text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Call a COM object Start a program Send an e-mail Display a message {3} {0:P} 0 = Class GUID; 1 = Data; 2 = Id; 3 = Name every day {1} {0} 0 = Subject; 1 = To; 2 = Cc, 3 = Bcc, 4 = From, 5 = ReplyTo, 6 = Body, 7 = Server, 8 = Id . {0} {1} 0 = Executable Path; 1 = Arguments; 2 = WorkingDirectory; 3 = Id - , every month Multiple actions defined Multiple triggers defined {0} 0 = Title; 1 = MessageBody; 2 = Id Author Disabled Queued Ready Running Unknown any user At system startup Custom Trigger At {0:t} every day At {0:t} every {1} days indefinitely for a duration of {0} 0 = Duration Trigger expires at {0:G}. 0 = EndBoundary Custom event filter On event - Log: {0} 0 = Log name , Source: {0} 0 = Source name (appended after log) , EventID: {0} 0 = Event ID (appended after log or source) When computer is idle At log on of {0} At {0:t} on day {1} of {2}, starting {0:d} 0 = StartBoundary; 1 = list of Days; 2 = list of Months At {0:t} on the {1} {2:f} each {3}, starting {0:d} 0 = StartBoundary; 1 = list of weeks of Month; 2 = list of Week Days; 3 = list of Months When the task is created or modified After triggered, repeat every {0} {1}. 0 = Interval; 1= Duration string On local connection to {0}. 0 = UserId On local disconnect from {0}. 0 = UserId On remote connection to {0}. 0 = UserId On remote disconnect from {0}. 0 = UserId On workstation lock of {0}. 0 = UserId On workstation unlock of {0}. 0 = UserId user session of {0} 0 = UserId At {0:t} on {0:d} 0 = StartBoundary At startup Custom Trigger Daily On an event On idle At log on Monthly Monthly At task creation/modification On state change One time Weekly At {0:t} every {1} of every week, starting {0:d} 0 = StartBoundary; 1 = list of Week Days At {0:t} every {1} of every {2} weeks, starting {0:d} 0 = StartBoundary; 1 = list of Week Days; 2 = WeekInterval every fifth first fourth last second third