{# DO NOT EDIT: This file is automatically generated by the project's build task #} {% macro breadcrumb( class, breadcrumbs=[ { href: "#", text: "Breadcrumb Link" }, { href: "#", text: "Breadcrumb Link 2" }, { text: "Current Page" } ] ) %}
{% endmacro %} {% macro button( class=false, id=false, for=false, input_id=false, name=false, checked=false, disabled=false, el="button", text, href=false, icon_left=false, icon_right=false, icon_path=false) %} {# Default text if button() is called with no other arguments #} {% if icon_left == false and icon_right == false and text == undefined %} {% set text = "Get It Now" %} {% endif %} {# Defaults for buttons #} {% if href %} {# if an href is passed in, automatically change the el to 'a' #} {% set el ="a" %} {% endif %} {# Defaults for checkbox & radio buttons #} {% set input_type = false %} {% if el == "checkbox" or el == "radio" %} {% set input_type = el %} {% set el = "label" %} {# need a class hook to strip off button styles for input buttons and apply them to the button inner #} {% set class = class + " luci-button--input" %} {% if input_id == false %} {% set input_id = "luci-button--" + range(0, 100000) | random %} {% endif %} {% set for = input_id %} {% endif %} {# Modifier classes for icon buttons #} {% if icon_left or icon_right %} {% set class = class + " luci-button--with-icons" %} {% endif %} {# Add --disabled modifier class for buttons that don't have a disabled attribute #} {% if disabled %} {% set class = class + " luci-button--disabled" %} {% endif %} {# Render actual button markup here #} <{{ el }} class="luci-button{{ " " + class if class }}" {% if href %} href="{{ href }}" {% endif %} {% if id %} id="{{ id }}" {% endif %} {% if for %} for="{{ for }}" {% endif %} {{ 'disabled' if el == "button" and disabled }} {% if el == "label" %} role="button" {% if checked %} aria-pressed="true" {% else %} aria-pressed="false" {% endif %} {% endif %} > {% if input_type %} {% endif %} {% if icon_left or icon_right or input_type %} {# use display: flex; to vertically align icons with text,