0.4.0 === - Fixed commit without parameters should not send waitFlush (issue #172) - Fixed MappingManager with class hierarchy (issue #37) 0.4.0b2 (2011-12-29) === - Upgraded to Windsor 3.0 - Fixed cache injection in Structuremap integration - Fixed response parser registrations in built-in container 0.4.0b1 (2011-12-04) === - Upgraded to NHibernate 3.2.0 - Added support for MoreLikeThis handler - Fixed intermitent bug in NHibernate integration - Breaking change: removed query result interfaces (ISolrQueryResults) - Friendlier highlighting results (issue #96) - Added Terms component support (issue #122) - Added Clustering component support (issue #121) - Fixed issue #159 : ignore LocalParams for facet date parameters - Added option to disable quoting in SolrQueryByField - Added ngroups for grouping - Fixed bug with fastVectorHighlighter - Fixed bug when using SolrNet in Application_Start in IIS 7+ - Upgraded to Autofac 2.5.2 - Added support for multicore in Autofac module - Obsoleted Add(IEnumerable). Use AddRange() instead. 0.4.0a1 (2011-06-19) === - Upgraded to StructureMap 2.6.2 - Added mixed exclusive/inclusive range queries (for Solr 4.0) (issue #142) - Breaking change for IReadOnlyMappingManager implementors: it now indexes fields by name to speed up lookup - Added Solr 4.0 grouping (issue #127) - Added Solr 4.0 pivot faceting (issue #128) - Fixed support for nullable enum properties - Added Unity integration - Breaking change: SolrQueryByField now quotes '*' and '?' - Upgraded to Windsor 2.5.3 - Upgraded to Ninject - Fluent: added index-time document boosting - Fluent: added easier way to set Solr URL and timeout - Added SolrQueryByDistance - Upgraded to NHibernate 3.1.0 - Added support for ExtractingRequestHandler (issue #79) - Added Rollback (missing in ISolrOperations) - Added CommitWithin and Overwrite parameters for document add (issue #85) - Upgraded to .NET 3.5 - Minor breaking change: removed SolrConnection constructor with IHttpWebRequestFactory parameter. Made IHttpWebRequestFactory a property. - Added Autofac integration module (issue #85) 0.3.1 (2011-03-31) === - Fixed issue #139 : fixed parsing of decimals with exponential notation - Fixed SolrQueryInList with empty strings - Fixed facet.missing=true - Added support for nullable Guid properties - Fixed date faceting for Solr 3.x by ignoring 'start' element - Fixed issue #135 : NRE with facet.missing=true - Fixed issue #130 : null in range queries translated to * - Fixed issue #133 : ignore LocalParams for facet field parameters 0.3.0 (2010-12-05) === - NuGet packages - Upgraded to Ninject - Upgraded to Windsor 2.5.2 - Signed assemblies - Fixed support for readonly and writeonly properties in document type - Fixed issue #113: duplicate add in NHibernate integration - Fixed bug with attributes not being picked up by a class higher in the class hierarchy - Improved HTTP performance by setting KeepAlive and HTTP/1.1 for POSTS - Fixed NHibernate integration overriding existing event listeners - Improved response parsing performance - Fixed issue #93: nullable DateTime range queries - Added support for multi-core in StructureMap registry - Upgraded to StructureMap 2.6.1 0.3.0 beta1 (2010-06-08) === - Breaking change: field collapsing changed completely. - Breaking change: removed ServerURL and Version properties from ISolrConnection. - Breaking change: changed Highlighting and MoreLikeThis result classes. Indices are now string instead of T. - Breaking change: all chainable methods on ISolrOperations et al now return ResponseHeader instead of 'this'. - Breaking change: removed NoUniqueKeyException. Now IReadOnlyMappingManager.GetUniqueKey() returns null if there is no unique key. - Added mapping validation - Upgraded to Windsor 2.1.1 - Added StructureMap integration - Fixed culture-related bug in highlighting parameters - Fixed culture-related bug in range query - Added MaxSegments and ExpungeDeletes parameters to commit/optimize - Breaking change: renamed WaitOptions to CommitOptions - Breaking change: fixed field boosting, was of type int, now is float - Added field index-time boosting (issue #98) - Breaking change: removed obsolete exceptions: BadMappingException, CollectionTypeNotSupportedException, FieldNotFoundException - Added support for delete by id+query in the same request (issue #50) - Fixed issue #95 : Highlights didn't support several snippets in results - Fixed performance issue with SolrMultipleCriteriaQuery (issue #94) - Breaking change: removed ISolrDocument interface - Added support for loose mapping (issue #53) - Improved multi-core configuration in Windsor facility (issue #70) - Added Rollback command (issue #51) - Added HTTP-level caching (issue #75) - Added operator - for queries - Added support for LocalParams (issue #62) 0.2.3 (2009-12-29) === - Upgraded to NHibernate 2.1.2 - Upgraded Solr in sample app to 1.4.0 0.2.3 beta1 (2009-09-13) === - Fixed minor date parsing bug - Added support for field collapsing - Added support for date-faceting (issue #7) - Upgraded to Ninject trunk - Upgraded sample app's Solr to nightly - Added StatsComponent support (issue #67) - Added index-time document boosting (issue #65) - Added query-time document boosting (issue #57) - Bugfix: response parsing was not fully culture-independent (issue #61) - All exceptions are now serializable - Fixed potential timeout issue - NHibernate integration - Fixed Not() query operator returning wrong type 0.2.2 (2009-05-07) === - Bugfix: semicolons are now correctly escaped in queries. - Bugfix: invalid xml characters (control chars) are now correctly filtered. - Deleting a list (IEnumerable) of documents now uses a single request (requires unique key and Solr 1.3+) - Added support for arbitrary parameters, using the QueryOptions.ExtraParams dictionary. - Added per-field facet parameters. - Breaking change: as a consequence of the previous change, facet queries and other facet parameters were moved to FacetParameters. - Added a couple of fluenty QueryOptions building methods. - Added dictionary mapping support. - Upgraded Windsor facility to use Windsor 2.0 - Merged all SolrNet assemblies (SolrNet, SolrNet.DSL, the Castle facility, the Ninject module and the internal HttpWebAdapters). - Windsor and Ninject are not packaged anymore. 0.2.1 (2009-02-25) === - Added support for Spell checking - Added support for More like this - Added explicit support for random sorting - Added "has any value" query - Fluent interface for query building 0.2.0 (2009-02-18) === - Major rewrite - Deprecated ISolrDocument interface - Dropped query by example - Dropped random sorting - Added several ways to map solr fields to properties - Added highlighting - Added filter queries - Added ping - Added sample application - Added Windsor facility - Added Ninject module - Added operator overloading for queries - Added MSDN-style docs - Added more code samples, better organized wiki - Changed initialization and instantiation of the service 0.1 (2008-09-15) === - Initial release