package bugsnag import ( "context" "fmt" "log" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "sync" "time" "" "" "" // Fixes a bug with SHA-384 intermediate certs on some platforms. // - _ "crypto/sha512" ) // VERSION defines the version of this Bugsnag notifier const VERSION = "1.9.0" var panicHandlerOnce sync.Once var sessionTrackerOnce sync.Once var middleware middlewareStack // Config is the configuration for the default bugsnag notifier. var Config Configuration var sessionTrackingConfig sessions.SessionTrackingConfiguration // DefaultSessionPublishInterval defines how often sessions should be sent to // Bugsnag. // Deprecated: Exposed for developer sanity in testing. Modify at own risk. var DefaultSessionPublishInterval = 60 * time.Second var defaultNotifier = Notifier{&Config, nil} var sessionTracker sessions.SessionTracker // Configure Bugsnag. The only required setting is the APIKey, which can be // obtained by clicking on "Settings" in your Bugsnag dashboard. This function // is also responsible for installing the global panic handler, so it should be // called as early as possible in your initialization process. func Configure(config Configuration) { Config.update(&config) updateSessionConfig() // Only do once in case the user overrides the default panichandler, and // configures multiple times. panicHandlerOnce.Do(Config.PanicHandler) } // StartSession creates new context from the context.Context instance with // Bugsnag session data attached. Will start the session tracker if not already // started func StartSession(ctx context.Context) context.Context { sessionTrackerOnce.Do(startSessionTracking) return sessionTracker.StartSession(ctx) } // Notify sends an error.Error to Bugsnag along with the current stack trace. // If at all possible, it is recommended to pass in a context.Context, e.g. // from a http.Request or bugsnag.StartSession() as Bugsnag will be able to // extract additional information in some cases. The rawData is used to send // extra information along with the error. For example you can pass the current // http.Request to Bugsnag to see information about it in the dashboard, or set // the severity of the notification. For a detailed list of the information // that can be extracted, see // func Notify(err error, rawData ...interface{}) error { if e := checkForEmptyError(err); e != nil { return e } // Stripping one stackframe to not include this function in the stacktrace // for a manual notification. skipFrames := 1 return defaultNotifier.Notify(errors.New(err, skipFrames), rawData...) } // AutoNotify logs a panic on a goroutine and then repanics. // It should only be used in places that have existing panic handlers further // up the stack. // Although it's not strictly enforced, it's highly recommended to pass a // context.Context object that has at one-point been returned from // bugsnag.StartSession. Doing so ensures your stability score remains accurate, // and future versions of Bugsnag may extract more useful information from this // context. // The rawData is used to send extra information along with any // panics that are handled this way. // Usage: // go func() { // ctx := bugsnag.StartSession(context.Background()) // defer bugsnag.AutoNotify(ctx) // // (possibly crashy code) // }() // See also: bugsnag.Recover() func AutoNotify(rawData ...interface{}) { if err := recover(); err != nil { severity := defaultNotifier.getDefaultSeverity(rawData, SeverityError) state := HandledState{SeverityReasonHandledPanic, severity, true, ""} rawData = append([]interface{}{state}, rawData...) // We strip the following stackframes as they don't add much info // - runtime/$arch - e.g. runtime/asm_amd64.s#call32 // - runtime/panic.go#gopanic // Panics have their own stacktrace, so no stripping of the current stack skipFrames := 2 defaultNotifier.NotifySync(errors.New(err, skipFrames), true, rawData...) sessionTracker.FlushSessions() panic(err) } } // Recover logs a panic on a goroutine and then recovers. // Although it's not strictly enforced, it's highly recommended to pass a // context.Context object that has at one-point been returned from // bugsnag.StartSession. Doing so ensures your stability score remains accurate, // and future versions of Bugsnag may extract more useful information from this // context. // The rawData is used to send extra information along with // any panics that are handled this way // Usage: // go func() { // ctx := bugsnag.StartSession(context.Background()) // defer bugsnag.Recover(ctx) // // (possibly crashy code) // }() // If you wish that any panics caught by the call to Recover shall affect your // stability score (it does not by default): // go func() { // ctx := bugsnag.StartSession(context.Background()) // defer bugsnag.Recover(ctx, bugsnag.HandledState{Unhandled: true}) // // (possibly crashy code) // }() // See also: bugsnag.AutoNotify() func Recover(rawData ...interface{}) { if err := recover(); err != nil { severity := defaultNotifier.getDefaultSeverity(rawData, SeverityWarning) state := HandledState{SeverityReasonHandledPanic, severity, false, ""} rawData = append([]interface{}{state}, rawData...) // We strip the following stackframes as they don't add much info // - runtime/$arch - e.g. runtime/asm_amd64.s#call32 // - runtime/panic.go#gopanic // Panics have their own stacktrace, so no stripping of the current stack skipFrames := 2 defaultNotifier.Notify(errors.New(err, skipFrames), rawData...) } } // OnBeforeNotify adds a callback to be run before a notification is sent to // Bugsnag. It can be used to modify the event or its MetaData. Changes made // to the configuration are local to notifying about this event. To prevent the // event from being sent to Bugsnag return an error, this error will be // returned from bugsnag.Notify() and the event will not be sent. func OnBeforeNotify(callback func(event *Event, config *Configuration) error) { middleware.OnBeforeNotify(callback) } // Handler creates an http Handler that notifies Bugsnag any panics that // happen. It then repanics so that the default http Server panic handler can // handle the panic too. The rawData is used to send extra information along // with any panics that are handled this way. func Handler(h http.Handler, rawData ...interface{}) http.Handler { notifier := New(rawData...) if h == nil { h = http.DefaultServeMux } return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { request := r // Record a session if auto notify session is enabled ctx := r.Context() if Config.IsAutoCaptureSessions() { ctx = StartSession(ctx) } ctx = AttachRequestData(ctx, request) request = r.WithContext(ctx) defer notifier.AutoNotify(ctx, request) h.ServeHTTP(w, request) }) } // HandlerFunc creates an http HandlerFunc that notifies Bugsnag about any // panics that happen. It then repanics so that the default http Server panic // handler can handle the panic too. The rawData is used to send extra // information along with any panics that are handled this way. If you have // already wrapped your http server using bugsnag.Handler() you don't also need // to wrap each HandlerFunc. func HandlerFunc(h http.HandlerFunc, rawData ...interface{}) http.HandlerFunc { notifier := New(rawData...) return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { request := r // Record a session if auto notify session is enabled ctx := request.Context() if notifier.Config.IsAutoCaptureSessions() { ctx = StartSession(ctx) } ctx = AttachRequestData(ctx, request) request = request.WithContext(ctx) defer notifier.AutoNotify(ctx) h(w, request) } } // checkForEmptyError checks if the given error (to be reported to Bugsnag) is // nil. If it is, then log an error message and return another error wrapping // this error message. func checkForEmptyError(err error) error { if err != nil { return nil } msg := "attempted to notify Bugsnag without supplying an error. Bugsnag not notified" Config.Logger.Printf("ERROR: " + msg) return fmt.Errorf(msg) } func init() { // Set up builtin middlewarez OnBeforeNotify(httpRequestMiddleware) // Default configuration sourceRoot := "" if gopath := os.Getenv("GOPATH"); len(gopath) > 0 { sourceRoot = filepath.Join(gopath, "src") + "/" } else { sourceRoot = filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "src") + "/" } Config.update(&Configuration{ APIKey: "", Endpoints: Endpoints{ Notify: "", Sessions: "", }, Hostname: device.GetHostname(), AppType: "", AppVersion: "", AutoCaptureSessions: true, ReleaseStage: "", ParamsFilters: []string{"password", "secret", "authorization", "cookie", "access_token"}, SourceRoot: sourceRoot, ProjectPackages: []string{"main*"}, NotifyReleaseStages: nil, Logger: log.New(os.Stdout, log.Prefix(), log.Flags()), PanicHandler: defaultPanicHandler, Transport: http.DefaultTransport, flushSessionsOnRepanic: true, }) updateSessionConfig() } func startSessionTracking() { if sessionTracker == nil { updateSessionConfig() sessionTracker = sessions.NewSessionTracker(&sessionTrackingConfig) } } func updateSessionConfig() { sessionTrackingConfig.Update(&sessions.SessionTrackingConfiguration{ APIKey: Config.APIKey, AutoCaptureSessions: Config.AutoCaptureSessions, Endpoint: Config.Endpoints.Sessions, Version: VERSION, PublishInterval: DefaultSessionPublishInterval, Transport: Config.Transport, ReleaseStage: Config.ReleaseStage, Hostname: Config.Hostname, AppType: Config.AppType, AppVersion: Config.AppVersion, NotifyReleaseStages: Config.NotifyReleaseStages, Logger: Config.Logger, }) }