using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler { /// /// An editor that handles all Task actions. /// [ToolboxItem(true), ToolboxItemFilter("System.Windows.Forms.Control.TopLevel"), Description("Dialog allowing the editing of a task action.")] [Designer("System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentDesigner, System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [DesignTimeVisible(true)] [System.Drawing.ToolboxBitmap(typeof(TaskEditDialog), "TaskDialog")] public partial class ActionEditDialog : #if DEBUG Form #else DialogBase #endif { private Action action; private bool isV2 = true; private bool useUnifiedSchedulingEngine = false; private UIComponents.IActionHandler curHandler = null; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// public ActionEditDialog() { InitializeComponent(); ResetCombo(); } /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class with the provided action. /// /// The action. public ActionEditDialog(Action action) : this() { this.Action = action; } /// /// Gets or sets the action. /// /// The action. [DefaultValue(null), Browsable(false)] public Action Action { get { return action; } set { action = value; // Try and determine if this is a V1 task string id = action.Id; try { action.Id = "test"; action.Id = id; SupportV1Only = false; } catch { SupportV1Only = true; } actionsCombo.SelectedIndex = actionsCombo.Items.IndexOf((long)action.ActionType); curHandler.Action = action; ValidateCurrentAction(); } } /// /// Gets or sets the prompt text at the top of the dialog. /// /// The text to use as a prompt. [DefaultValue("You must specify what action this task will perform."), Category("Appearance")] public string Prompt { get { return promptLabel.Text; } set { promptLabel.Text = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether this editor only supports V1 actions. /// /// true if supports V1 only; otherwise, false. [DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior")] public bool SupportV1Only { get { return !isV2; } set { if (value == isV2) { isV2 = !value; ResetCombo(); } } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether dialog should restrict items to those available when using the Unified Scheduling Engine. /// /// /// true if using the Unified Scheduling Engine; otherwise, false. /// [DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior")] public bool UseUnifiedSchedulingEngine { get { return useUnifiedSchedulingEngine; } set { if (!isV2 && value) throw new NotSupportedException("Version 1.0 of the Task Scheduler library cannot use the Unified Scheduling Engine."); if (value != useUnifiedSchedulingEngine) { useUnifiedSchedulingEngine = value; ResetCombo(); } } } private void actionsCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch ((TaskActionType)Convert.ToInt32(((DropDownCheckListItem)actionsCombo.SelectedItem).Value)) { case TaskActionType.ComHandler: settingsTabs.SelectedTab = comTab; curHandler = comHandlerActionUI1; break; case TaskActionType.SendEmail: settingsTabs.SelectedTab = emailTab; curHandler = emailActionUI1; break; case TaskActionType.ShowMessage: settingsTabs.SelectedTab = messageTab; curHandler = showMessageActionUI1; break; case TaskActionType.Execute: default: settingsTabs.SelectedTab = execTab; curHandler = execActionUI1; break; } ValidateCurrentAction(); } private void cancelBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Close(); } private void keyField_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ValidateCurrentAction(); } private void okBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateAction(); Close(); } private void ResetCombo() { int curType = actionsCombo.SelectedIndex == -1 ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(((DropDownCheckListItem)actionsCombo.SelectedItem).Value); actionsCombo.BeginUpdate(); actionsCombo.Items.Clear(); long allVal; ComboBoxExtension.InitializeFromEnum(actionsCombo.Items, typeof(TaskActionType), EditorProperties.Resources.ResourceManager, "ActionType", out allVal); if (!isV2) { actionsCombo.Items.RemoveAt(actionsCombo.Items.IndexOf((long)TaskActionType.ComHandler)); actionsCombo.Items.RemoveAt(actionsCombo.Items.IndexOf((long)TaskActionType.SendEmail)); actionsCombo.Items.RemoveAt(actionsCombo.Items.IndexOf((long)TaskActionType.ShowMessage)); } else if (useUnifiedSchedulingEngine) { actionsCombo.Items.RemoveAt(actionsCombo.Items.IndexOf((long)TaskActionType.SendEmail)); actionsCombo.Items.RemoveAt(actionsCombo.Items.IndexOf((long)TaskActionType.ShowMessage)); } if (curType > -1) curType = actionsCombo.Items.IndexOf((long)curType); if (curType == -1) curType = 0; actionsCombo.SelectedIndex = curType; actionsCombo.EndUpdate(); } private void UpdateAction() { action = curHandler.Action; } private void ValidateCurrentAction() { okBtn.Enabled = curHandler.IsActionValid(); } } }