::Findgrep::findgrep(@ARGV) -- %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 =head1 NAME File::Findgrep -- example Locale::Maketext-using application =head1 SYNOPSIS # Nih. =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides a trivial reimplementation of Unix find and grep. It is most useful as an example of a small application that uses L. Read the source of these files: File/ File/Findgrep/ File/Findgrep/I18N/ File/Findgrep/I18N/ File/Findgrep/I18N/ File/Findgrep/I18N/ Remember that perldoc -l I will tell the path to where this module in installed -- if you install it at all. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER Copyright (c) 2001 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. =head1 AUTHOR Sean M. Burke C =cut # YOW!