package Module::Install::Makefile; use strict 'vars'; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker (); use Module::Install::Base (); use Fcntl qw/:flock :seek/; use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE}; BEGIN { $VERSION = '1.19'; @ISA = 'Module::Install::Base'; $ISCORE = 1; } sub Makefile { $_[0] } my %seen = (); sub prompt { shift; # Infinite loop protection my @c = caller(); if ( ++$seen{"$c[1]|$c[2]|$_[0]"} > 3 ) { die "Caught an potential prompt infinite loop ($c[1]|$c[2]|$_[0])"; } # In automated testing or non-interactive session, always use defaults if ( ($ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING} or -! -t STDIN) and ! $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} ) { local $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} = 1; goto &ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt; } else { goto &ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt; } } # Store a cleaned up version of the MakeMaker version, # since we need to behave differently in a variety of # ways based on the MM version. my $makemaker = eval $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION; # If we are passed a param, do a "newer than" comparison. # Otherwise, just return the MakeMaker version. sub makemaker { ( @_ < 2 or $makemaker >= eval($_[1]) ) ? $makemaker : 0 } # Ripped from ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.56, and slightly modified # as we only need to know here whether the attribute is an array # or a hash or something else (which may or may not be appendable). my %makemaker_argtype = ( C => 'ARRAY', CONFIG => 'ARRAY', # CONFIGURE => 'CODE', # ignore DIR => 'ARRAY', DL_FUNCS => 'HASH', DL_VARS => 'ARRAY', EXCLUDE_EXT => 'ARRAY', EXE_FILES => 'ARRAY', FUNCLIST => 'ARRAY', H => 'ARRAY', IMPORTS => 'HASH', INCLUDE_EXT => 'ARRAY', LIBS => 'ARRAY', # ignore '' MAN1PODS => 'HASH', MAN3PODS => 'HASH', META_ADD => 'HASH', META_MERGE => 'HASH', PL_FILES => 'HASH', PM => 'HASH', PMLIBDIRS => 'ARRAY', PMLIBPARENTDIRS => 'ARRAY', PREREQ_PM => 'HASH', CONFIGURE_REQUIRES => 'HASH', SKIP => 'ARRAY', TYPEMAPS => 'ARRAY', XS => 'HASH', # VERSION => ['version',''], # ignore # _KEEP_AFTER_FLUSH => '', clean => 'HASH', depend => 'HASH', dist => 'HASH', dynamic_lib=> 'HASH', linkext => 'HASH', macro => 'HASH', postamble => 'HASH', realclean => 'HASH', test => 'HASH', tool_autosplit => 'HASH', # special cases where you can use makemaker_append CCFLAGS => 'APPENDABLE', DEFINE => 'APPENDABLE', INC => 'APPENDABLE', LDDLFLAGS => 'APPENDABLE', LDFROM => 'APPENDABLE', ); sub makemaker_args { my ($self, %new_args) = @_; my $args = ( $self->{makemaker_args} ||= {} ); foreach my $key (keys %new_args) { if ($makemaker_argtype{$key}) { if ($makemaker_argtype{$key} eq 'ARRAY') { $args->{$key} = [] unless defined $args->{$key}; unless (ref $args->{$key} eq 'ARRAY') { $args->{$key} = [$args->{$key}] } push @{$args->{$key}}, ref $new_args{$key} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$new_args{$key}} : $new_args{$key}; } elsif ($makemaker_argtype{$key} eq 'HASH') { $args->{$key} = {} unless defined $args->{$key}; foreach my $skey (keys %{ $new_args{$key} }) { $args->{$key}{$skey} = $new_args{$key}{$skey}; } } elsif ($makemaker_argtype{$key} eq 'APPENDABLE') { $self->makemaker_append($key => $new_args{$key}); } } else { if (defined $args->{$key}) { warn qq{MakeMaker attribute "$key" is overriden; use "makemaker_append" to append values\n}; } $args->{$key} = $new_args{$key}; } } return $args; } # For mm args that take multiple space-separated args, # append an argument to the current list. sub makemaker_append { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my $args = $self->makemaker_args; $args->{$name} = defined $args->{$name} ? join( ' ', $args->{$name}, @_ ) : join( ' ', @_ ); } sub build_subdirs { my $self = shift; my $subdirs = $self->makemaker_args->{DIR} ||= []; for my $subdir (@_) { push @$subdirs, $subdir; } } sub clean_files { my $self = shift; my $clean = $self->makemaker_args->{clean} ||= {}; %$clean = ( %$clean, FILES => join ' ', grep { length $_ } ($clean->{FILES} || (), @_), ); } sub realclean_files { my $self = shift; my $realclean = $self->makemaker_args->{realclean} ||= {}; %$realclean = ( %$realclean, FILES => join ' ', grep { length $_ } ($realclean->{FILES} || (), @_), ); } sub libs { my $self = shift; my $libs = ref $_[0] ? shift : [ shift ]; $self->makemaker_args( LIBS => $libs ); } sub inc { my $self = shift; $self->makemaker_args( INC => shift ); } sub _wanted_t { } sub tests_recursive { my $self = shift; my $dir = shift || 't'; unless ( -d $dir ) { die "tests_recursive dir '$dir' does not exist"; } my %tests = map { $_ => 1 } split / /, ($self->tests || ''); require File::Find; File::Find::find( sub { /\.t$/ and -f $_ and $tests{"$File::Find::dir/*.t"} = 1 }, $dir ); $self->tests( join ' ', sort keys %tests ); } sub write { my $self = shift; die "&Makefile->write() takes no arguments\n" if @_; # Check the current Perl version my $perl_version = $self->perl_version; if ( $perl_version ) { eval "use $perl_version; 1" or die "ERROR: perl: Version $] is installed, " . "but we need version >= $perl_version"; } # Make sure we have a new enough MakeMaker require ExtUtils::MakeMaker; if ( $perl_version and $self->_cmp($perl_version, '5.006') >= 0 ) { # This previous attempted to inherit the version of # ExtUtils::MakeMaker in use by the module author, but this # was found to be untenable as some authors build releases # using future dev versions of EU:MM that nobody else has. # Instead, #toolchain suggests we use 6.59 which is the most # stable version on CPAN at time of writing and is, to quote # ribasushi, "not terminally fucked, > and tested enough". # TODO: We will now need to maintain this over time to push # the version up as new versions are released. $self->build_requires( 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.59 ); $self->configure_requires( 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.59 ); } else { # Allow legacy-compatibility with 5.005 by depending on the # most recent EU:MM that supported 5.005. $self->build_requires( 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.36 ); $self->configure_requires( 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.36 ); } # Generate the MakeMaker params my $args = $self->makemaker_args; $args->{DISTNAME} = $self->name; $args->{NAME} = $self->module_name || $self->name; $args->{NAME} =~ s/-/::/g; $args->{VERSION} = $self->version or die <<'EOT'; ERROR: Can't determine distribution version. Please specify it explicitly via 'version' in Makefile.PL, or set a valid $VERSION in a module, and provide its file path via 'version_from' (or 'all_from' if you prefer) in Makefile.PL. EOT if ( $self->tests ) { my @tests = split ' ', $self->tests; my %seen; $args->{test} = { TESTS => (join ' ', grep {!$seen{$_}++} @tests), }; } elsif ( $Module::Install::ExtraTests::use_extratests ) { # Module::Install::ExtraTests doesn't set $self->tests and does its own tests via harness. # So, just ignore our xt tests here. } elsif ( -d 'xt' and ($Module::Install::AUTHOR or $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING}) ) { $args->{test} = { TESTS => join( ' ', map { "$_/*.t" } grep { -d $_ } qw{ t xt } ), }; } if ( $] >= 5.005 ) { $args->{ABSTRACT} = $self->abstract; $args->{AUTHOR} = join ', ', @{$self->author || []}; } if ( $self->makemaker(6.10) ) { $args->{NO_META} = 1; #$args->{NO_MYMETA} = 1; } if ( $self->makemaker(6.17) and $self->sign ) { $args->{SIGN} = 1; } unless ( $self->is_admin ) { delete $args->{SIGN}; } if ( $self->makemaker(6.31) and $self->license ) { $args->{LICENSE} = $self->license; } my $prereq = ($args->{PREREQ_PM} ||= {}); %$prereq = ( %$prereq, map { @$_ } # flatten [module => version] map { @$_ } grep $_, ($self->requires) ); # Remove any reference to perl, PREREQ_PM doesn't support it delete $args->{PREREQ_PM}->{perl}; # Merge both kinds of requires into BUILD_REQUIRES my $build_prereq = ($args->{BUILD_REQUIRES} ||= {}); %$build_prereq = ( %$build_prereq, map { @$_ } # flatten [module => version] map { @$_ } grep $_, ($self->configure_requires, $self->build_requires) ); # Remove any reference to perl, BUILD_REQUIRES doesn't support it delete $args->{BUILD_REQUIRES}->{perl}; # Delete bundled dists from prereq_pm, add it to Makefile DIR my $subdirs = ($args->{DIR} || []); if ($self->bundles) { my %processed; foreach my $bundle (@{ $self->bundles }) { my ($mod_name, $dist_dir) = @$bundle; delete $prereq->{$mod_name}; $dist_dir = File::Basename::basename($dist_dir); # dir for building this module if (not exists $processed{$dist_dir}) { if (-d $dist_dir) { # List as sub-directory to be processed by make push @$subdirs, $dist_dir; } # Else do nothing: the module is already present on the system $processed{$dist_dir} = undef; } } } unless ( $self->makemaker('6.55_03') ) { %$prereq = (%$prereq,%$build_prereq); delete $args->{BUILD_REQUIRES}; } if ( my $perl_version = $self->perl_version ) { eval "use $perl_version; 1" or die "ERROR: perl: Version $] is installed, " . "but we need version >= $perl_version"; if ( $self->makemaker(6.48) ) { $args->{MIN_PERL_VERSION} = $perl_version; } } if ($self->installdirs) { warn qq{old INSTALLDIRS (probably set by makemaker_args) is overriden by installdirs\n} if $args->{INSTALLDIRS}; $args->{INSTALLDIRS} = $self->installdirs; } my %args = map { ( $_ => $args->{$_} ) } grep {defined($args->{$_} ) } keys %$args; my $user_preop = delete $args{dist}->{PREOP}; if ( my $preop = $self->admin->preop($user_preop) ) { foreach my $key ( keys %$preop ) { $args{dist}->{$key} = $preop->{$key}; } } my $mm = ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile(%args); $self->fix_up_makefile($mm->{FIRST_MAKEFILE} || 'Makefile'); } sub fix_up_makefile { my $self = shift; my $makefile_name = shift; my $top_class = ref($self->_top) || ''; my $top_version = $self->_top->VERSION || ''; my $preamble = $self->preamble ? "# Preamble by $top_class $top_version\n" . $self->preamble : ''; my $postamble = "# Postamble by $top_class $top_version\n" . ($self->postamble || ''); local *MAKEFILE; open MAKEFILE, "+< $makefile_name" or die "fix_up_makefile: Couldn't open $makefile_name: $!"; eval { flock MAKEFILE, LOCK_EX }; my $makefile = do { local $/; }; $makefile =~ s/\b(test_harness\(\$\(TEST_VERBOSE\), )/$1'inc', /; $makefile =~ s/( -I\$\(INST_ARCHLIB\))/ -Iinc$1/g; $makefile =~ s/( "-I\$\(INST_LIB\)")/ "-Iinc"$1/g; $makefile =~ s/^(FULLPERL = .*)/$1 "-Iinc"/m; $makefile =~ s/^(PERL = .*)/$1 "-Iinc"/m; # Module::Install will never be used to build the Core Perl # Sometimes PERL_LIB and PERL_ARCHLIB get written anyway, which breaks # PREFIX/PERL5LIB, and thus, install_share. Blank them if they exist $makefile =~ s/^PERL_LIB = .+/PERL_LIB =/m; #$makefile =~ s/^PERL_ARCHLIB = .+/PERL_ARCHLIB =/m; # Perl 5.005 mentions PERL_LIB explicitly, so we have to remove that as well. $makefile =~ s/(\"?)-I\$\(PERL_LIB\)\1//g; # XXX - This is currently unused; not sure if it breaks other MM-users # $makefile =~ s/^pm_to_blib\s+:\s+/pm_to_blib :: /mg; seek MAKEFILE, 0, SEEK_SET; truncate MAKEFILE, 0; print MAKEFILE "$preamble$makefile$postamble" or die $!; close MAKEFILE or die $!; 1; } sub preamble { my ($self, $text) = @_; $self->{preamble} = $text . $self->{preamble} if defined $text; $self->{preamble}; } sub postamble { my ($self, $text) = @_; $self->{postamble} ||= $self->admin->postamble; $self->{postamble} .= $text if defined $text; $self->{postamble} } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Module::Install::MakeMaker - Extension Rules for ExtUtils::MakeMaker =head1 SYNOPSIS In your F: use inc::Module::Install; WriteMakefile(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is a wrapper around B. It exports two functions: C (an alias for C) and C. The C function will pass on keyword/value pair functions to C. The required parameters C and C (or C) are not necessary if it can find them unambiguously in your code. =head1 CONFIGURATION OPTIONS This module also adds some Configuration parameters of its own: =head2 NAME The NAME parameter is required by B. If you have a single module in your distribution, or if the module name indicated by the current directory exists under F, this module will use the guessed package name as the default. If this module can't find a default for C it will ask you to specify it manually. =head2 VERSION B requires either the C or C parameter. If this module can guess the package's C, it will attempt to parse the C from it. If this module can't find a default for C it will ask you to specify it manually. =head1 MAKE TARGETS B provides you with many useful C targets. A C B is the word you specify after C, like C for C. Some of the more useful targets are: =over 4 =item * all This is the default target. When you type C it is the same as entering C. This target builds all of your code and stages it in the C directory. =item * test Run your distribution's test suite. =item * install Copy the contents of the C directory into the appropriate directories in your Perl installation. =item * dist Create a distribution tarball, ready for uploading to CPAN or sharing with a friend. =item * clean distclean purge Remove the files created by C and C. =item * help Same as typing C. =back This module modifies the behaviour of some of these targets, depending on your requirements, and also adds the following targets to your Makefile: =over 4 =item * cpurge Just like purge, except that it also deletes the files originally added by this module itself. =item * chelp Short cut for typing C. =item * distsign Short cut for typing C, for B users to sign the distribution before release. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =head1 AUTHORS Adam Kennedy Eadamk@cpan.orgE Audrey Tang Eautrijus@autrijus.orgE Brian Ingerson EINGY@cpan.orgE =head1 COPYRIGHT Some parts copyright 2008 - 2012 Adam Kennedy. Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 Audrey Tang and Brian Ingerson. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut