package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import com.sun.jna.Memory; import com.sun.jna.Native; import com.sun.jna.Pointer; import com.sun.jna.WString; import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference; public class Cluster { static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(Cluster.class.getCanonicalName()); ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); public interface Clusapi extends com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallLibrary { Clusapi INSTANCE = (Clusapi) Native.loadLibrary("ClusApi", Clusapi.class); /* * HCLUSTER WINAPI OpenCluster( __in_opt LPCWSTR lpszClusterName ); */ Pointer OpenCluster(WString lpszClusterName); /* * BOOL WINAPI CloseCluster( __in HCLUSTER hCluster ); */ boolean CloseCluster(Pointer hCluster); /* * HCHANGE WINAPI CreateClusterNotifyPort( __in HCHANGE hChange, __in * HCLUSTER hCluster, __in DWORD dwFilter, __in DWORD_PTR dwNotifyKey ); */ Pointer CreateClusterNotifyPort(Pointer hChange, Pointer hCluster, int dwFilter, IntByReference dwNotifyKey); final static int CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_STATE = 0x00001000; final static int CLUSTER_CHANGE_HANDLE_CLOSE = 0x80000000; final static int CLUSTER_CHANGE_CLUSTER_RECONNECT = 0x00080000; final static int CLUSTER_CHANGE_CLUSTER_STATE = 0x20000000; final static int CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_DELETED = 0x00002000; final static int CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_ADDED = 0x00004000; // Results final static int WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x102; final static int ERROR_SUCCESS = 0x0; final static int ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 0x103; // GetClusterGroupState results final static int CLUSTER_GROUP_STATE_UNKNOWN = -1; final static int CLUSTER_GROUP_ONLINE = 0; final static int CLUSTER_GROUP_OFFLINE = 1; final static int CLUSTER_GROUP_FAILED = 2; final static int CLUSTER_GROUP_PARTIAL_ONLINE = 3; final static int CLUSTER_GROUP_PENDING = 4; enum ClusterGroupState { Unknown, Online, Offline, Failed, PartialOnline, Pending; public static ClusterGroupState parse(int val) { switch (val) { case CLUSTER_GROUP_STATE_UNKNOWN: return Unknown; case CLUSTER_GROUP_ONLINE: return Online; case CLUSTER_GROUP_OFFLINE: return Offline; case CLUSTER_GROUP_FAILED: return Failed; case CLUSTER_GROUP_PARTIAL_ONLINE: return PartialOnline; case CLUSTER_GROUP_PENDING: return Pending; default: _log.severe("unknown cluster state: " + val); return Unknown; } } } /* * DWORD WINAPI GetClusterNotify( __in HCHANGE hChange, __out DWORD_PTR * *lpdwNotifyKey, __out LPDWORD lpdwFilterType, __out LPWSTR lpszName, * __inout LPDWORD lpcchName, __in_opt DWORD dwMilliseconds ); */ int GetClusterNotify(Pointer hChange, IntByReference lpdwNotifyKey, IntByReference lpdwFilterType, Memory lpszName, IntByReference lpcchName, int dwMilliseconds); /* * BOOL WINAPI CloseClusterNotifyPort( __in HCHANGE hChange ); */ boolean CloseClusterNotifyPort(Pointer hChange); /* * HNODE WINAPI OpenClusterNode( __in HCLUSTER hCluster, __in LPCWSTR * lpszNodeName ); */ Pointer OpenClusterNode(Pointer hCluster, WString lpszNodeName); /* * BOOL WINAPI CloseClusterNode( __in HNODE hNode ); */ boolean CloseClusterNode(Pointer hNode); /* * CLUSTER_NODE_STATE WINAPI GetClusterNodeState( __in HNODE hNode ); */ int GetClusterNodeState(Pointer hNode); /* * HCLUSENUM WINAPI ClusterOpenEnum( __in HCLUSTER hCluster, __in DWORD * dwType ); */ Pointer ClusterOpenEnum(Pointer hCluster, int dwType); Pointer ClusterNodeOpenEnum(Pointer hNode, int dwType); static int CLUSTER_ENUM_NODE = 1; static int CLUSTER_ENUM_RESOURCE = 4; static int CLUSTER_ENUM_NETINTERFACE = 32; static int CLUSTER_ENUM_GROUP = 8; /* * DWORD WINAPI ClusterCloseEnum( __in HCLUSENUM hEnum ); */ int ClusterCloseEnum(Pointer hEnum); /* * DWORD WINAPI ClusterEnum( __in HCLUSENUM hEnum, __in DWORD dwIndex, * __out LPDWORD lpdwType, __out LPWSTR lpszName, __inout LPDWORD * lpcchName ); */ int ClusterEnum(Pointer hEnum, int dwIndex, IntByReference lpdwType, Memory lpszName, IntByReference lpcchName); int ClusterNodeEnum(Pointer hEnum, int dwIndex, IntByReference lpdwType, Memory lpszName, IntByReference lpcchName); /* * HRESOURCE WINAPI OpenClusterResource( __in HCLUSTER hCluster, __in * LPCWSTR lpszResourceName ); */ Pointer OpenClusterResource(Pointer hCluster, WString lpszResourceName); /* * HGROUP WINAPI OpenClusterGroup( __in HCLUSTER hCluster, __in LPCWSTR * lpszGroupName ); */ Pointer OpenClusterGroup(Pointer hCluster, WString lpszGroupName); /* * CLUSTER_GROUP_STATE WINAPI GetClusterGroupState( __in HGROUP hGroup, * __out_opt LPWSTR lpszNodeName, __inout_opt LPDWORD lpcchNodeName ); */ int GetClusterGroupState(Pointer hGroup, Memory lpszNodeName, IntByReference lpcchNodeName); } ArrayList _listeners = new ArrayList(); boolean _stopped = true; public String getActiveNode() { String activeNode = null; try { Pointer cluster = Clusapi.INSTANCE.OpenCluster(null); Pointer hEnum = Clusapi.INSTANCE.ClusterOpenEnum(cluster, Clusapi.CLUSTER_ENUM_GROUP); int dwIndex = 0; IntByReference lpdwType = new IntByReference(); IntByReference lpcchName = new IntByReference(); Memory lpszName = new Memory(256); lpszName.clear(); lpcchName.setValue(256); int result = 0; do { result = Clusapi.INSTANCE.ClusterEnum(hEnum, dwIndex, lpdwType, lpszName, lpcchName); if (result == Clusapi.ERROR_SUCCESS) { String group = lpszName.getString(0, true); ClusterGroupInfo info = getGroupNodeInfo(cluster, group); if (info != null) activeNode = info.getLocation(); } dwIndex++; } while (result == 0); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting cluster information", ex); } return activeNode; } private ClusterGroupInfo getGroupNodeInfo(Pointer cluster, String groupName) { ClusterGroupInfo result = null; try { Pointer hGroup = Clusapi.INSTANCE.OpenClusterGroup(cluster, new WString(groupName)); if (hGroup == null) throw new RuntimeException("Clusapi call to OpenClusterGroup returned err code " + MyKernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); IntByReference lpcchNodeName = new IntByReference(); Memory lpszNodeName = new Memory(256); lpszNodeName.clear(); lpcchNodeName.setValue(256); int state = Clusapi.INSTANCE.GetClusterGroupState(hGroup, lpszNodeName, lpcchNodeName); String location = lpszNodeName.getString(0, true); if (state == Clusapi.CLUSTER_GROUP_STATE_UNKNOWN) _log.severe("unknown group state for group " + groupName + " err code " + MyKernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); result = new ClusterGroupInfo(groupName, state, location); MyKernel32.INSTANCE.CloseHandle(hGroup); } catch (Exception e) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error while getting GroupActiveNode", e); } return result; } public Set getGroupInfo() { Pointer hCluster = Clusapi.INSTANCE.OpenCluster(null); if (hCluster == null) throw new RuntimeException("Clusapi call to OpenClusterGroup returned err code " + MyKernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); Pointer hEnum = Clusapi.INSTANCE.ClusterOpenEnum(hCluster, Clusapi.CLUSTER_ENUM_GROUP); if (hEnum == null) throw new RuntimeException("Clusapi call to ClusterOpenEnum returned err code " + MyKernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); Set result = new LinkedHashSet(); try { IntByReference lpdwType = new IntByReference(); IntByReference lpcchName = new IntByReference(0); Memory lpszName = new Memory(256); int dwIndex = 0; int returnValue = 0; do { lpdwType.setValue(0); lpcchName.setValue(0); lpszName.clear(); lpcchName.setValue(256); returnValue = Clusapi.INSTANCE.ClusterEnum(hEnum, dwIndex, lpdwType, lpszName, lpcchName); if (returnValue == Clusapi.ERROR_SUCCESS) { String group = lpszName.getString(0, true); ClusterGroupInfo info = getGroupNodeInfo(hCluster, group); if (info != null) result.add(info); } if ((returnValue != Clusapi.ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) && (returnValue != Clusapi.ERROR_SUCCESS)) _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "strange returnValue from ClusApi" + returnValue); dwIndex++; } while (returnValue == 0); } catch (Exception e) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error while getting Cluster group information", e); } finally { MyKernel32.INSTANCE.CloseHandle(hEnum); MyKernel32.INSTANCE.CloseHandle(hCluster); } return result; } public void start() { Runnable check = null; synchronized (this) { if (_stopped) { check = new Runnable() { public void run() { IntByReference lpdwNotifyKey = new IntByReference(); IntByReference lpdwFilterType = new IntByReference(); IntByReference lpcchName = new IntByReference(); IntByReference dwNotifyKey = new IntByReference(); Memory lpszName = new Memory(256); Pointer minusOne = Pointer.createConstant(-1); int dwMilliseconds = 300 * 1000; final int dwFilter = Clusapi.CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_STATE | Clusapi.CLUSTER_CHANGE_HANDLE_CLOSE | Clusapi.CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_DELETED | Clusapi.CLUSTER_CHANGE_CLUSTER_STATE | Clusapi.CLUSTER_CHANGE_CLUSTER_RECONNECT | Clusapi.CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_ADDED; while (!_stopped) { Pointer hCluster = null; Pointer hChange = null; long started = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { lpdwNotifyKey.setValue(0); lpdwFilterType.setValue(0); lpcchName.setValue(0); dwNotifyKey.setValue(0); lpszName.clear(); lpcchName.setValue(256); hCluster = Clusapi.INSTANCE.OpenCluster(null); if (hCluster == null) _log.severe("ClusApi.OpenCluster returned err code " + MyKernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); else { hChange = Clusapi.INSTANCE.CreateClusterNotifyPort(minusOne, hCluster, dwFilter, dwNotifyKey); if (hChange == null) _log.severe("ClusApi.CreateClusterNotifyPort returned err code " + MyKernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } if (hCluster == null || hChange == null) Thread.sleep(5000); else { int result = Clusapi.INSTANCE.GetClusterNotify(hChange, lpdwNotifyKey, lpdwFilterType, lpszName, lpcchName, dwMilliseconds); if (result == Clusapi.ERROR_SUCCESS) doListeners(null, lpdwFilterType.getValue(), lpszName.getString(0, true)); else if (result != Clusapi.WAIT_TIMEOUT) // 258 // = // Wait // Time // Out _log.warning("ClusApi.GetClusterNotify result=" + result); } } catch (Throwable e) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting ClusterInformation", e); } finally {"check cluster took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - started) + " ms"); if (hChange != null) { try { Clusapi.INSTANCE.CloseClusterNotifyPort(hChange); } catch (Throwable e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } MyKernel32.INSTANCE.CloseHandle(hChange); } if (hCluster != null) MyKernel32.INSTANCE.CloseHandle(hCluster); } } } }; _stopped = false; } } new Thread(check, "cluster listener thread").start(); } private void doListeners(String activeNode, int lpdwFilterType, String lpszName) { // LOGGING try { switch (lpdwFilterType) { case Clusapi.CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_ADDED: _log.severe("cluster group added: " + lpszName); break; case Clusapi.CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_DELETED: _log.severe("cluster group deleted: " + lpszName); break; case Clusapi.CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_STATE: _log.severe("cluster group state changed: " + lpszName); break; case Clusapi.CLUSTER_CHANGE_HANDLE_CLOSE: _log.severe("The queue receives a notification when a handle associated with a cluster object is closed. " + lpszName); break; case Clusapi.CLUSTER_CHANGE_CLUSTER_RECONNECT: _log.severe("The queue receives a notification when the connection to the cluster " + "identified by hCluster is reestablished after a brief disconnect. Some events " + "generated immediately before or after this event may have been lost. val=" + lpszName); break; case Clusapi.CLUSTER_CHANGE_CLUSTER_STATE: _log.severe("all attempts to communicate with the cluster failed, val=" + lpszName); break; default: _log.severe("unknown event id=" + Integer.toHexString(lpdwFilterType) + ", val=" + lpszName); break; } } catch (Throwable e) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error in Cluster Logging", e); } threadPool.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { ArrayList listeners = new ArrayList(); synchronized (_listeners) { listeners.addAll(_listeners); } for (ClusterNodeChangeListener l : listeners) try { l.nodeChanged(); } catch (Throwable e) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error in ClusterNodeChangeListener.nodeChanged()", e); } } }); } public void addNodeChangeListener(ClusterNodeChangeListener listener) { synchronized (_listeners) { _listeners.add(listener); } } public void stop() { _stopped = true; } public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException { final Cluster c = new Cluster(); c.addNodeChangeListener(new ClusterNodeChangeListener() { public void nodeChanged() { try { System.out.println("new GroupInfo" + c.getGroupInfo()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); c.start(); try { Thread.sleep(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public class ClusterGroupInfo { final private String _groupName; final private String _location; ClusterGroupState _state = ClusterGroupState.Unknown; public ClusterGroupInfo(String groupName, int state, String location) { _groupName = groupName; _location = location; _state = ClusterGroupState.parse(state); } public String getGroupName() { return _groupName; } public String getLocation() { return _location; } public ClusterGroupState getState() { return _state; } public boolean equals(ClusterGroupInfo info) { if (super.equals(info)) return true; if (StringUtils.equals(_location, info._location) && StringUtils.equals(_groupName, info._groupName) && _state == info._state) return true; return false; } @Override public String toString() { return _groupName + "(" + _state + ", " + _location + ")"; } } }