/* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *

* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.rzo.yajsw.timer; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import org.quartz.CronExpression; import org.quartz.CronTrigger; import org.quartz.JobDataMap; import org.quartz.JobDetail; import org.quartz.Scheduler; import org.quartz.SchedulerException; import org.quartz.SchedulerFactory; import org.quartz.SimpleTrigger; import org.quartz.Trigger; import org.rzo.yajsw.config.YajswConfigurationImpl; import org.rzo.yajsw.wrapper.WrappedProcess; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /** * The Class Timer. */ public class TimerImpl implements Timer { /** The _config. */ YajswConfigurationImpl _config; /** The _wp. */ WrappedProcess _wp; /** The _scheduler. */ static Scheduler _scheduler; /** The _cron start. */ MyCronTrigger _cronStart; /** The _cron stop. */ MyCronTrigger _cronStop; /** The _cron restart. */ MyCronTrigger _cronRestart; /** The _simple start. */ MySimpleTrigger _simpleStart; /** The _simple stop. */ MySimpleTrigger _simpleStop; /** The _simple restart. */ MySimpleTrigger _simpleRestart; /** The _has trigger. */ boolean _hasTrigger = false; /** The _start immediate. */ boolean _startImmediate = true; /** The _triggered. */ boolean _triggered = false; /** * Instantiates a new timer. * * @param config * the config * @param wp * the wp */ public TimerImpl(YajswConfigurationImpl config, WrappedProcess wp) { _config = config; _wp = wp; } /** * Inits the. */ public synchronized void init() { for (Iterator keys = _config.getKeys("wrapper.timer"); keys.hasNext();) { String key = (String) keys.next(); if (key.contains(".simple.")) { if (key.contains(".START.")) { if (_simpleStart == null) _simpleStart = getSimpleTrigger(key); } else if (key.contains(".STOP.")) { if (_simpleStop == null) _simpleStop = getSimpleTrigger(key); } else if (key.contains(".RESTART.")) { if (_simpleRestart == null) _simpleRestart = getSimpleTrigger(key); } else System.out.println("Cannot interpret timer property: " + key); } else if (key.contains(".cron.")) { if (key.contains(".START")) _cronStart = getCronTrigger(key); else if (key.contains(".STOP")) _cronStop = getCronTrigger(key); else if (key.contains(".RESTART")) _cronRestart = getCronTrigger(key); else System.out.println("Cannot interpret timer property: " + key); } else { System.out.println("Cannot interpret timer property: " + key); } } } /** * Gets the simple trigger. * * @param key * the key * * @return the simple trigger */ private MySimpleTrigger getSimpleTrigger(String key) { JobDetail jobDetail = new JobDetail(); JobDataMap jobDataMap = new JobDataMap(); jobDataMap.put("process", _wp); jobDetail.setJobDataMap(jobDataMap); Class jobClass = getJobClass(key); if (jobClass == null) return null; jobDetail.setJobClass(jobClass); jobDetail.setName(key); MySimpleTrigger trigger = new MySimpleTrigger(jobDetail); Date startTime = getStartTime(key); if (startTime != null) { trigger.setStartTime(startTime); } int repeatCount = getRepeatCount(key); if (repeatCount >= -1) trigger.setRepeatCount(repeatCount); int interval = getInterval(key); if (interval > 0) trigger.setRepeatInterval(interval * 1000); _hasTrigger = true; if (trigger != null) trigger.setName(key); _startImmediate = false; // getStartTime will always return a date. // per default the current time. trigger.setMisfireInstruction(SimpleTrigger.MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_FIRE_NOW); return trigger; } /** * Gets the interval. * * @param key * the key * * @return the interval */ private int getInterval(String key) { return _config.getInt(key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".INTERVAL", SimpleTrigger.REPEAT_INDEFINITELY); } /** * Gets the repeat count. * * @param key * the key * * @return the repeat count */ private int getRepeatCount(String key) { return _config.getInt(key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".COUNT", SimpleTrigger.REPEAT_INDEFINITELY); } /** * Gets the start time. * * @param key * the key * * @return the start time */ private Date getStartTime(String key) { String str = _config.getString(key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".FIRST"); if (str == null) return new Date(); SimpleDateFormat df = null; if (str.contains(" ")) df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss"); else df = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); try { return df.parse(str); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Gets the job class. * * @param key * the key * * @return the job class */ private Class getJobClass(String key) { if (key.contains(".RESTART")) return RestartJob.class; else if (key.contains(".STOP")) return StopJob.class; else if (key.contains(".START")) return StartJob.class; return null; } /** * Gets the cron trigger. * * @param key * the key * * @return the cron trigger */ private MyCronTrigger getCronTrigger(String key) { JobDetail jobDetail = new JobDetail(); JobDataMap jobDataMap = new JobDataMap(); jobDataMap.put("process", _wp); jobDetail.setJobDataMap(jobDataMap); jobDetail.setName(key); Class jobClass = getJobClass(key); if (jobClass == null) return null; jobDetail.setJobClass(jobClass); MyCronTrigger trigger = new MyCronTrigger(jobDetail); CronExpression cronExpression = getCronExpression(key); if (cronExpression != null) { trigger.setCronExpression(cronExpression); if (jobClass.equals(StartJob.class)) _startImmediate = false; _hasTrigger = true; } else { return null; } trigger.setName(key); trigger.setMisfireInstruction(trigger.MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_FIRE_ONCE_NOW); return trigger; } /** * Gets the cron expression. * * @param key * the key * * @return the cron expression */ private CronExpression getCronExpression(String key) { String str = _config.getString(key); if (str == null) { return null; } try { return new CronExpression(str); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Start. */ public synchronized void start() { if (!_hasTrigger) return; if (getScheduler() == null) return; try { if (!_scheduler.isStarted()) _scheduler.start(); } catch (SchedulerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } if (_cronStart != null) startTrigger(_cronStart, _cronStart.getJobDetail()); if (_cronStop != null) startTrigger(_cronStop, _cronStop.getJobDetail()); if (_cronRestart != null) startTrigger(_cronRestart, _cronRestart.getJobDetail()); if (_simpleStart != null) startTrigger(_simpleStart, _simpleStart.getJobDetail()); if (_simpleStop != null) startTrigger(_simpleStop, _simpleStop.getJobDetail()); if (_simpleRestart != null) startTrigger(_simpleRestart, _simpleRestart.getJobDetail()); _triggered = true; } /** * Gets the scheduler. * * @return the scheduler */ private Scheduler getScheduler() { if (_scheduler == null) { SchedulerFactory schedFact = new org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory(); try { _scheduler = schedFact.getScheduler(); } catch (SchedulerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); _scheduler = null; } } return _scheduler; } /** * Start trigger. * * @param trigger * the trigger * @param jobDetail * the job detail */ private void startTrigger(Trigger trigger, JobDetail jobDetail) { if (trigger != null) try { _scheduler.scheduleJob(jobDetail, trigger); } catch (SchedulerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Stop. */ public void stop() { if (!_hasTrigger) return; stopTrigger(_cronStart); stopTrigger(_cronStop); stopTrigger(_cronRestart); stopTrigger(_simpleStart); stopTrigger(_simpleStop); stopTrigger(_simpleRestart); } /** * Stop trigger. * * @param trigger * the trigger */ private synchronized void stopTrigger(Trigger trigger) { try { _scheduler.pauseAll(); } catch (SchedulerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } _triggered = false; } /** * Checks if is triggered. * * @return true, if is triggered */ public boolean isTriggered() { return _triggered; } /** * Checks if is start immediate. * * @return true, if is start immediate */ public boolean isStartImmediate() { return _startImmediate; } /** * Checks if is checks for trigger. * * @return true, if is checks for trigger */ public boolean isHasTrigger() { return _hasTrigger; } /** * The Class MyCronTrigger. */ class MyCronTrigger extends CronTrigger { /** The _job detail. */ JobDetail _jobDetail; /** * Instantiates a new my cron trigger. * * @param jobDetail * the job detail */ MyCronTrigger(JobDetail jobDetail) { _jobDetail = jobDetail; } /** * Gets the job detail. * * @return the job detail */ JobDetail getJobDetail() { return _jobDetail; } } /** * The Class MySimpleTrigger. */ class MySimpleTrigger extends SimpleTrigger { /** The _job detail. */ JobDetail _jobDetail; /** * Instantiates a new my simple trigger. * * @param jobDetail * the job detail */ MySimpleTrigger(JobDetail jobDetail) { _jobDetail = jobDetail; } /** * Gets the job detail. * * @return the job detail */ JobDetail getJobDetail() { return _jobDetail; } } }