# Things to add to existing module package Devel::Cover::DB::Criterion; use Devel::Cover::Truth_Table; use strict; use warnings; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : error() # Purpose : Determine if any of the entries for a given metric type # of a line of code are missing full coverage. # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub error { my $self = shift; my $line = shift; foreach my $c (@{$self->get($line)}) { return 1 if $c->error; } return; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : branch_coverage() # Purpose : Generate textual representation of branches with/without # coverage. # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub branch_coverage { my $self = shift; my $line = shift; my @txt; foreach my $c (@{$self->get($line)}) { push @txt, ($c->[0][0] ? ' T ' : '---') . ($c->[0][1] ? ' F ' : '---'); } return @txt; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : truth_table() # Purpose : Generate truth table(s) for conditional expressions on a line. # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub truth_table { my $self = shift; my $line = shift; my $c = $self->get($line); return if @$c > 16; # Too big - can't get any useful info anyway. my @lops; foreach my $c (@$c) { my $op = $c->[1]{type}; my @hit = map {defined() && $_ > 0 ? 1 : 0} @{$c->[0]}; @hit = reverse @hit if $op =~ /^or_[23]$/; my $t = { tt => Devel::Cover::Truth_Table->new_primitive($op, @hit), cvg => $c->[1], expr => join(' ', @{$c->[1]}{qw/left op right/}), }; push(@lops, $t); } return map {[$_->{tt}->sort, $_->{expr}]} merge_lineops(@lops); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : merge_lineops() # Purpose : Merge multiple conditional expressions into composite # truth table(s). # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub merge_lineops { my @ops = @_; my $rotations; while ($#ops > 0) { my $rm; for (1 .. $#ops) { if ($ops[0]{expr} eq $ops[$_]{cvg}{left}) { $ops[$_]{tt}->left_merge($ops[0]{tt}); $ops[0] = $ops[$_]; $rm = $_; last; } elsif ($ops[0]{expr} eq $ops[$_]{cvg}{right}) { $ops[$_]{tt}->right_merge($ops[0]{tt}); $ops[0] = $ops[$_]; $rm = $_; last; } elsif ($ops[$_]{expr} eq $ops[0]{cvg}{left}) { $ops[0]{tt}->left_merge($ops[$_]{tt}); $rm = $_; last; } elsif ($ops[$_]{expr} eq $ops[0]{cvg}{right}) { $ops[0]{tt}->right_merge($ops[$_]{tt}); $rm = $_; last; } } if ($rm) { splice(@ops, $rm, 1); $rotations = 0; } else { # First op didn't merge with anything. Rotate @ops in hopes # of finding something that can be merged. unshift(@ops, pop @ops); # Hmm... we've come full circle and *still* haven't found # anything to merge. Did the source code have multiple # statements on the same line? last if ($rotations++ > $#ops); } } return @ops; } package Devel::Cover::Truth_Table::Row; use warnings; use strict; sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my @args = @_; # use Devel::Cover::Dumper; print Dumper \@args; return bless { inputs => $args[0], result => $args[1], covered => $args[2], criterion => $args[2], }, $class; } sub inputs { my $self = shift; return @{$self->{inputs}}; } sub leftcol { my $self = shift; return $self->{inputs}[0]; } sub rightcol { my $self = shift; return $self->{inputs}[-1]; } sub leftelems { my $self = shift; my $n = $#{$self->{inputs}}; return @{$self->{inputs}}[0 .. $n - 1]; } sub rightelems { my $self = shift; my $n = $#{$self->{inputs}}; return @{$self->{inputs}}[1 .. $n]; } sub string { return "@{$_[0]{inputs}}"; } sub result { return $_[0]{result}; } sub covered { return $_[0]{covered}; } sub error { return 1; return $_[0]{error}[$_[1]]; } package Devel::Cover::Truth_Table; use warnings; use strict; our $VERSION = '1.31'; # VERSION #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : new() # Purpose : Create a new Truth_Table object. # Notes : Probably best to keep usage of this internal... #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; return bless [@_], $class; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : new_primitive() # Purpose : Create a new Truth_Table object based on one of the built-in # primitives. # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub new_primitive { my ($proto, $type, @coverage) = @_; my %table = ( and_2 => \&boolean_tt, and_3 => \&and_tt, or_2 => \&boolean_tt, or_3 => \&or_tt, xor_4 => \&xor_tt, ); return $proto->new($table{$type}->(@coverage)); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : error() # Purpose : Determine if a table is missing full coverage. # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub error { my $self = shift; if (@_) { print "[[[", $self->[shift]->error, "]]]\n"; die } return $self->[shift]->error if @_; foreach (@$self) { return 1 if $_->error; } return; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : percentage() # Purpose : Determine the coverage proportion for a truth table. # Notes : Don't care states (X) count as one path, not two. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub percentage { my $self = shift; my ($p, $c) = (scalar @$self, 0); foreach (@$self) { $c++ if $_->covered; } return ($c == $p) ? 100 : 100 * $c / $p; } # Basic truth table constructors # Construct a new truth table for 'A B' coverage listing # primitives. More complicated tables are constructed by merging # primitives. Each array element represents a row from a truth table, # divided into two parts; # * the input states: 0/1/X (X = don't care) # * the output state and a flag to show whether that path has been # hit. # e.g. for the source '$a && $b', and_tt(1,0,1) generates this table: # # $a | $b | $a && $b | covered # ----|----|----------|-------- # 0 | X | 0 | 1 # 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 # 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 # sub and_tt { return(Devel::Cover::Truth_Table::Row->new([0, 'X'], 0, shift), Devel::Cover::Truth_Table::Row->new([1, 0 ], 0, shift), Devel::Cover::Truth_Table::Row->new([1, 1 ], 1, shift)); } sub or_tt { return(Devel::Cover::Truth_Table::Row->new([0, 0 ], 0, shift), Devel::Cover::Truth_Table::Row->new([0, 1 ], 1, shift), Devel::Cover::Truth_Table::Row->new([1, 'X'], 1, shift)); } sub xor_tt { return(Devel::Cover::Truth_Table::Row->new([0, 0], 0, shift), Devel::Cover::Truth_Table::Row->new([0, 1], 1, shift), Devel::Cover::Truth_Table::Row->new([1, 0], 1, shift), Devel::Cover::Truth_Table::Row->new([1, 1], 0, shift)); } sub boolean_tt { return(Devel::Cover::Truth_Table::Row->new([0], 0, shift), Devel::Cover::Truth_Table::Row->new([1], 1, shift)); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : sort() # Purpose : Sort a truth table # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub sort { my $self = shift; @$self = sort {$a->string cmp $b->string} @$self; return $self; } #sub rows {return @{$_[0]}} #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : text() # Purpose : Formatted text representation of a truth table # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub text { my $self = shift; my $h = 'A'; my @h = map {$h++} ($self->[0]->inputs); my $hdr = "@h |exp|hit"; my @text; push @text, $hdr, '-' x length($hdr); foreach (@$self) { push @text, sprintf("%s | %s |%s", $_->string(), $_->result(), $_->covered() ? '+++' : '---'); } push @text, '-' x length($hdr); return @text; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : html() # Purpose : HTML representation of a truth table # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub html { my $self = shift; my @class = (shift || 'uncovered', shift || 'covered'); my $html = ""; my $h = 'A'; for ($self->[0]->inputs) { $html .= ""; $h++; } $html .= ""; my $c = 0; foreach (@$self) { my $class = $class[!$_->error($c++) || $_->covered]; $html .= qq'"; } $html .= "
'; $html .= join(qq'', $_->inputs, $_->result); $html .= "
"; return $html; } # Truth table merge routines: # Combine simple truth tables into more complicated ones. # # Given two truth tables, A and B, such that # A is the truth table for the expression 'a1 a2' # B is the truth table for the expression 'b1 b2' # b1 = 'a1 a2' # # We want to merge the contents of A into B creating a new, larger truth # table for the composite expression '(a1 a2) b2'. We do this # by replacing elements of B corresponding to b1 with (all) the inputs # to A where the result of A matches the element removed from B. e.g. # # A => a1 || a2 B => b1 && b2 # a1 a2 | a1 || a2 b1 b2 | b1 && b2 # ---------------- ---------------- # 0 0 | 0 0 X | 0 # 0 1 | 1 1 0 | 0 # 1 X | 1 1 1 | 1 # # For the first row of B, b1 = 0. We replace this with the all the # (a1,a2) values where the expression 'a1 || a2' = 0. In this case, just # (0,0). Thus, the first row of our new table becomes (0,0,X). # # In the second row of B, b1 = 1. Thus, from A we add rows for A values # (0,1) and (1,X) along with the value for b2 (0). Repeat the process # for the final row of B where b2 = 1. The resulting truth table is: # # a1 a2 b2 | (a1 || a2) && b2 # --------------------------- # 0 0 X | 0 # 0 1 0 | 0 # 1 X 0 | 0 # 0 1 1 | 1 # 1 X 1 | 1 # # Note that we don't have to calculate the result, it's taken directly # from table B. We can do this because we've replaced b1 with an # something that evaluates to the same thing. # # This is a "left merge" because we merged A into the leftmost column of # B. We can also do a "right merge" where we place A into the rightmost # column of B. (This is what we would have done if we had had # b2 = 'a1 a2' instead of b1.) # # Finally, merging the truth tables isn't much use if we don't work out # which paths have been covered. We haven't shown it, but each row of # the truth tables also contains a "covered" boolean. The value of this # in the merged table is the AND'd values from the input tables A and B. # In the case where all the inputs from B are 'X' it is simply the # value from table A. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : right_merge(\@,\@) # Purpose : Merge truth table 2 into the rightmost column of truth table 1. # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub right_merge { my ($tt1, $tt2) = @_; # find the rows of tt2 that have a result of false/true my @merge = ([grep {! $_->result} @$tt2], [grep {$_->result} @$tt2]); # if the rightmost column of tt1 is 'X', we don't care what the # input from tt2 was my @dontcare = map {'X'} $tt2->[0]->inputs; my @tt; foreach my $row1 (@$tt1) { if ($row1->rightcol eq 'X') { push(@tt, Devel::Cover::Truth_Table::Row->new([$row1->leftelems, @dontcare], $row1->result, $row1->covered)); } else { # expand value from tt1 with rows from tt2 that result in # that value foreach my $row2 (@{$merge[$row1->rightcol]}) { push(@tt, Devel::Cover::Truth_Table::Row->new([$row1->leftelems, $row2->inputs], $row1->result, $row1->covered && $row2->covered)); } } } $_[0] = $tt2->new(@tt); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutine : left_merge(\@,\@) # Purpose : Merge truth table 2 into the leftmost column of truth table 1. # Notes : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub left_merge { my ($tt1, $tt2) = @_; # find the rows of tt2 that have a result of false/true my @merge = ([grep {! $_->result} @$tt2], [grep {$_->result} @$tt2]); my @tt; foreach my $row1 (@$tt1) { my $rightmatters = grep {$_ ne 'X'} $row1->rightelems; foreach my $row2 (@{$merge[$row1->leftcol]}) { # expand value from tt1 with rows from tt2 that result in # that value push(@tt, Devel::Cover::Truth_Table::Row->new([$row2->inputs, $row1->rightelems], $row1->result, ($rightmatters) ? $row1->covered && $row2->covered : $row2->covered)); } } $_[0] = $tt2->new(@tt); } 1; =pod =head1 NAME Devel::Cover::Truth_Table - Truth tables for coverage objects. =head1 VERSION version 1.31 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Devel::Cover::Truth_Table; # $a || $b my $or_tt = Devel::Cover::Truth_Table->new_primitive('or_3', 0, 1, 1); # $c && $d my $and_tt = Devel::Cover::Truth_Table->new_primitive('and_3', 1, 0, 1); # merge contents of $and_tt into right column of $or_tt, to create # $a || ($c && $d) $or_tt->right_merge($and_tt); # get a (sorted) textual representation my @text = $or_tt->sort->text; print "$_\n" foreach @text; __END__ A B C |exp|hit -------------- 0 0 X | 0 |--- 0 1 0 | 0 |--- 0 1 1 | 1 |+++ 1 X X | 1 |+++ -------------- =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides methods for creating and merging conditional primitives (C<$a && $b>, C<$c || $d>, etc.) into more complex composite expressions. =head1 METHODS =head2 new_primitive($op, @coverage) Create a new truth table based on one of the built-in primitives, which are the subclasses of Devel::Cover::DB::Condition. C<$op> is one of the following: =over 4 =item and_3 C or C<&&> with three conditional paths. =item or_3 C or C<||> with three conditional paths. =item or_2 C or C<||> with two conditional paths. (i.e., when the right hand side of the expression is a constant) =item xor_4 C with four conditional paths. =back C<@coverage> is a list booleans identifying which of the possible paths have been covered. =head2 sort() Sorts a truth table (in place) and returns the sorted object. =head2 text() Format a truth table to an array of strings for printing. =head2 html() Format a truth table in HTML. =head2 error() =head2 percentage() Determines the proportion of possible conditions that have coverage. =head2 right_merge($sub_table) Merge entries from C<$sub_table> into right column of table. =head2 left_merge($sub_table) Merge entries from C<$sub_table> into left column of table. =head1 SEE ALSO Devel::Cover =head1 BUGS None that I'm aware of... =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2002 Michael Carman This software is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. The latest version should be available from: http://www.pjcj.net =cut