@echo off rem quotes are required for correct handling of path with spaces rem default java home set wrapper_home=%~dp0/.. rem default java exe for running the wrapper rem note this is not the java exe for running the application. the exe for running the application is defined in the wrapper configuration file set java_exe="java" set javaw_exe="javaw" rem location of the wrapper jar file. necessary lib files will be loaded by this jar. they must be at /lib/... set wrapper_jar="%wrapper_home%/wrapper.jar" set wrapper_app_jar="%wrapper_home%/wrapperApp.jar" rem setting java options for wrapper process. depending on the scripts used, the wrapper may require more memory. set wrapper_java_options=-Xmx30m -Djna_tmpdir="%wrapper_home%/tmp" -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true rem wrapper bat file for running the wrapper set wrapper_bat="%wrapper_home%/bat/wrapper.bat" set wrapperw_bat="%wrapper_home%/bat/wrapperW.bat" rem configuration file used by all bat files set conf_file="%wrapper_home%/conf/wrapper.conf" rem default configuration used in genConfig set conf_default_file="%wrapper_home%/conf/wrapper.conf.default"