param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project) . (Join-Path $toolsPath common.ps1) # Determine the file paths $projectIntelliSenseFilePath = Join-Path $projectScriptsFolderPath $intelliSenseFileName $origIntelliSenseFilePath = Join-Path $toolsPath $intelliSenseFileName if (Test-Path $projectIntelliSenseFilePath) { if ((Get-Checksum $projectIntelliSenseFilePath) -eq (Get-Checksum $origIntelliSenseFilePath)) { # The intellisense file in the project matches the file in the tools folder, delete it if ($scriptsFolderProjectItem -eq $null) { # No Scripts folder exit } try { # Get the project item for the intellisense file $intelliSenseFileProjectItem = $scriptsFolderProjectItem.ProjectItems.Item($intelliSenseFileName) } catch { # The item wasn't found exit } # Delete the project item Delete-ProjectItem $intelliSenseFileProjectItem } else { $projectScriptsFolderLeaf = Split-Path $projectScriptsFolderPath -Leaf Write-Host "Skipping '$projectScriptsFolderLeaf\$intelliSenseFileName' because it was modified." -ForegroundColor Magenta } } else { # The intellisense file was not found in project Write-Host "The intellisense file was not found in project at path $projectIntelliSenseFilePath" } # Update the _references.js file Remove-Reference $scriptsFolderProjectItem $jqueryFileNameRegEx