/* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *

* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.rzo.yajsw; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /** * The Interface Constants. */ public interface Constants { /** The Constant DEFAULT_PORT. */ public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 15003; /** The Constant DEFAULT_SO_TIMEOUT. */ public static final int DEFAULT_SO_TIMEOUT = 10000; /** The Constant DEFAULT_CPU_TIMEOUT. */ public static final int DEFAULT_CPU_TIMEOUT = 10000; /** The Constant DEFAULT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT. */ public static final int DEFAULT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT = 30; /** The Constant DEFAULT_MAX_FAILED_INVOCATIONS. */ public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_FAILED_INVOCATIONS = 5; /** The Constant DEFAULT_SUCCESSFUL_INVOCATION_TIME. */ public static final int DEFAULT_SUCCESSFUL_INVOCATION_TIME = 60; public static final int DEFAULT_EXIT_ON_MAIN_TERMINATE = -1; public static final int DEFAULT_EXIT_ON_MAIN_EXCEPTION = 999; /** The Constant DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL. */ public static final int DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL = 5; /** The Constant DEFAULT_PING_TIMEOUT. */ public static final int DEFAULT_PING_TIMEOUT = 30; /** The Constant DEFAULT_RESTART_DELAY. */ public static final int DEFAULT_RESTART_DELAY = 5; /** The Constant DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT. */ public static final int DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT = 30; /** The Constant DEFAULT_JVM_EXIT_TIMEOUT. */ public static final int DEFAULT_JVM_EXIT_TIMEOUT = 15; public static final String DEFAULT_DAEMON_RUN_LEVEL_DIR = "rc5.d"; public static final String DEFAULT_DAEMON_TEMPLATE = "conf/daemon.vm"; public static final String DEFAULT_DAEMON_DIR = "/etc/init.d"; public static final String DEFAULT_DAEMON_PID_DIR = "/var/run"; public static final String DEFAULT_DAEMON_K_ORDER = "99"; public static final String DEFAULT_DAEMON_S_ORDER = "99"; public static final int DEFAULT_EXIT_CODE_STOP = 0; public static final int DEFAULT_EXIT_CODE_KILL = 999; public static final int DEFAULT_EXIT_CODE_FATAL = 999; public static final String DEFAULT_SERVICE_START_TYPE = "AUTO_START"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_CONSOLE_VISIBLE = false; public static final String DEFAULT_CONTROL = "TIGHT"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_RELOAD_CONFIGURATION = false; public static final boolean DFAULT_CACHE_LOCAL = false; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_START. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_START = (byte) 100; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_STOP. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_STOP = (byte) 101; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_RESTART. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_RESTART = (byte) 102; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_PING. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_PING = (byte) 103; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_STOP_PENDING. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_STOP_PENDING = (byte) 104; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_START_PENDING. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_START_PENDING = (byte) 105; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_STARTED. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_STARTED = (byte) 106; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_STOPPED. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_STOPPED = (byte) 107; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_KEY. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_KEY = (byte) 110; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_BADKEY. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_BADKEY = (byte) 111; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_LOW_LOG_LEVEL. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_LOW_LOG_LEVEL = (byte) 112; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_PING_TIMEOUT. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_PING_TIMEOUT = (byte) 113; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_SERVICE_CONTROL_CODE. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_SERVICE_CONTROL_CODE = (byte) 114; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_PROPERTIES. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_PROPERTIES = (byte) 115; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_OKKEY. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_OKKEY = (byte) 116; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_STOP_TIMER. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_STOP_TIMER = (byte) 117; /** The Constant WRAPPER_MSG_THREAD_DUMP. */ public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_THREAD_DUMP = (byte) 118; public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_SERVICE_STARTUP = (byte) 119; public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_GC = (byte) 120; public static final byte WRAPPER_MSG_DUMP_HEAP = (byte) 121; public static final int DEFAULT_RMI_PORT = 1099; public static final String DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT = "LPNTM"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_CONSOLE_MINIMIZED = false; }