using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler { /// /// Split-panel that displays a list of all events associated with a task with a hidable detail pane. /// [System.Drawing.ToolboxBitmap(typeof(Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler.TaskEditDialog), "TaskControl")] public partial class TaskHistoryControl : UserControl { private long historyEventCount = 0; private ListViewColumnSorter lvwColumnSorter = new ListViewColumnSorter(); private Task task; private int selectedIndex = -1; private IList vcache = new System.Collections.Generic.SparseArray(); private TaskEventEnumerator vevEnum; private TaskEventLog vlog; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// public TaskHistoryControl() { InitializeComponent(); this.ShowErrors = true; historyListView.ListViewItemSorter = lvwColumnSorter; historyListView.VirtualMode = true; historyListView.ColumnContextMenuStrip = columnContextMenu; if (historyListImages.Images.Count == 0) { historyListImages.Images.Add(EditorProperties.Resources.empty, Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0, 0xff)); historyListImages.Images.Add(new Icon(EditorProperties.Resources.critical, 0x10, 0x10)); historyListImages.Images.Add(new Icon(EditorProperties.Resources.error, 0x10, 0x10)); historyListImages.Images.Add(new Icon(EditorProperties.Resources.warning, 0x10, 0x10)); historyListImages.Images.Add(new Icon(, 0x10, 0x10)); historyListImages.Images.Add(new Icon(EditorProperties.Resources.verbose, 0x10, 0x10)); historyListImages.Images.Add(new Icon(EditorProperties.Resources.auditSuccess, 0x10, 0x10)); historyListImages.Images.Add(new Icon(EditorProperties.Resources.auditFail, 0x10, 0x10)); historyListImages.Images.Add(new Icon(EditorProperties.Resources.filter, 0x10, 0x10)); historyListImages.Images.Add(new Icon(EditorProperties.Resources.refresh, 0x10, 0x10)); historyListImages.Images.Add(new Icon(EditorProperties.Resources.end, 0x10, 0x10)); historyFilterIcon.ImageIndex = 8; historyClearBtn.ImageIndex = 9; refreshBtn.ImageIndex = 9; } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether errors are shown in the UI. /// /// true if errors are shown; otherwise, false. [DefaultValue(true), Category("Behavior"), Description("Determines whether errors are shown in the UI.")] public bool ShowErrors { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the task used to retrieve the history for this control. /// /// /// The task whose history is displayed. /// [DefaultValue(null), Browsable(false)] public Task Task { get { return this.task; } set { this.task = value; historyDetailView.ActiveTab = EventViewerControl.EventViewerActiveTab.General; historySplitContainer.Panel2Collapsed = false; if (value != null) vlog = CreateLogInstance(); RefreshHistory(); } } /// /// Activates this instance. Call when the control receives initial focus or needs to refresh. /// /// The for which to get the history. [Obsolete("The Activate method is being deprecated. Use the Task property instead.")] public void Activate(Task t) { this.Task = t; } /// /// Refreshes the history list of the control using current sorting and grouping settings. /// public void RefreshHistory() { historyListView.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; historyListView.VirtualListSize = 0; historyListView.Refresh(); historyHeader_Refresh(-1); historyDetailView.TaskEvent = null; selectedIndex = -1; vcache.Clear(); historyBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); } /// /// Raises the event. /// /// An that contains the event data. protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); // TODO: Read last status from user options // Get column names and add them to the context menu var c = historyListView.Columns; int insIdx = columnContextMenu.Items.IndexOf(columnContextMenuBreak); for (int i = 0; i < c.Count; i++) { var tsi = new ToolStripMenuItem(c[i].Text, null, columnContextMenuColumnHeaderItem_onClick) { Checked = c[i].Width > 0, Tag = c[i].Index }; columnContextMenu.Items.Insert(++insIdx, tsi); } } private ListViewItem BuildItem(TaskEvent item) { var kwds = new List(item.EventRecord.KeywordsDisplayNames); return new ListViewItem(new string[] { item.Level, item.TimeCreated.ToString(), item.EventId.ToString(), item.TaskCategory, item.OpCode, item.ActivityId.ToString(), string.Join(", ", kwds.ToArray()), "TaskScheduler", item.UserId.Translate(typeof(System.Security.Principal.NTAccount)).ToString(), item.EventRecord.LogName, item.EventRecord.MachineName, item.ProcessId.ToString(), item.EventRecord.ThreadId.ToString() }, item.EventRecord.Level.GetValueOrDefault(0)) { Tag = item }; } private void columnContextMenuColumnHeaderItem_onClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToolStripMenuItem item = (ToolStripMenuItem)sender; int cIndex = (int)item.Tag; item.Checked = !item.Checked; if (item.Checked) { historyListView.Columns[cIndex].Width = 100; // TODO: Be more acurate here and get a good standard width } else historyListView.Columns[cIndex].Width = 0; PersistColumnSettings(); } private TaskEventLog CreateLogInstance() { return new TaskEventLog(task.TaskService.TargetServer, task.Path); } private void FetchEnumEvents(int startIndex, int endIndex) { int n = startIndex; vevEnum.Seek(System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin, n); while (vevEnum.MoveNext() && n <= endIndex) vcache[n++] = BuildItem(vevEnum.Current); } private void histDetailHideBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { historySplitContainer.Panel2Collapsed = true; } private void historyBackgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { try { TaskEventLog log = CreateLogInstance(); if (!lvwColumnSorter.Group && lvwColumnSorter.SortColumn == 1) { e.Result = null; } else { List eList = new List(log); List list = eList.ConvertAll(delegate(TaskEvent te) { return BuildItem(te); }); list.Sort(lvwColumnSorter); e.Result = list; } ((BackgroundWorker)sender).ReportProgress(100, log.Count); } catch (Exception ex) { e.Result = ex; } } private void historyBackgroundWorker_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.UserState is long) { historyListView.VirtualListSize = (int)Math.Min(Int32.MaxValue, (long)e.UserState); historyHeader_Refresh((long)e.UserState); } } private void historyBackgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { historyListView.Cursor = Cursors.Default; historyListView.BeginUpdate(); if (e.Result is Exception) { historyHeader_Refresh(0L); if (ShowErrors) MessageBox.Show(this, string.Format(EditorProperties.Resources.Error_CannotRetrieveHistory, ((Exception)e.Result).Message), EditorProperties.Resources.TaskSchedulerName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else if (e.Result == null) { historyListView.Items.Clear(); historyListView.VirtualMode = true; vcache = new System.Collections.Generic.SparseArray(); vevEnum = vlog.GetEnumerator(lvwColumnSorter.Order == SortOrder.Ascending) as TaskEventEnumerator; } else { historyListView.VirtualMode = false; vevEnum = null; vcache = (IList)e.Result; historyListView.Items.AddRange(((List)e.Result).ToArray()); if (lvwColumnSorter.Group) SetupGroups(); else historyListView.ShowGroups = false; } historyListView.EndUpdate(); historyListView.Focus(); } private void SetupGroups() { historyListView.Groups.Clear(); int col = lvwColumnSorter.SortColumn; ListViewGroupEx g = new ListViewGroupEx(); for (int i = 0; i < historyListView.Items.Count; i++) { var lvi = historyListView.Items[i]; string cText = lvi.SubItems[col].Text; if (cText != g.Header) { g = historyListView.Groups.Add(cText); g.Collapsible = true; g.Collapsed = false; } g.Items.Add(lvi); } historyListView.ShowGroups = true; } private void historyHeader_Refresh(long cnt) { if (historyEventCount != cnt) { historyEventCount = cnt; historyHeader.Text = cnt == -1 ? EditorProperties.Resources.LoadingPrompt : string.Format(EditorProperties.Resources.HistoryHeader, cnt); } } private void historyListView_CacheVirtualItems(object sender, CacheVirtualItemsEventArgs e) { if (vcache[e.StartIndex] == null && vevEnum != null) { FetchEnumEvents(e.StartIndex, e.EndIndex); } } private void historyListView_ColumnClick(object sender, ColumnClickEventArgs e) { lvwColumnSorter.ResortOnColumn(e.Column); historyListView.SetSortIcon(lvwColumnSorter.SortColumn, lvwColumnSorter.Order); RefreshHistory(); } private void historyListView_ColumnReordered(object sender, ColumnReorderedEventArgs e) { PersistColumnSettings(); } private void historyListView_ColumnWidthChanged(object sender, ColumnWidthChangedEventArgs e) { PersistColumnSettings(); } private void historyListView_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (selectedIndex != -1) { ListViewItem lvi = vcache[selectedIndex]; if (lvi != null) { EventViewerDialog dlg = new EventViewerDialog(); dlg.Initialize(lvi.Tag as TaskEvent, null); //TaskService == null ? new TaskEventLog(task.Path) : new TaskEventLog(TaskService.TargetServer, task.Path)); dlg.ShowDialog(this); } } } private void historyListView_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { var lvi = historyListView.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y); if (lvi != null && e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right) { listContextMenu.Show(historyListView, e.Location); } } private void historyListView_RetrieveVirtualItem(object sender, RetrieveVirtualItemEventArgs e) { ListViewItem item = (e.ItemIndex >= 0 && e.ItemIndex < vcache.Count) ? vcache[e.ItemIndex] : null; //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("RetrieveLVI: InCache={0}, Msg={1}", item!=null, Environment.StackTrace)); if (item == null && vevEnum != null) { FetchEnumEvents(e.ItemIndex, e.ItemIndex); item = vcache[e.ItemIndex]; } if (item != null) { e.Item = item; if (historyListView.SelectedIndices.Count == 0) historyListView.SelectedIndices.Add(e.ItemIndex); } } private void historyListView_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (historyListView.SelectedIndices.Count > 0) { int newSelIdx = historyListView.SelectedIndices[0]; SelectItemChanged(newSelIdx); } else { selectedIndex = -1; historyDetailView.TaskEvent = null; historyDetailTitleText.Text = string.Empty; } } private void PersistColumnSettings() { // TODO: Figure out how to persist column settings } private void SelectItemChanged(int newSelIdx) { if (selectedIndex != newSelIdx) { selectedIndex = newSelIdx; ListViewItem lvi = vcache[selectedIndex]; if (lvi != null) { TaskEvent ev = lvi.Tag as TaskEvent; historyDetailView.TaskEvent = ev; historyDetailTitleText.Text = ev == null ? string.Empty : string.Format(EditorProperties.Resources.EventDetailHeader, ev.EventId); } } } private void refreshToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RefreshHistory(); } private void eventPropertiesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { historyListView_DoubleClick(null, EventArgs.Empty); } private void attachTaskToThisEventToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (selectedIndex != -1) { var taskEvent = (TaskEvent)vcache[selectedIndex].Tag; if (taskEvent != null) { var td = task.TaskService.NewTask(); var eventId = taskEvent.EventId; td.Triggers.Add(new EventTrigger("Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational", "TaskScheduler", eventId)); td.Actions.Add(new ExecAction()); using (var wiz = new TaskSchedulerWizard(task.TaskService, td, true)) { wiz.AvailableTriggers = TaskSchedulerWizard.AvailableWizardTriggers.Event; wiz.AvailableActions = TaskSchedulerWizard.AvailableWizardActions.Execute; wiz.AvailablePages = TaskSchedulerWizard.AvailableWizardPages.IntroPage | TaskSchedulerWizard.AvailableWizardPages.SecurityPage | TaskSchedulerWizard.AvailableWizardPages.SummaryPage | TaskSchedulerWizard.AvailableWizardPages.TriggerEditPage | TaskSchedulerWizard.AvailableWizardPages.ActionEditPage; wiz.TaskName = string.Format("Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler_Operational_Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler_{0}", eventId); wiz.ShowDialog(this); } } } } private void saveAllEventsAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { // TODO: Save event list } } private static Converter cdel = delegate(ColumnHeader c) { return c.Text; }; private static List GetColumnHeaderList(ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection col) { var l = new List(col.Count); for (int i = 0; i < col.Count; i++) l.Add(col[i]); return l; } private static List GetColumnHeaderTextList(ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection col) { return GetColumnHeaderList(col).ConvertAll(cdel); } private void addremoveColumnsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var cols = GetColumnHeaderList(historyListView.Columns); var allHeaders = cols.ConvertAll(cdel).ToArray(); var shownHeaders = cols.FindAll(delegate(ColumnHeader c) { return c.Width > 0; }); shownHeaders.Sort(delegate(ColumnHeader a, ColumnHeader b) { return a.DisplayIndex.CompareTo(b.DisplayIndex); }); using (ListColumnEditor colEd = new ListColumnEditor(allHeaders, allHeaders, shownHeaders.ConvertAll(cdel).ToArray())) { if (colEd.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { // TODO: Reorder columns } } } private void sortEventsByThisColumnToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int col = (int)this.columnContextMenu.Tag; historyListView_ColumnClick(historyListView, new ColumnClickEventArgs(col)); removeSortingToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; } private void removeSortingToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { historyListView_ColumnClick(historyListView, new ColumnClickEventArgs(1)); removeSortingToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; } private void groupEventsByThisColumnToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int col = (int)this.columnContextMenu.Tag; lvwColumnSorter.Group = true; if (lvwColumnSorter.SortColumn != col || vevEnum != null) historyListView_ColumnClick(historyListView, new ColumnClickEventArgs(col)); else SetupGroups(); groupEventsByThisColumnToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; removeGroupingOfEventsToolStripMenuItem.Visible = expandAllGroupsToolStripMenuItem.Visible = collapseAllGroupsToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; } private void removeGroupingOfEventsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lvwColumnSorter.Group = false; groupEventsByThisColumnToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; removeGroupingOfEventsToolStripMenuItem.Visible = expandAllGroupsToolStripMenuItem.Visible = collapseAllGroupsToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; } private void expandAllGroupsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (var item in historyListView.Groups) item.Collapsed = false; } private void collapseAllGroupsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (var item in historyListView.Groups) item.Collapsed = true; } internal class ListViewColumnSorter : IComparer, System.Collections.IComparer { private System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveComparer ObjectCompare = new System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveComparer(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); public ListViewColumnSorter() { Group = false; NewSortSameColumn = false; Order = SortOrder.Descending; SortColumn = 1; } public int Compare(ListViewItem listviewX, ListViewItem listviewY) { // Compare the two items int compareResult = ObjectCompare.Compare(listviewX.SubItems[SortColumn].Text, listviewY.SubItems[SortColumn].Text); // Calculate correct return value based on object comparison if (Order == SortOrder.Ascending) { // Ascending sort is selected, return normal result of compare operation return compareResult; } else if (Order == SortOrder.Descending) { // Descending sort is selected, return negative result of compare operation return (-compareResult); } // Return '0' to indicate they are equal return 0; } public void ResortOnColumn(int column) { if (column == this.SortColumn) { // Reverse the current sort direction for this column. this.Order = this.Order == SortOrder.Ascending ? SortOrder.Descending : SortOrder.Ascending; this.NewSortSameColumn = true; } else { // Set the column number that is to be sorted; default to ascending. this.SortColumn = column; this.Order = SortOrder.Ascending; this.NewSortSameColumn = false; } } int System.Collections.IComparer.Compare(object x, object y) { if (x is ListViewItem && y is ListViewItem) return Compare((ListViewItem)x, (ListViewItem)y); return ObjectCompare.Compare(x, y); } public bool NewSortSameColumn { get; set; } public SortOrder Order { get; set; } public int SortColumn { get; set; } public bool Group { get; set; } } } }