// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package span_test import ( "strings" "testing" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/span" ) // The funny character below is 4 bytes long in UTF-8; two UTF-16 code points var funnyString = []byte("š€23\nš€45") var toUTF16Tests = []struct { scenario string input []byte line int // 1-indexed count col int // 1-indexed byte position in line offset int // 0-indexed byte offset into input resUTF16col int // 1-indexed UTF-16 col number pre string // everything before the cursor on the line post string // everything from the cursor onwards err string // expected error string in call to ToUTF16Column issue *bool }{ { scenario: "cursor missing content", input: nil, err: "ToUTF16Column: missing content", }, { scenario: "cursor missing position", input: funnyString, line: -1, col: -1, err: "ToUTF16Column: point is missing position", }, { scenario: "cursor missing offset", input: funnyString, line: 1, col: 1, offset: -1, err: "ToUTF16Column: point is missing offset", }, { scenario: "zero length input; cursor at first col, first line", input: []byte(""), line: 1, col: 1, offset: 0, resUTF16col: 1, }, { scenario: "cursor before funny character; first line", input: funnyString, line: 1, col: 1, offset: 0, resUTF16col: 1, pre: "", post: "š€23", }, { scenario: "cursor after funny character; first line", input: funnyString, line: 1, col: 5, // 4 + 1 (1-indexed) offset: 4, resUTF16col: 3, // 2 + 1 (1-indexed) pre: "š€", post: "23", }, { scenario: "cursor after last character on first line", input: funnyString, line: 1, col: 7, // 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 (1-indexed) offset: 6, // 4 + 1 + 1 resUTF16col: 5, // 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 (1-indexed) pre: "š€23", post: "", }, { scenario: "cursor before funny character; second line", input: funnyString, line: 2, col: 1, offset: 7, // length of first line resUTF16col: 1, pre: "", post: "š€45", }, { scenario: "cursor after funny character; second line", input: funnyString, line: 1, col: 5, // 4 + 1 (1-indexed) offset: 11, // 7 (length of first line) + 4 resUTF16col: 3, // 2 + 1 (1-indexed) pre: "š€", post: "45", }, { scenario: "cursor after last character on second line", input: funnyString, line: 2, col: 7, // 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 (1-indexed) offset: 13, // 7 (length of first line) + 4 + 1 + 1 resUTF16col: 5, // 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 (1-indexed) pre: "š€45", post: "", }, { scenario: "cursor beyond end of file", input: funnyString, line: 2, col: 8, // 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 (1-indexed) offset: 14, // 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 err: "ToUTF16Column: offsets 7-14 outside file contents (13)", }, } var fromUTF16Tests = []struct { scenario string input []byte line int // 1-indexed line number (isn't actually used) offset int // 0-indexed byte offset to beginning of line utf16col int // 1-indexed UTF-16 col number resCol int // 1-indexed byte position in line resOffset int // 0-indexed byte offset into input pre string // everything before the cursor on the line post string // everything from the cursor onwards err string // expected error string in call to ToUTF16Column }{ { scenario: "zero length input; cursor at first col, first line", input: []byte(""), line: 1, offset: 0, utf16col: 1, resCol: 1, resOffset: 0, pre: "", post: "", }, { scenario: "missing offset", input: funnyString, line: 1, offset: -1, err: "FromUTF16Column: point is missing offset", }, { scenario: "cursor before funny character", input: funnyString, line: 1, utf16col: 1, resCol: 1, resOffset: 0, pre: "", post: "š€23", }, { scenario: "cursor after funny character", input: funnyString, line: 1, utf16col: 3, resCol: 5, resOffset: 4, pre: "š€", post: "23", }, { scenario: "cursor after last character on line", input: funnyString, line: 1, utf16col: 5, resCol: 7, resOffset: 6, pre: "š€23", post: "", }, { scenario: "cursor beyond last character on line", input: funnyString, line: 1, offset: 0, utf16col: 6, resCol: 7, resOffset: 6, pre: "š€23", post: "", }, { scenario: "cursor before funny character; second line", input: funnyString, line: 2, offset: 7, // length of first line utf16col: 1, resCol: 1, resOffset: 7, pre: "", post: "š€45", }, { scenario: "cursor after funny character; second line", input: funnyString, line: 2, offset: 7, // length of first line utf16col: 3, // 2 + 1 (1-indexed) resCol: 5, // 4 + 1 (1-indexed) resOffset: 11, // 7 (length of first line) + 4 pre: "š€", post: "45", }, { scenario: "cursor after last character on second line", input: funnyString, line: 2, offset: 7, // length of first line utf16col: 5, // 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 (1-indexed) resCol: 7, // 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 (1-indexed) resOffset: 13, // 7 (length of first line) + 4 + 1 + 1 pre: "š€45", post: "", }, { scenario: "cursor beyond end of file", input: funnyString, line: 2, offset: 7, utf16col: 6, // 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1(1-indexed) resCol: 8, // 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 (1-indexed) resOffset: 14, // 7 (length of first line) + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 err: "FromUTF16Column: chr goes beyond the content", }, { scenario: "offset beyond end of file", input: funnyString, line: 2, offset: 14, utf16col: 2, err: "FromUTF16Column: offset (14) greater than length of content (13)", }, } func TestToUTF16(t *testing.T) { for _, e := range toUTF16Tests { t.Run(e.scenario, func(t *testing.T) { if e.issue != nil && !*e.issue { t.Skip("expected to fail") } p := span.NewPoint(e.line, e.col, e.offset) got, err := span.ToUTF16Column(p, e.input) if err != nil { if err.Error() != e.err { t.Fatalf("expected error %v; got %v", e.err, err) } return } if e.err != "" { t.Fatalf("unexpected success; wanted %v", e.err) } if got != e.resUTF16col { t.Fatalf("expected result %v; got %v", e.resUTF16col, got) } pre, post := getPrePost(e.input, p.Offset()) if string(pre) != e.pre { t.Fatalf("expected #%d pre %q; got %q", p.Offset(), e.pre, pre) } if string(post) != e.post { t.Fatalf("expected #%d, post %q; got %q", p.Offset(), e.post, post) } }) } } func TestFromUTF16(t *testing.T) { for _, e := range fromUTF16Tests { t.Run(e.scenario, func(t *testing.T) { p := span.NewPoint(e.line, 1, e.offset) p, err := span.FromUTF16Column(p, e.utf16col, []byte(e.input)) if err != nil { if err.Error() != e.err { t.Fatalf("expected error %v; got %v", e.err, err) } return } if e.err != "" { t.Fatalf("unexpected success; wanted %v", e.err) } if p.Column() != e.resCol { t.Fatalf("expected resulting col %v; got %v", e.resCol, p.Column()) } if p.Offset() != e.resOffset { t.Fatalf("expected resulting offset %v; got %v", e.resOffset, p.Offset()) } pre, post := getPrePost(e.input, p.Offset()) if string(pre) != e.pre { t.Fatalf("expected #%d pre %q; got %q", p.Offset(), e.pre, pre) } if string(post) != e.post { t.Fatalf("expected #%d post %q; got %q", p.Offset(), e.post, post) } }) } } func getPrePost(content []byte, offset int) (string, string) { pre, post := string(content)[:offset], string(content)[offset:] if i := strings.LastIndex(pre, "\n"); i >= 0 { pre = pre[i+1:] } if i := strings.IndexRune(post, '\n'); i >= 0 { post = post[:i] } return pre, post }