@media all and/*! */(max-width:1024px) {}
@-webkit-keyframes hover /* Safari and Chrome */{  }
.bg {
  background-image: linear-gradient(#333 /*{comment}*/, #111);
.first,/*comment*//*comment*/.planning {
    total-width: @total-width;
@base                       :   1;
@column-width               :   @base * 6em;                //      Width of column             */
@gutter-width               :   2em;                        //      Width of column spacing     */
@columns                    :   12;                         //      Number of Columns           */
@gridsystem-width           :   (@column-width *            //      For calculating the total   */
                                    @columns) + (               //      width of the content area.  */
                                    @gutter-width *             //      We strongly recommend you   */
                                    @columns);                  //      do not change this formula. */
@total-width                :   @gridsystem-width;          //      set to 100% for fluid grid  */

// .............................................................................

.some-inline-comments {
    a: yes /* comment */;
    b: red /* comment */;
   @c: yes /* comment */;
   @d: red /* comment */;
    c: @c;
    d: @d;