using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler { /// /// A wizard that walks the user through the creation of a simple task. /// [ToolboxItem(true), ToolboxItemFilter("System.Windows.Forms.Control.TopLevel"), Description("Wizard that walks the user through the creation of a simple task.")] [Designer("System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentDesigner, System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [DesignTimeVisible(true), DefaultProperty("RegisterTaskOnFinish")] [System.Drawing.ToolboxBitmap(typeof(TaskEditDialog), "TaskDialog")] public sealed partial class TaskSchedulerWizard : #if DEBUG Form #else DialogBase #endif { private Action action; private AvailableWizardActions availActions = (AvailableWizardActions)0xC1; private AvailableWizardPages availPages = (AvailableWizardPages)0xFF; private AvailableWizardTriggers availTriggers = (AvailableWizardTriggers)0x7FF; private bool flagExecutorIsGroup, flagExecutorIsServiceAccount; private bool IsV2 = true; private bool onAssignment = false; private bool registerTaskOnFinish; private Task task; private TaskDefinition td; private Trigger trigger; private bool flagRunOnlyWhenUserIsLoggedOn; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// public TaskSchedulerWizard() { InitializeComponent(); wizardControl1.TitleIcon = this.Icon; AllowEditorOnFinish = true; RegisterTaskOnFinish = false; repeatSpan.Items.AddRange(new TimeSpan2[] { TimeSpan2.FromMinutes(5), TimeSpan2.FromMinutes(10), TimeSpan2.FromMinutes(15), TimeSpan2.FromMinutes(30), TimeSpan2.FromHours(1) }); durationSpan.Items.AddRange(new TimeSpan2[] { TimeSpan2.Zero, TimeSpan2.FromMinutes(15), TimeSpan2.FromMinutes(30), TimeSpan2.FromHours(1), TimeSpan2.FromHours(12), TimeSpan2.FromDays(1) }); durationSpan.FormattedZero = EditorProperties.Resources.TimeSpanIndefinitely; } /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// A instance. /// An optional . Leaving null creates a new task. /// If set to true the task will be registered when Finish is pressed. public TaskSchedulerWizard(TaskService service, TaskDefinition definition = null, bool registerOnFinish = false) : this() { Initialize(service, definition); RegisterTaskOnFinish = registerOnFinish; } /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// A instance. /// If set to true the task will be registered when Finish is pressed. public TaskSchedulerWizard(Task task, bool registerOnFinish = false) : this() { Initialize(task); RegisterTaskOnFinish = registerOnFinish; } /// /// Flags to indicate which actions are available in the . /// [Flags] public enum AvailableWizardActions { /// This action performs a command-line operation. For example, the action can run a script, launch an executable, or, if the name of a document is provided, find its associated application and launch the application with the document. Execute = 0x1, /*/// This action fires a handler. ComHandler = 0x20,*/ /// This action sends and e-mail. SendEmail = 0x40, /// This action shows a message box. ShowMessage = 0x80 } /// /// Flags to indicate which pages are visible in the . /// [Flags] public enum AvailableWizardPages { /// Displays the introduction page with name and description. IntroPage = 0x1, /// Displays the security options page with user and password options. SecurityPage = 0x10, /// Displays trigger selection page. TriggerSelectPage = 0x42, /// Displays generic trigger properties page. TriggerPropertiesPage = 0x20, /// Displays action selection page. ActionSelectPage = 0x84, /// Displays the summary page. SummaryPage = 0x8, /// Displays a page to edit the selected trigger. TriggerEditPage = 0x40, /// Displays a page to edit the selected action. ActionEditPage = 0x80 } /// /// Flags to indicate which triggers are available in the . /// [Flags] public enum AvailableWizardTriggers { /// Triggers the task when a specific event occurs. Version 1.2 only. Event = 0x1, /// Triggers the task at a specific time of day. Time = 0x2, /// Triggers the task on a daily schedule. Daily = 0x4, /// Triggers the task on a weekly schedule. Weekly = 0x8, /// Triggers the task on a monthly schedule. Monthly = 0x10, /// Triggers the task on a monthly day-of-week schedule. MonthlyDOW = 0x20, /// Triggers the task when the computer goes into an idle state. Idle = 0x40, /// Triggers the task when the task is registered. Version 1.2 only. Registration = 0x80, /// Triggers the task when the computer boots. Boot = 0x100, /// Triggers the task when a specific user logs on. Logon = 0x200, /// Triggers the task when a specific user session state changes. Version 1.2 only. SessionStateChange = 0x400, } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether show a check box on the summary page that will open the full editor when the user presses Finish. /// /// /// true if shown; otherwise, false. /// [DefaultValue(true), Category("Behavior"), Description("Show a check box on the summary page that will open the full editor.")] public bool AllowEditorOnFinish { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the available actions. /// /// /// The available actions. /// [DefaultValue((AvailableWizardActions)0xC1)] public AvailableWizardActions AvailableActions { get { return availActions; } set { if (value != availActions && ((availPages & AvailableWizardPages.ActionSelectPage) == AvailableWizardPages.ActionSelectPage)) { availActions = value; SetupActionList(); } } } /// /// Gets or sets the available pages. /// /// /// The available pages. /// [DefaultValue((AvailableWizardPages)0xFF)] public AvailableWizardPages AvailablePages { get { return availPages; } set { if (availPages != value) { availPages = value; SetupPages(); if ((availPages & AvailableWizardPages.TriggerSelectPage) != AvailableWizardPages.TriggerSelectPage) { if (td != null && (availPages & AvailableWizardPages.TriggerEditPage) == AvailableWizardPages.TriggerEditPage) { if (td.Triggers.Count > 0) availTriggers = (AvailableWizardTriggers)(1 << (int)td.Triggers[0].TriggerType); } else availTriggers = 0; SetupTriggerList(); } if ((availPages & AvailableWizardPages.ActionSelectPage) != AvailableWizardPages.ActionSelectPage) { if (td != null && (availPages & AvailableWizardPages.ActionEditPage) == AvailableWizardPages.ActionEditPage) { if (td.Actions.Count > 0) availActions = (AvailableWizardActions)(1 << (int)td.Actions[0].ActionType); } else availActions = 0; SetupActionList(); } } } } /// /// Gets or sets the available triggers. /// /// /// The available triggers. /// [DefaultValue((AvailableWizardPages)0x7FF)] public AvailableWizardTriggers AvailableTriggers { get { return availTriggers; } set { if (value != availTriggers && ((availPages & AvailableWizardPages.TriggerSelectPage) == AvailableWizardPages.TriggerSelectPage)) { availTriggers = value; SetupTriggerList(); } } } /// /// Gets or sets the text shown on the summary page prompting for editor on finish click. /// /// /// The editor on finish text. /// [DefaultValue((string)null), Category("Appearance")] public string EditorOnFinishText { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the icon for the form. /// /// /// An that represents the icon for the form. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public new System.Drawing.Icon Icon { get { return wizardControl1.TitleIcon; } set { wizardControl1.TitleIcon = value; } } /// /// Gets the password. /// [Browsable(false), DefaultValue((string)null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public string Password { get; private set; } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to register the task on Finish. /// /// true if task registered on Finish; otherwise, false. [DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior"), Description("Indicates whether to register the task on Finish")] public bool RegisterTaskOnFinish { get { return registerTaskOnFinish; } set { if (registerTaskOnFinish != value) { registerTaskOnFinish = value; summaryPrompt.Visible = registerTaskOnFinish; } } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether an icon is displayed in the caption bar of the form. /// /// /// true if the form displays an icon in the caption bar; otherwise, false. The default is true. /// [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public new bool ShowIcon { get { return base.ShowIcon; } set { base.ShowIcon = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the summary format string. /// /// /// The summary format string. /// [DefaultValue((string)null), Category("Appearance")] public string SummaryFormatString { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the summary registration notice. /// /// /// The summary registration notice. /// [DefaultValue((string)null), Category("Appearance")] public string SummaryRegistrationNotice { get; set; } /// /// Gets the current . This is only the task used to initialize this control. The updates made to the control are not registered. /// /// The task. [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public Task Task { get { return task; } private set { task = value; if (task != null) { TaskFolder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(task.Path); TaskService = task.TaskService; TaskDefinition = task.Definition; } } } /// /// Gets or sets the . /// /// The task definition. [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public TaskDefinition TaskDefinition { get { return td; } set { if (TaskService == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("TaskDefinition cannot be set until TaskService has been set with a valid object."); if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("TaskDefinition cannot be set to null."); td = value; onAssignment = true; IsV2 = TaskService.HighestSupportedVersion >= (new Version(1, 2)) && td.Settings.Compatibility >= TaskCompatibility.V2; // Set General tab nameText.Text = task != null ? task.Name : string.Empty; descText.Text = td.RegistrationInfo.Description; SetUserControls(td.Principal.LogonType); taskLoggedOnRadio.Checked = flagRunOnlyWhenUserIsLoggedOn; taskLoggedOptionalRadio.Checked = !flagRunOnlyWhenUserIsLoggedOn; taskLocalOnlyCheck.Checked = !flagRunOnlyWhenUserIsLoggedOn && td.Principal.LogonType == TaskLogonType.S4U; // Setup trigger values if (td.Triggers.Count > 0) trigger = (Trigger)td.Triggers[0].Clone(); else trigger = new TimeTrigger(); if (availTriggers > 0) { switch (trigger.TriggerType) { case TaskTriggerType.Time: oneTimeStartTimePicker.Value = trigger.StartBoundary; SetTriggerListItem(AvailableWizardTriggers.Time); break; case TaskTriggerType.Daily: dailyTriggerUI1.Trigger = trigger; SetTriggerListItem(AvailableWizardTriggers.Daily); break; case TaskTriggerType.Weekly: weeklyTriggerUI1.Trigger = trigger; SetTriggerListItem(AvailableWizardTriggers.Weekly); break; case TaskTriggerType.Monthly: case TaskTriggerType.MonthlyDOW: monthlyTriggerUI1.Trigger = trigger; SetTriggerListItem(AvailableWizardTriggers.Monthly); break; case TaskTriggerType.Event: eventTriggerUI1.TargetServer = this.TaskService.TargetServer; eventTriggerUI1.Trigger = trigger; SetTriggerListItem(AvailableWizardTriggers.Event); break; default: break; } bool hasRep = trigger.Repetition.Interval != TimeSpan.Zero; if (!hasRep) { durationSpan.Value = repeatSpan.Value = TimeSpan.Zero; } else { durationSpan.Value = trigger.Repetition.Duration; repeatSpan.Value = trigger.Repetition.Interval; } repeatCheckBox.Checked = repeatSpan.Enabled = durationLabel.Enabled = durationSpan.Enabled = hasRep; enabledCheckBox.Checked = trigger.Enabled; } // Setup action values if (td.Actions.Count > 0) action = (Action)td.Actions[0].Clone(); else action = new ExecAction(); if (availActions > 0) { if (action is ExecAction) { execActionUI1.Action = action; SetActionListItem(AvailableWizardActions.Execute); } else if (action is EmailAction) { emailActionUI1.Action = action; SetActionListItem(AvailableWizardActions.SendEmail); } else if (action is ShowMessageAction) { showMessageActionUI1.Action = action; SetActionListItem(AvailableWizardActions.ShowMessage); } } SetupPages(); SetupTriggerList(); SetupActionList(); onAssignment = false; } } /// /// Gets or sets the folder for the task. Used only if property has not been set and property is true. /// /// The task folder name. [DefaultValue(null), Category("Behavior"), Description("Folder for registering the task.")] public string TaskFolder { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the name of the task. /// /// The name of the task. [DefaultValue(""), Category("Appearance"), Description("Name of the task to display")] public string TaskName { get { return nameText.Text; } set { nameText.Text = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the . /// /// The task service. [DefaultValue(null), Category("Data"), Description("The TaskService for this wizard")] public TaskService TaskService { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the text associated with this control. /// /// /// The text associated with this control. /// [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public new string Text { get { return base.Text; } set { base.Text = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the title. /// /// The title. [Category("Appearance"), Description("A string to display in the title bar of the dialog box."), Localizable(true)] public string Title { get { return wizardControl1.Title; } set { wizardControl1.Title = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the trigger page prompt. /// /// /// The trigger page prompt. /// [DefaultValue((string)null), Category("Appearance"), Description("Trigger page title prompt.")] public string TriggerPagePrompt { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the trigger properties page instructions text. /// /// /// The trigger properties instruction text. /// [DefaultValue((string)null), Category("Appearance"), Description("Trigger properties page instruction text.")] public string TriggerPropertiesInstructions { get; set; } /// /// Initializes the control for the editing of a new . /// /// A instance. /// An optional . Leaving null creates a new task. public void Initialize(TaskService service, TaskDefinition td = null) { this.TaskService = service; this.task = null; if (td == null) this.TaskDefinition = service.NewTask(); else { if (td.Triggers.Count > 1) throw new ArgumentException("Only tasks with a single trigger can be used to initialize the wizard."); this.TaskDefinition = td; } this.wizardControl1.RestartPages(); } /// /// Initializes the control for the editing of an existing . /// /// A instance. public void Initialize(Task task) { this.Task = task; this.wizardControl1.RestartPages(); } private void actionSelectionList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { actionSelectPage.AllowNext = (actionSelectionList.SelectedIndex >= 0); } private void actionSelectPage_Commit(object sender, AeroWizard.WizardPageConfirmEventArgs e) { bool hasValue = (this.action != null); AvailableWizardActions selAct = (AvailableWizardActions)actionSelectionList.SelectedItem.Tag; switch (selAct) { case AvailableWizardActions.Execute: e.Page.NextPage = runActionPage; if (!hasValue || this.action.ActionType != TaskActionType.Execute) action = new ExecAction(); break; case AvailableWizardActions.SendEmail: e.Page.NextPage = emailActionPage; if (!hasValue || this.action.ActionType != TaskActionType.SendEmail) action = new EmailAction(); break; case AvailableWizardActions.ShowMessage: e.Page.NextPage = msgActionPage; if (!hasValue || this.action.ActionType != TaskActionType.ShowMessage) action = new ShowMessageAction(); break; default: e.Cancel = true; break; } if (e.Page.NextPage != null) e.Page.NextPage.NextPage = secOptPage; } private void AddActionToSelectionList(AvailableWizardActions action) { this.actionSelectionList.Items.Add(new GroupControls.RadioButtonListItem() { Text = TaskPropertiesControl.BuildEnumString("WizActionText", action), Subtext = TaskPropertiesControl.BuildEnumString("WizActionSubtext", action), Tag = (int)action }); } private void AddTriggerToSelectionList(AvailableWizardTriggers trig) { this.triggerSelectionList.Items.Add(new GroupControls.RadioButtonListItem() { Text = TaskPropertiesControl.BuildEnumString("WizTriggerText", trig), Subtext = TaskPropertiesControl.BuildEnumString("WizTriggerSubtext", trig), Tag = (int)trig }); } private void changePrincipalButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string acct = String.Empty, sid; if (!HelperMethods.SelectAccount(this, TaskService.TargetServer, ref acct, out flagExecutorIsGroup, out flagExecutorIsServiceAccount, out sid)) return; if (flagExecutorIsServiceAccount) { if (!IsV2 && acct != "SYSTEM") { MessageBox.Show(this, EditorProperties.Resources.TaskSchedulerName, EditorProperties.Resources.Error_NoGroupsUnderV1, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } flagExecutorIsGroup = false; if (IsV2) td.Principal.GroupId = null; td.Principal.UserId = acct; td.Principal.LogonType = TaskLogonType.ServiceAccount; //this.flagExecutorIsCurrentUser = false; } else if (flagExecutorIsGroup) { if (!IsV2) { MessageBox.Show(this, EditorProperties.Resources.TaskSchedulerName, EditorProperties.Resources.Error_NoGroupsUnderV1, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } td.Principal.GroupId = acct; td.Principal.UserId = null; td.Principal.LogonType = TaskLogonType.Group; //this.flagExecutorIsCurrentUser = false; } else { if (IsV2) td.Principal.GroupId = null; td.Principal.UserId = acct; //this.flagExecutorIsCurrentUser = this.UserIsExecutor(objArray[0].ObjectName); if (td.Principal.LogonType == TaskLogonType.Group) { td.Principal.LogonType = TaskLogonType.InteractiveToken; } else if (td.Principal.LogonType == TaskLogonType.ServiceAccount) { td.Principal.LogonType = TaskLogonType.InteractiveTokenOrPassword; } } SetUserControls(td.Principal.LogonType); } private void durationSpan_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!onAssignment) { trigger.Repetition.Duration = durationSpan.Value; if (trigger.Repetition.Duration < trigger.Repetition.Interval && trigger.Repetition.Duration != TimeSpan.Zero) { onAssignment = true; repeatSpan.Value = trigger.Repetition.Duration - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); trigger.Repetition.Interval = repeatSpan.Value; onAssignment = false; } } } private void emailActionPage_Commit(object sender, AeroWizard.WizardPageConfirmEventArgs e) { action = emailActionUI1.Action; } private void emailActionUI1_KeyValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { emailActionPage.AllowNext = emailActionUI1.IsActionValid(); } private void enabledCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { trigger.Enabled = enabledCheckBox.Checked; } private void execActionUI1_KeyValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { runActionPage.AllowNext = execActionUI1.IsActionValid(); } private string InvokeCredentialDialog(string userName) { CredentialsDialog dlg = new CredentialsDialog(EditorProperties.Resources.TaskSchedulerName, EditorProperties.Resources.CredentialPromptMessage, userName); dlg.Options |= CredentialsDialogOptions.Persist; dlg.ValidatePassword = true; if (dlg.ShowDialog(this.ParentForm) == DialogResult.OK) return dlg.Password; return null; } private void monthlyTriggerUI1_TriggerTypeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!onAssignment) { Trigger newTrigger = null; if (monthlyTriggerUI1.TriggerType == TaskTriggerType.Monthly) newTrigger = new MonthlyTrigger(); else newTrigger = new MonthlyDOWTrigger(); if (trigger != null) newTrigger.CopyProperties(trigger); monthlyTriggerUI1.Trigger = (trigger = newTrigger); } } private void msgActionPage_Commit(object sender, AeroWizard.WizardPageConfirmEventArgs e) { action = showMessageActionUI1.Action; } private void nameText_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { introPage.AllowNext = nameText.TextLength > 0; } private void oneTimeTriggerPage_Commit(object sender, AeroWizard.WizardPageConfirmEventArgs e) { trigger.StartBoundary = oneTimeStartTimePicker.Value; } private void onEventTriggerPage_Commit(object sender, AeroWizard.WizardPageConfirmEventArgs e) { trigger = eventTriggerUI1.Trigger; } private void onEventTriggerPage_Initialize(object sender, AeroWizard.WizardPageInitEventArgs e) { if (eventTriggerUI1.Trigger == null) eventTriggerUI1.Trigger = new EventTrigger(); if (System.Environment.Version.Major < 4) onEventTriggerPage.AllowNext = true; } void eventTriggerUI1_TriggerChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (eventTriggerUI1.IsTriggerValid()) onEventTriggerPage.AllowNext = true; } private void repeatCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!onAssignment) { if (repeatCheckBox.Checked) { repeatSpan.Value = repeatSpan.Items[repeatSpan.Items.Count - 1]; durationSpan.Value = TimeSpan.Zero; } else { trigger.Repetition.Duration = trigger.Repetition.Interval = TimeSpan.Zero; } repeatSpan.Enabled = durationSpan.Enabled = durationLabel.Enabled = repeatCheckBox.Checked; } } private void repeatSpan_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!onAssignment) { trigger.Repetition.Interval = repeatSpan.Value; if (trigger.Repetition.Duration < trigger.Repetition.Interval && trigger.Repetition.Duration != TimeSpan.Zero) { onAssignment = true; durationSpan.Value = trigger.Repetition.Interval + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); trigger.Repetition.Duration = durationSpan.Value; onAssignment = false; } } } private void runActionPage_Commit(object sender, AeroWizard.WizardPageConfirmEventArgs e) { action = execActionUI1.Action; } private void secOptPage_Commit(object sender, AeroWizard.WizardPageConfirmEventArgs e) { string user = this.TaskDefinition.Principal.UserId; Password = null; if (this.TaskDefinition.Principal.LogonType == TaskLogonType.InteractiveTokenOrPassword || this.TaskDefinition.Principal.LogonType == TaskLogonType.Password) { Password = InvokeCredentialDialog(user); if (Password == null) { MessageBox.Show(this, EditorProperties.Resources.UserAuthenticationError, null); e.Cancel = true; } } } private void SetActionListItem(AvailableWizardActions availableWizardActions) { foreach (var item in actionSelectionList.Items) { if (item.Tag.Equals((int)availableWizardActions)) { actionSelectionList.SelectedItem = item; return; } } } private bool SetPage(AeroWizard.WizardPage page, int flag, int flagSet) { bool set = (flagSet & flag) == flag; page.Suppress = !set; return set; } private void SetTriggerListItem(AvailableWizardTriggers availableWizardTriggers) { foreach (var item in triggerSelectionList.Items) { if (item.Tag.Equals((int)availableWizardTriggers)) { triggerSelectionList.SelectedItem = item; return; } } } private void SetupActionList() { actionSelectionList.Items.Clear(); actionSelectionList.SelectedIndex = -1; if (SetPage(runActionPage, (int)AvailableWizardActions.Execute, (int)AvailableActions)) AddActionToSelectionList(AvailableWizardActions.Execute); if (IsV2 && SetPage(msgActionPage, (int)AvailableWizardActions.ShowMessage, (int)AvailableActions)) AddActionToSelectionList(AvailableWizardActions.ShowMessage); if (IsV2 && SetPage(emailActionPage, (int)AvailableWizardActions.SendEmail, (int)AvailableActions)) AddActionToSelectionList(AvailableWizardActions.SendEmail); } private void SetupPages() { SetPage(introPage, (int)AvailableWizardPages.IntroPage, (int)availPages); SetPage(triggerSelectPage, (int)AvailableWizardPages.TriggerSelectPage, (int)availPages); SetPage(triggerPropPage, (int)AvailableWizardPages.TriggerPropertiesPage, (int)availPages); SetPage(actionSelectPage, (int)AvailableWizardPages.ActionSelectPage, (int)availPages); SetPage(secOptPage, (int)AvailableWizardPages.SecurityPage, (int)availPages); SetPage(summaryPage, (int)AvailableWizardPages.SummaryPage, (int)availPages); } private void SetupTriggerList() { triggerSelectionList.Items.Clear(); triggerSelectionList.SelectedIndex = -1; if (SetPage(dailyTriggerPage, (int)AvailableWizardTriggers.Daily, (int)AvailableTriggers)) AddTriggerToSelectionList(AvailableWizardTriggers.Daily); if (IsV2 && SetPage(onEventTriggerPage, (int)AvailableWizardTriggers.Event, (int)AvailableTriggers)) AddTriggerToSelectionList(AvailableWizardTriggers.Event); if (SetPage(monthlyTriggerPage, (int)AvailableWizardTriggers.Monthly, (int)AvailableTriggers)) AddTriggerToSelectionList(AvailableWizardTriggers.Monthly); if (SetPage(oneTimeTriggerPage, (int)AvailableWizardTriggers.Time, (int)AvailableTriggers)) AddTriggerToSelectionList(AvailableWizardTriggers.Time); if (SetPage(weeklyTriggerPage, (int)AvailableWizardTriggers.Weekly, (int)AvailableTriggers)) AddTriggerToSelectionList(AvailableWizardTriggers.Weekly); } private void SetUserControls(TaskLogonType logonType) { switch (logonType) { case TaskLogonType.InteractiveToken: this.flagRunOnlyWhenUserIsLoggedOn = true; this.flagExecutorIsServiceAccount = false; this.flagExecutorIsGroup = false; break; case TaskLogonType.Group: this.flagRunOnlyWhenUserIsLoggedOn = true; this.flagExecutorIsServiceAccount = false; this.flagExecutorIsGroup = true; break; case TaskLogonType.ServiceAccount: this.flagRunOnlyWhenUserIsLoggedOn = false; this.flagExecutorIsServiceAccount = true; this.flagExecutorIsGroup = false; break; default: this.flagRunOnlyWhenUserIsLoggedOn = false; this.flagExecutorIsServiceAccount = false; this.flagExecutorIsGroup = false; break; } if (this.flagExecutorIsServiceAccount) { taskLoggedOnRadio.Enabled = false; taskLoggedOptionalRadio.Enabled = false; taskLocalOnlyCheck.Enabled = false; } else if (this.flagExecutorIsGroup) { taskLoggedOnRadio.Enabled = true; taskLoggedOptionalRadio.Enabled = false; taskLocalOnlyCheck.Enabled = false; } else if (this.flagRunOnlyWhenUserIsLoggedOn) { taskLoggedOnRadio.Enabled = true; taskLoggedOptionalRadio.Enabled = true; taskLocalOnlyCheck.Enabled = false; } else { taskLoggedOnRadio.Enabled = true; taskLoggedOptionalRadio.Enabled = true; taskLocalOnlyCheck.Enabled = true && (task == null || IsV2); } taskLoggedOnRadio.Checked = flagRunOnlyWhenUserIsLoggedOn; taskLoggedOptionalRadio.Checked = !flagRunOnlyWhenUserIsLoggedOn; taskLocalOnlyCheck.Checked = !flagRunOnlyWhenUserIsLoggedOn && logonType == TaskLogonType.S4U; string user = td == null ? null : td.Principal.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user)) user = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name; taskPrincipalText.Text = user; } private void showMessageActionUI1_KeyValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { msgActionPage.AllowNext = showMessageActionUI1.IsActionValid(); } private void summaryPage_Initialize(object sender, AeroWizard.WizardPageInitEventArgs e) { summaryPrompt.Visible = RegisterTaskOnFinish; if (SummaryRegistrationNotice != null) summaryPrompt.Text = SummaryRegistrationNotice; openDlgAfterCheck.Visible = AllowEditorOnFinish; if (EditorOnFinishText != null) openDlgAfterCheck.Text = EditorOnFinishText; string fmt = string.IsNullOrEmpty(SummaryFormatString) ? EditorProperties.Resources.WizardSummaryFormatString : SummaryFormatString; sumText.Text = string.Format(fmt, nameText.Text, descText.Text, trigger.ToString(), TaskEnumGlobalizer.GetString(action.ActionType) + ": " + action.ToString()); sumText.Select(0, 0); } private void taskLocalOnlyCheck_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!onAssignment) td.Principal.LogonType = IsV2 ? ((taskLocalOnlyCheck.Checked) ? TaskLogonType.S4U : TaskLogonType.Password) : TaskLogonType.InteractiveTokenOrPassword; } private void taskLoggedOnRadio_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!onAssignment) td.Principal.LogonType = TaskLogonType.InteractiveToken; } private void taskLoggedOptionalRadio_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { taskLocalOnlyCheck.Enabled = (task == null || IsV2) && taskLoggedOptionalRadio.Checked; taskLocalOnlyCheck_CheckedChanged(sender, e); } private void triggerPropPage_Initialize(object sender, AeroWizard.WizardPageInitEventArgs e) { if (this.TriggerPropertiesInstructions != null) triggerPropText.Text = this.TriggerPropertiesInstructions; } private void triggerSelectionList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { triggerSelectPage.AllowNext = (triggerSelectionList.SelectedIndex >= 0); } private void triggerSelectPage_Commit(object sender, AeroWizard.WizardPageConfirmEventArgs e) { bool hasValue = (this.trigger != null); AvailableWizardTriggers selTrig = (AvailableWizardTriggers)triggerSelectionList.SelectedItem.Tag; switch (selTrig) { case AvailableWizardTriggers.Event: e.Page.NextPage = onEventTriggerPage; if (!hasValue || this.trigger.TriggerType != TaskTriggerType.Event) trigger = new EventTrigger(); break; case AvailableWizardTriggers.Time: e.Page.NextPage = oneTimeTriggerPage; if (!hasValue || this.trigger.TriggerType != TaskTriggerType.Time) trigger = new TimeTrigger(); oneTimeStartTimePicker.Value = trigger.StartBoundary; break; case AvailableWizardTriggers.Daily: e.Page.NextPage = dailyTriggerPage; if (!hasValue || this.trigger.TriggerType != TaskTriggerType.Daily) dailyTriggerUI1.Trigger = (trigger = new DailyTrigger()); break; case AvailableWizardTriggers.Weekly: e.Page.NextPage = weeklyTriggerPage; if (!hasValue || this.trigger.TriggerType != TaskTriggerType.Weekly) weeklyTriggerUI1.Trigger = (trigger = new WeeklyTrigger()); break; case AvailableWizardTriggers.Monthly: e.Page.NextPage = monthlyTriggerPage; if (!hasValue || (this.trigger.TriggerType != TaskTriggerType.Monthly && this.trigger.TriggerType != TaskTriggerType.MonthlyDOW)) monthlyTriggerUI1.Trigger = (trigger = new MonthlyTrigger()); break; case AvailableWizardTriggers.Idle: e.Page.NextPage = actionSelectPage; if (!hasValue || this.trigger.TriggerType != TaskTriggerType.Idle) trigger = new IdleTrigger(); break; case AvailableWizardTriggers.Boot: e.Page.NextPage = actionSelectPage; if (!hasValue || this.trigger.TriggerType != TaskTriggerType.Boot) trigger = new BootTrigger(); break; case AvailableWizardTriggers.Logon: e.Page.NextPage = actionSelectPage; if (!hasValue || this.trigger.TriggerType != TaskTriggerType.Logon) trigger = new LogonTrigger(); break; default: e.Cancel = true; break; } if (e.Page.NextPage != actionSelectPage && e.Page.NextPage != null) e.Page.NextPage.NextPage = actionSelectPage; } private void triggerSelectPage_Initialize(object sender, AeroWizard.WizardPageInitEventArgs e) { if (this.TriggerPagePrompt != null) this.triggerSelectPage.Text = this.TriggerPagePrompt; } private void weeklyCheck_CheckedChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { var weeklyTrigger = (WeeklyTrigger)trigger; var cb = (CheckBox)sender; DaysOfTheWeek dow = (DaysOfTheWeek)cb.Tag; if (cb.Checked) weeklyTrigger.DaysOfWeek |= dow; else { // Ensure that ONE day is always checked. if (weeklyTrigger.DaysOfWeek == dow) cb.Checked = true; else weeklyTrigger.DaysOfWeek &= ~dow; } } private void wizardControl1_Finished(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { bool myTS = false; if (this.TaskService == null) { this.TaskService = new TaskService(); myTS = true; } td.Data = TaskName; td.RegistrationInfo.Description = descText.Text; td.Triggers.Clear(); td.Triggers.Add(trigger); td.Actions.Clear(); td.Actions.Add(action); if (openDlgAfterCheck.Checked) { TaskEditDialog dlg = new TaskEditDialog(); dlg.Editable = true; dlg.Initialize(this.TaskService, td); dlg.RegisterTaskOnAccept = false; dlg.TaskName = TaskName; if (dlg.ShowDialog(this.ParentForm) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) = dlg.TaskDefinition; } if (RegisterTaskOnFinish) { TaskFolder fld = this.TaskService.RootFolder; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.TaskFolder) && TaskService.HighestSupportedVersion.CompareTo(new Version(1, 1)) != 0) fld = this.TaskService.GetFolder(this.TaskFolder); task = fld.RegisterTaskDefinition(TaskName, td, TaskCreation.CreateOrUpdate, td.Principal.ToString(), Password, td.Principal.LogonType); } if (myTS) this.TaskService = null; } } }