package uvm import ( "context" "fmt" "io" "net" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" hcsschema "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type PreferredRootFSType int const ( PreferredRootFSTypeInitRd PreferredRootFSType = iota PreferredRootFSTypeVHD entropyVsockPort = 1 linuxLogVsockPort = 109 ) // OutputHandler is used to process the output from the program run in the UVM. type OutputHandler func(io.Reader) const ( // InitrdFile is the default file name for an initrd.img used to boot LCOW. InitrdFile = "initrd.img" // VhdFile is the default file name for a rootfs.vhd used to boot LCOW. VhdFile = "rootfs.vhd" // KernelFile is the default file name for a kernel used to boot LCOW. KernelFile = "kernel" // UncompressedKernelFile is the default file name for an uncompressed // kernel used to boot LCOW with KernelDirect. UncompressedKernelFile = "vmlinux" ) // OptionsLCOW are the set of options passed to CreateLCOW() to create a utility vm. type OptionsLCOW struct { *Options BootFilesPath string // Folder in which kernel and root file system reside. Defaults to \Program Files\Linux Containers KernelFile string // Filename under `BootFilesPath` for the kernel. Defaults to `kernel` KernelDirect bool // Skip UEFI and boot directly to `kernel` RootFSFile string // Filename under `BootFilesPath` for the UVMs root file system. Defaults to `InitrdFile` KernelBootOptions string // Additional boot options for the kernel EnableGraphicsConsole bool // If true, enable a graphics console for the utility VM ConsolePipe string // The named pipe path to use for the serial console. eg \\.\pipe\vmpipe SCSIControllerCount uint32 // The number of SCSI controllers. Defaults to 1. Currently we only support 0 or 1. UseGuestConnection bool // Whether the HCS should connect to the UVM's GCS. Defaults to true ExecCommandLine string // The command line to exec from init. Defaults to GCS ForwardStdout bool // Whether stdout will be forwarded from the executed program. Defaults to false ForwardStderr bool // Whether stderr will be forwarded from the executed program. Defaults to true OutputHandler OutputHandler `json:"-"` // Controls how output received over HVSocket from the UVM is handled. Defaults to parsing output as logrus messages VPMemDeviceCount uint32 // Number of VPMem devices. Defaults to `DefaultVPMEMCount`. Limit at 128. If booting UVM from VHD, device 0 is taken. VPMemSizeBytes uint64 // Size of the VPMem devices. Defaults to `DefaultVPMemSizeBytes`. PreferredRootFSType PreferredRootFSType // If `KernelFile` is `InitrdFile` use `PreferredRootFSTypeInitRd`. If `KernelFile` is `VhdFile` use `PreferredRootFSTypeVHD` EnableColdDiscardHint bool // Whether the HCS should use cold discard hints. Defaults to false VPCIEnabled bool // Whether the kernel should enable pci } // defaultLCOWOSBootFilesPath returns the default path used to locate the LCOW // OS kernel and root FS files. This default is the subdirectory // `LinuxBootFiles` in the directory of the executable that started the current // process; or, if it does not exist, `%ProgramFiles%\Linux Containers`. func defaultLCOWOSBootFilesPath() string { localDirPath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(os.Args[0]), "LinuxBootFiles") if _, err := os.Stat(localDirPath); err == nil { return localDirPath } return filepath.Join(os.Getenv("ProgramFiles"), "Linux Containers") } // NewDefaultOptionsLCOW creates the default options for a bootable version of // LCOW. // // `id` the ID of the compute system. If not passed will generate a new GUID. // // `owner` the owner of the compute system. If not passed will use the // executable files name. func NewDefaultOptionsLCOW(id, owner string) *OptionsLCOW { // Use KernelDirect boot by default on all builds that support it. kernelDirectSupported := osversion.Build() >= 18286 opts := &OptionsLCOW{ Options: newDefaultOptions(id, owner), BootFilesPath: defaultLCOWOSBootFilesPath(), KernelFile: KernelFile, KernelDirect: kernelDirectSupported, RootFSFile: InitrdFile, KernelBootOptions: "", EnableGraphicsConsole: false, ConsolePipe: "", SCSIControllerCount: 1, UseGuestConnection: true, ExecCommandLine: fmt.Sprintf("/bin/gcs -v4 -log-format json -loglevel %s", logrus.StandardLogger().Level.String()), ForwardStdout: false, ForwardStderr: true, OutputHandler: parseLogrus(id), VPMemDeviceCount: DefaultVPMEMCount, VPMemSizeBytes: DefaultVPMemSizeBytes, PreferredRootFSType: PreferredRootFSTypeInitRd, EnableColdDiscardHint: false, VPCIEnabled: false, } if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(opts.BootFilesPath, VhdFile)); err == nil { // We have a rootfs.vhd in the boot files path. Use it over an initrd.img opts.RootFSFile = VhdFile opts.PreferredRootFSType = PreferredRootFSTypeVHD } if kernelDirectSupported { // KernelDirect supports uncompressed kernel if the kernel is present. // Default to uncompressed if on box. NOTE: If `kernel` is already // uncompressed and simply named 'kernel' it will still be used // uncompressed automatically. if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(opts.BootFilesPath, UncompressedKernelFile)); err == nil { opts.KernelFile = UncompressedKernelFile } } return opts } // CreateLCOW creates an HCS compute system representing a utility VM. func CreateLCOW(ctx context.Context, opts *OptionsLCOW) (_ *UtilityVM, err error) { ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "uvm::CreateLCOW") defer span.End() defer func() { oc.SetSpanStatus(span, err) }() if opts.ID == "" { g, err := guid.NewV4() if err != nil { return nil, err } opts.ID = g.String() } span.AddAttributes(trace.StringAttribute(logfields.UVMID, opts.ID)) log.G(ctx).WithField("options", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", opts)).Debug("uvm::CreateLCOW options") // We dont serialize OutputHandler so if it is missing we need to put it back to the default. if opts.OutputHandler == nil { opts.OutputHandler = parseLogrus(opts.ID) } uvm := &UtilityVM{ id: opts.ID, owner: opts.Owner, operatingSystem: "linux", scsiControllerCount: opts.SCSIControllerCount, vpmemMaxCount: opts.VPMemDeviceCount, vpmemMaxSizeBytes: opts.VPMemSizeBytes, vpciDevices: make(map[string]*VPCIDevice), physicallyBacked: !opts.AllowOvercommit, devicesPhysicallyBacked: opts.FullyPhysicallyBacked, createOpts: opts, } defer func() { if err != nil { uvm.Close() } }() kernelFullPath := filepath.Join(opts.BootFilesPath, opts.KernelFile) if _, err := os.Stat(kernelFullPath); os.IsNotExist(err) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("kernel: '%s' not found", kernelFullPath) } rootfsFullPath := filepath.Join(opts.BootFilesPath, opts.RootFSFile) if _, err := os.Stat(rootfsFullPath); os.IsNotExist(err) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("boot file: '%s' not found", rootfsFullPath) } if err := verifyOptions(ctx, opts); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, errBadUVMOpts.Error()) } processorTopology, err := processorinfo.HostProcessorInfo(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get host processor information: %s", err) } // To maintain compatability with Docker we need to automatically downgrade // a user CPU count if the setting is not possible. uvm.processorCount = uvm.normalizeProcessorCount(ctx, opts.ProcessorCount, processorTopology) // Align the requested memory size. memorySizeInMB := uvm.normalizeMemorySize(ctx, opts.MemorySizeInMB) processor := &hcsschema.Processor2{ Count: uvm.processorCount, Limit: opts.ProcessorLimit, Weight: opts.ProcessorWeight, } // We can set a cpu group for the VM at creation time in recent builds. if opts.CPUGroupID != "" { if osversion.Build() < cpuGroupCreateBuild { return nil, errCPUGroupCreateNotSupported } processor.CpuGroup = &hcsschema.CpuGroup{Id: opts.CPUGroupID} } doc := &hcsschema.ComputeSystem{ Owner: uvm.owner, SchemaVersion: schemaversion.SchemaV21(), ShouldTerminateOnLastHandleClosed: true, VirtualMachine: &hcsschema.VirtualMachine{ StopOnReset: true, Chipset: &hcsschema.Chipset{}, ComputeTopology: &hcsschema.Topology{ Memory: &hcsschema.Memory2{ SizeInMB: memorySizeInMB, AllowOvercommit: opts.AllowOvercommit, EnableDeferredCommit: opts.EnableDeferredCommit, EnableColdDiscardHint: opts.EnableColdDiscardHint, LowMMIOGapInMB: opts.LowMMIOGapInMB, HighMMIOBaseInMB: opts.HighMMIOBaseInMB, HighMMIOGapInMB: opts.HighMMIOGapInMB, }, Processor: processor, }, Devices: &hcsschema.Devices{ HvSocket: &hcsschema.HvSocket2{ HvSocketConfig: &hcsschema.HvSocketSystemConfig{ // Allow administrators and SYSTEM to bind to vsock sockets // so that we can create a GCS log socket. DefaultBindSecurityDescriptor: "D:P(A;;FA;;;SY)(A;;FA;;;BA)", }, }, Plan9: &hcsschema.Plan9{}, }, }, } // Handle StorageQoS if set if opts.StorageQoSBandwidthMaximum > 0 || opts.StorageQoSIopsMaximum > 0 { doc.VirtualMachine.StorageQoS = &hcsschema.StorageQoS{ IopsMaximum: opts.StorageQoSIopsMaximum, BandwidthMaximum: opts.StorageQoSBandwidthMaximum, } } if opts.UseGuestConnection && !opts.ExternalGuestConnection { doc.VirtualMachine.GuestConnection = &hcsschema.GuestConnection{ UseVsock: true, UseConnectedSuspend: true, } } if uvm.scsiControllerCount > 0 { // TODO: JTERRY75 - this should enumerate scsicount and add an entry per value. doc.VirtualMachine.Devices.Scsi = map[string]hcsschema.Scsi{ "0": { Attachments: make(map[string]hcsschema.Attachment), }, } } if uvm.vpmemMaxCount > 0 { doc.VirtualMachine.Devices.VirtualPMem = &hcsschema.VirtualPMemController{ MaximumCount: uvm.vpmemMaxCount, MaximumSizeBytes: uvm.vpmemMaxSizeBytes, } } var kernelArgs string switch opts.PreferredRootFSType { case PreferredRootFSTypeInitRd: if !opts.KernelDirect { kernelArgs = "initrd=/" + opts.RootFSFile } case PreferredRootFSTypeVHD: // Support for VPMem VHD(X) booting rather than initrd.. kernelArgs = "root=/dev/pmem0 ro rootwait init=/init" imageFormat := "Vhd1" if strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(opts.RootFSFile)) == "vhdx" { imageFormat = "Vhdx" } doc.VirtualMachine.Devices.VirtualPMem.Devices = map[string]hcsschema.VirtualPMemDevice{ "0": { HostPath: rootfsFullPath, ReadOnly: true, ImageFormat: imageFormat, }, } // Add to our internal structure uvm.vpmemDevices[0] = &vpmemInfo{ hostPath: opts.RootFSFile, uvmPath: "/", refCount: 1, } } vmDebugging := false if opts.ConsolePipe != "" { vmDebugging = true kernelArgs += " 8250_core.nr_uarts=1 8250_core.skip_txen_test=1 console=ttyS0,115200" doc.VirtualMachine.Devices.ComPorts = map[string]hcsschema.ComPort{ "0": { // Which is actually COM1 NamedPipe: opts.ConsolePipe, }, } } else { kernelArgs += " 8250_core.nr_uarts=0" } if opts.EnableGraphicsConsole { vmDebugging = true kernelArgs += " console=tty" doc.VirtualMachine.Devices.Keyboard = &hcsschema.Keyboard{} doc.VirtualMachine.Devices.EnhancedModeVideo = &hcsschema.EnhancedModeVideo{} doc.VirtualMachine.Devices.VideoMonitor = &hcsschema.VideoMonitor{} } if !vmDebugging { // Terminate the VM if there is a kernel panic. kernelArgs += " panic=-1 quiet" } if opts.KernelBootOptions != "" { kernelArgs += " " + opts.KernelBootOptions } if !opts.VPCIEnabled { kernelArgs += ` pci=off` } // Inject initial entropy over vsock during init launch. initArgs := fmt.Sprintf("-e %d", entropyVsockPort) // With default options, run GCS with stderr pointing to the vsock port // created below in order to forward guest logs to logrus. initArgs += " /bin/vsockexec" if opts.ForwardStdout { initArgs += fmt.Sprintf(" -o %d", linuxLogVsockPort) } if opts.ForwardStderr { initArgs += fmt.Sprintf(" -e %d", linuxLogVsockPort) } initArgs += " " + opts.ExecCommandLine if vmDebugging { // Launch a shell on the console. initArgs = `sh -c "` + initArgs + ` & exec sh"` } kernelArgs += fmt.Sprintf(" nr_cpus=%d", opts.ProcessorCount) kernelArgs += ` brd.rd_nr=0 pmtmr=0 -- ` + initArgs if !opts.KernelDirect { doc.VirtualMachine.Chipset.Uefi = &hcsschema.Uefi{ BootThis: &hcsschema.UefiBootEntry{ DevicePath: `\` + opts.KernelFile, DeviceType: "VmbFs", VmbFsRootPath: opts.BootFilesPath, OptionalData: kernelArgs, }, } } else { doc.VirtualMachine.Chipset.LinuxKernelDirect = &hcsschema.LinuxKernelDirect{ KernelFilePath: kernelFullPath, KernelCmdLine: kernelArgs, } if opts.PreferredRootFSType == PreferredRootFSTypeInitRd { doc.VirtualMachine.Chipset.LinuxKernelDirect.InitRdPath = rootfsFullPath } } err = uvm.create(ctx, doc) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error while creating the compute system: %s", err) } // Cerate a socket to inject entropy during boot. uvm.entropyListener, err = uvm.listenVsock(entropyVsockPort) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Create a socket that the executed program can send to. This is usually // used by GCS to send log data. if opts.ForwardStdout || opts.ForwardStderr { uvm.outputHandler = opts.OutputHandler uvm.outputProcessingDone = make(chan struct{}) uvm.outputListener, err = uvm.listenVsock(linuxLogVsockPort) if err != nil { return nil, err } } if opts.UseGuestConnection && opts.ExternalGuestConnection { log.G(ctx).WithField("vmID", uvm.runtimeID).Debug("Using external GCS bridge") l, err := uvm.listenVsock(gcs.LinuxGcsVsockPort) if err != nil { return nil, err } uvm.gcListener = l } // If network config proxy address passed in, construct a client. if opts.NetworkConfigProxy != "" { conn, err := winio.DialPipe(opts.NetworkConfigProxy, nil) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to connect to ncproxy service") } client := ttrpc.NewClient(conn, ttrpc.WithOnClose(func() { conn.Close() })) uvm.ncProxyClient = ncproxyttrpc.NewNetworkConfigProxyClient(client) } return uvm, nil } func (uvm *UtilityVM) listenVsock(port uint32) (net.Listener, error) { return winio.ListenHvsock(&winio.HvsockAddr{ VMID: uvm.runtimeID, ServiceID: winio.VsockServiceID(port), }) }