/* Copyright 2014 CoreOS, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package store import ( "path" "sort" "time" "github.com/coreos/etcd/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/jonboulle/clockwork" etcdErr "github.com/coreos/etcd/error" ) // explanations of Compare function result const ( CompareMatch = 0 CompareIndexNotMatch = 1 CompareValueNotMatch = 2 CompareNotMatch = 3 ) var Permanent time.Time // node is the basic element in the store system. // A key-value pair will have a string value // A directory will have a children map type node struct { Path string CreatedIndex uint64 ModifiedIndex uint64 Parent *node `json:"-"` // should not encode this field! avoid circular dependency. ExpireTime time.Time ACL string Value string // for key-value pair Children map[string]*node // for directory // A reference to the store this node is attached to. store *store } // newKV creates a Key-Value pair func newKV(store *store, nodePath string, value string, createdIndex uint64, parent *node, ACL string, expireTime time.Time) *node { return &node{ Path: nodePath, CreatedIndex: createdIndex, ModifiedIndex: createdIndex, Parent: parent, ACL: ACL, store: store, ExpireTime: expireTime, Value: value, } } // newDir creates a directory func newDir(store *store, nodePath string, createdIndex uint64, parent *node, ACL string, expireTime time.Time) *node { return &node{ Path: nodePath, CreatedIndex: createdIndex, ModifiedIndex: createdIndex, Parent: parent, ACL: ACL, ExpireTime: expireTime, Children: make(map[string]*node), store: store, } } // IsHidden function checks if the node is a hidden node. A hidden node // will begin with '_' // A hidden node will not be shown via get command under a directory // For example if we have /foo/_hidden and /foo/notHidden, get "/foo" // will only return /foo/notHidden func (n *node) IsHidden() bool { _, name := path.Split(n.Path) return name[0] == '_' } // IsPermanent function checks if the node is a permanent one. func (n *node) IsPermanent() bool { // we use a uninitialized time.Time to indicate the node is a // permanent one. // the uninitialized time.Time should equal zero. return n.ExpireTime.IsZero() } // IsDir function checks whether the node is a directory. // If the node is a directory, the function will return true. // Otherwise the function will return false. func (n *node) IsDir() bool { return !(n.Children == nil) } // Read function gets the value of the node. // If the receiver node is not a key-value pair, a "Not A File" error will be returned. func (n *node) Read() (string, *etcdErr.Error) { if n.IsDir() { return "", etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, "", n.store.CurrentIndex) } return n.Value, nil } // Write function set the value of the node to the given value. // If the receiver node is a directory, a "Not A File" error will be returned. func (n *node) Write(value string, index uint64) *etcdErr.Error { if n.IsDir() { return etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, "", n.store.CurrentIndex) } n.Value = value n.ModifiedIndex = index return nil } func (n *node) expirationAndTTL(clock clockwork.Clock) (*time.Time, int64) { if !n.IsPermanent() { /* compute ttl as: ceiling( (expireTime - timeNow) / nanosecondsPerSecond ) which ranges from 1..n rather than as: ( (expireTime - timeNow) / nanosecondsPerSecond ) + 1 which ranges 1..n+1 */ ttlN := n.ExpireTime.Sub(clock.Now()) ttl := ttlN / time.Second if (ttlN % time.Second) > 0 { ttl++ } t := n.ExpireTime.UTC() return &t, int64(ttl) } return nil, 0 } // List function return a slice of nodes under the receiver node. // If the receiver node is not a directory, a "Not A Directory" error will be returned. func (n *node) List() ([]*node, *etcdErr.Error) { if !n.IsDir() { return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotDir, "", n.store.CurrentIndex) } nodes := make([]*node, len(n.Children)) i := 0 for _, node := range n.Children { nodes[i] = node i++ } return nodes, nil } // GetChild function returns the child node under the directory node. // On success, it returns the file node func (n *node) GetChild(name string) (*node, *etcdErr.Error) { if !n.IsDir() { return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotDir, n.Path, n.store.CurrentIndex) } child, ok := n.Children[name] if ok { return child, nil } return nil, nil } // Add function adds a node to the receiver node. // If the receiver is not a directory, a "Not A Directory" error will be returned. // If there is a existing node with the same name under the directory, a "Already Exist" // error will be returned func (n *node) Add(child *node) *etcdErr.Error { if !n.IsDir() { return etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotDir, "", n.store.CurrentIndex) } _, name := path.Split(child.Path) _, ok := n.Children[name] if ok { return etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNodeExist, "", n.store.CurrentIndex) } n.Children[name] = child return nil } // Remove function remove the node. func (n *node) Remove(dir, recursive bool, callback func(path string)) *etcdErr.Error { if n.IsDir() { if !dir { // cannot delete a directory without recursive set to true return etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, n.Path, n.store.CurrentIndex) } if len(n.Children) != 0 && !recursive { // cannot delete a directory if it is not empty and the operation // is not recursive return etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeDirNotEmpty, n.Path, n.store.CurrentIndex) } } if !n.IsDir() { // key-value pair _, name := path.Split(n.Path) // find its parent and remove the node from the map if n.Parent != nil && n.Parent.Children[name] == n { delete(n.Parent.Children, name) } if callback != nil { callback(n.Path) } if !n.IsPermanent() { n.store.ttlKeyHeap.remove(n) } return nil } for _, child := range n.Children { // delete all children child.Remove(true, true, callback) } // delete self _, name := path.Split(n.Path) if n.Parent != nil && n.Parent.Children[name] == n { delete(n.Parent.Children, name) if callback != nil { callback(n.Path) } if !n.IsPermanent() { n.store.ttlKeyHeap.remove(n) } } return nil } func (n *node) Repr(recursive, sorted bool, clock clockwork.Clock) *NodeExtern { if n.IsDir() { node := &NodeExtern{ Key: n.Path, Dir: true, ModifiedIndex: n.ModifiedIndex, CreatedIndex: n.CreatedIndex, } node.Expiration, node.TTL = n.expirationAndTTL(clock) if !recursive { return node } children, _ := n.List() node.Nodes = make(NodeExterns, len(children)) // we do not use the index in the children slice directly // we need to skip the hidden one i := 0 for _, child := range children { if child.IsHidden() { // get will not list hidden node continue } node.Nodes[i] = child.Repr(recursive, sorted, clock) i++ } // eliminate hidden nodes node.Nodes = node.Nodes[:i] if sorted { sort.Sort(node.Nodes) } return node } // since n.Value could be changed later, so we need to copy the value out value := n.Value node := &NodeExtern{ Key: n.Path, Value: &value, ModifiedIndex: n.ModifiedIndex, CreatedIndex: n.CreatedIndex, } node.Expiration, node.TTL = n.expirationAndTTL(clock) return node } func (n *node) UpdateTTL(expireTime time.Time) { if !n.IsPermanent() { if expireTime.IsZero() { // from ttl to permanent n.ExpireTime = expireTime // remove from ttl heap n.store.ttlKeyHeap.remove(n) } else { // update ttl n.ExpireTime = expireTime // update ttl heap n.store.ttlKeyHeap.update(n) } } else { if !expireTime.IsZero() { // from permanent to ttl n.ExpireTime = expireTime // push into ttl heap n.store.ttlKeyHeap.push(n) } } } // Compare function compares node index and value with provided ones. // second result value explains result and equals to one of Compare.. constants func (n *node) Compare(prevValue string, prevIndex uint64) (ok bool, which int) { indexMatch := (prevIndex == 0 || n.ModifiedIndex == prevIndex) valueMatch := (prevValue == "" || n.Value == prevValue) ok = valueMatch && indexMatch switch { case valueMatch && indexMatch: which = CompareMatch case indexMatch && !valueMatch: which = CompareValueNotMatch case valueMatch && !indexMatch: which = CompareIndexNotMatch default: which = CompareNotMatch } return } // Clone function clone the node recursively and return the new node. // If the node is a directory, it will clone all the content under this directory. // If the node is a key-value pair, it will clone the pair. func (n *node) Clone() *node { if !n.IsDir() { return newKV(n.store, n.Path, n.Value, n.CreatedIndex, n.Parent, n.ACL, n.ExpireTime) } clone := newDir(n.store, n.Path, n.CreatedIndex, n.Parent, n.ACL, n.ExpireTime) for key, child := range n.Children { clone.Children[key] = child.Clone() } return clone } // recoverAndclean function help to do recovery. // Two things need to be done: 1. recovery structure; 2. delete expired nodes // If the node is a directory, it will help recover children's parent pointer and recursively // call this function on its children. // We check the expire last since we need to recover the whole structure first and add all the // notifications into the event history. func (n *node) recoverAndclean() { if n.IsDir() { for _, child := range n.Children { child.Parent = n child.store = n.store child.recoverAndclean() } } if !n.ExpireTime.IsZero() { n.store.ttlKeyHeap.push(n) } }