use strict; package Devel::Caller; use warnings; use B qw( peekop ); use PadWalker (); use XSLoader; use base qw( Exporter ); use 5.008; our $VERSION = '2.06'; XSLoader::load __PACKAGE__, $VERSION; our @EXPORT_OK = qw( caller_cv caller_args caller_vars called_with called_as_method ); sub caller_cv { my $level = shift; my $cx = PadWalker::_upcontext($level + 1); return unless $cx; return _context_cv($cx); } our $DEBUG = 0; # scan forward through the ops noting the pushmark or a padrange ops. # These indicate the start of a subroutine call. We're looking for the most # recent one before the subroutine invocation (the entersub). sub scan_forward { my $op = shift; die "was expecting a pushmark or a padrange, not a " . $op->name if ($op->name !~ /^(?:pushmark|padrange)$/); my @stack; for (; $op && $op->name ne 'entersub'; $op = $op->next) { print "SCAN ", peekop($op), "\n" if $DEBUG; if ($op->name eq "pushmark" or $op->name eq "padrange") { print " PUSH\n" if $DEBUG; push @stack, $op; } elsif (0) { # op consumes a mark print " POP\n" if $DEBUG; pop @stack; } } return pop @stack; } *caller_vars = \&called_with; sub called_with { my $level = shift; my $want_names = shift; my $op = _context_op( PadWalker::_upcontext( $level + 1 )); my $cv = caller_cv( $level + 2 ); my $pad = $cv ? B::svref_2object( $cv )->PADLIST : B::comppadlist; my $padn = $pad->ARRAYelt( 0 ); my $padv = $pad->ARRAYelt( 1 ); print "Context OP: ", peekop($op), "\n" if $DEBUG; $op = scan_forward( $op ); print "Scanned forward to ", peekop($op), "\n" if $DEBUG; my @return; my $prev; # We're scanning through looking for ops which are pushing # variables onto the stack (/pad(sv|av|hv)/ push from the pad, # /gvsv|rv2([ahg]v/ are from globs. for (; $op && $op->name ne 'entersub'; ($prev = $op) && ($op = $op->next)) { printf "Loop: %s %s targ: %d\n", peekop($op), $op->name, $op->targ if $DEBUG; if ($op->name eq "padrange") { # A padrange is a 5.17 optimisation that uses a single op to # load multiple pad variables onto the stack. The old ops # are preserved and are reachable as the padrange's sibling # so that B::Deparse can pessimise it back to that state. # # # # # We could use the B::Deparse method, but it's probably simpler if # we just reassign $op. print "padrange, diverting down ", $prev->sibling, "\n" if $DEBUG; $op = $op->sibling; } if ($op->name =~ "pad(sv|av|hv)") { if ($op->next->next->name eq "sassign") { print "sassign in two ops, this is the target skipping\n" if $DEBUG; next; } print "Copying from pad\n" if $DEBUG; if ($want_names) { push @return, $padn->ARRAYelt( $op->targ )->PVX; } else { push @return, $padv->ARRAYelt( $op->targ )->object_2svref; } next; } elsif ($op->name =~ /gvsv|rv2(av|hv|gv)/) { if ($op->next->next->name eq "sassign") { print "sassign in two ops, this is the target, skipping\n" if $DEBUG; next; } my $consider = ($op->name eq "gvsv") ? $op : $prev; my $gv; if (ref $consider eq 'B::PADOP') { print "GV is really a padgv\n" if $DEBUG; $gv = $padv->ARRAYelt( $consider->padix ); print "NEW GV $gv\n" if $DEBUG; } else { $gv = $consider->gv; } print "consider: $consider ", $consider->name, " gv $gv\n" if $DEBUG; if ($want_names) { my %sigils = ( "gvsv" => '$', "rv2av" => '@', "rv2hv" => '%', "rv2gv" => '*', ); push @return, $sigils{ $op->name } . $gv->STASH->NAME . "::" . $gv->SAFENAME; } else { my %slots = ( "gvsv" => 'SCALAR', "rv2av" => 'ARRAY', "rv2hv" => 'HASH', "rv2gv" => 'GLOB', ); push @return, *{ $gv->object_2svref }{ $slots{ $op->name} }; } next; } elsif ($op->name eq "const") { if ($op->next->next->name eq "sassign") { print "sassign in two ops, this is the target, skipping\n" if $DEBUG; next; } push @return, $want_names ? undef : $op->sv; next; } } return @return; } sub called_as_method { my $level = shift || 0; my $op = _context_op( PadWalker::_upcontext( $level + 1 )); print "called_as_method: $op\n" if $DEBUG; die "was expecting a pushmark or pad, not a ". $op->name unless $op->name eq "pushmark"; while (($op = $op->next) && ($op->name ne "entersub")) { print "method: ", $op->name, "\n" if $DEBUG; return 1 if $op->name =~ /^method(?:_named)?$/; } return; } sub caller_args { my $level = shift; package DB; () = caller( $level + 1 ); return @DB::args } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Devel::Caller - meatier versions of C =head1 SYNOPSIS use Devel::Caller qw(caller_cv); $foo = sub { print "huzzah\n" if $foo == caller_cv(0) }; $foo->(); # prints huzzah use Devel::Caller qw(called_with); sub foo { print called_with(0,1); } foo( my @foo ); # should print '@foo' =head1 DESCRIPTION =over =item caller_cv($level) C gives you the coderef of the subroutine being invoked at the call frame indicated by the value of $level =item caller_args($level) Returns the arguments passed into the caller at level $level =item caller_vars( $level, $names ) =item called_with($level, $names) C returns a list of references to the original arguments to the subroutine at $level. if $names is true, the names of the variables will be returned instead constants are returned as C in both cases =item called_as_method($level) C returns true if the subroutine at $level was called as a method. =back =head1 BUGS All of these routines are susceptible to the same limitations as C as described in L The deparsing of the optree perfomed by called_with is fairly simple-minded and so a bit flaky. =over =item As a version 2.0 of Devel::Caller we no longer maintain compatibility with versions of perl earlier than 5.8.2. Older versions continue to be available from CPAN and backpan. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =head1 AUTHOR Richard Clamp with close reference to PadWalker by Robin Houston =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013 Richard Clamp. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut