Changes in 1.0.14-rc - Changed: Moved to latest Microsoft.Bcl package (1.0.16-rc). Changes in 1.0.13-beta - Fixed: ConfigureAwait(false) still continue on captured context when using Async Targeting Pack ( - Fixed: Silverlight 4 projects now get Microsoft.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.Silverlight - Added: Package now references System.Net.dll automatically for .NET 4.0 projects so that networking extension methods work out of the box. - Changed: Moved types in Microsoft.Threading.Tasks from System.* to Microsoft.* namespace to prevent name conflicts - Changed: Package now includes Microsoft.Threading.Tasks for .NET 4.5, Windows Store apps and Windows Phone 8 projects to enable the consumption of custom awaiters. - Changed: Microsoft.Bcl dependency is now not included for .NET 4.5, Windows Store apps and Windows Phone 8 projects because it is not needed. Changes in 1.0.12-beta - Fixed: TypeLoadException when using Async for WP7.5 version 1.0.11-beta ( Changes in 1.0.11-beta - Initial release