package bugsnag import ( "context" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "net" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" ) // The line numbers of this method are used in tests. // If you move this function you'll have to change tests func crashyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { c := make(chan int) close(c) c <- 1 } type _recurse struct { Recurse *_recurse } const ( unhandled = true handled = false ) var testAPIKey = "166f5ad3590596f9aa8d601ea89af845" type logger struct{ msg string } func (l *logger) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) { l.msg = format } // setup sets up a simple sessionTracker and returns a test event server for receiving the event payloads. // report payloads published to the returned server's URL will be put on the returned channel func setup() (*httptest.Server, chan []byte) { reports := make(chan []byte, 10) sessionTracker = &testSessionTracker{} return httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) reports <- body })), reports } type testSessionTracker struct{} func (t *testSessionTracker) StartSession(context.Context) context.Context { return context.Background() } func (t *testSessionTracker) IncrementEventCountAndGetSession(context.Context, bool) *sessions.Session { return &sessions.Session{} } func (t *testSessionTracker) FlushSessions() {} func TestConfigure(t *testing.T) { Configure(Configuration{ APIKey: testAPIKey, }) if Config.APIKey != testAPIKey { t.Errorf("Setting APIKey didn't work") } if New().Config.APIKey != testAPIKey { t.Errorf("Setting APIKey didn't work for new notifiers") } } func TestNotify(t *testing.T) { ts, reports := setup() defer ts.Close() sessionTracker = nil startSessionTracking() recurse := _recurse{} recurse.Recurse = &recurse OnBeforeNotify(func(event *Event, config *Configuration) error { if event.Context == "testing" { event.GroupingHash = "lol" } return nil }) md := MetaData{"test": {"password": "sneaky", "value": "able", "broken": complex(1, 2), "recurse": recurse}} user := User{Id: "123", Name: "Conrad", Email: ""} config := generateSampleConfig(ts.URL) Notify(fmt.Errorf("hello world"), StartSession(context.Background()), config, user, ErrorClass{Name: "ExpectedErrorClass"}, Context{"testing"}, md) json, err := simplejson.NewJson(<-reports) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } event := getIndex(json, "events", 0) assertPayload(t, json, eventJSON{ App: &appJSON{ReleaseStage: "test", Type: "foo", Version: "1.2.3"}, Context: "testing", Device: &deviceJSON{Hostname: "web1"}, GroupingHash: "lol", Session: &sessionJSON{Events: sessions.EventCounts{Handled: 0, Unhandled: 1}}, Severity: "warning", SeverityReason: &severityReasonJSON{Type: SeverityReasonHandledError}, Unhandled: false, Request: &RequestJSON{}, User: &User{Id: "123", Name: "Conrad", Email: ""}, Exceptions: []exceptionJSON{{ErrorClass: "ExpectedErrorClass", Message: "hello world"}}, }) assertValidSession(t, event, handled) for k, exp := range map[string]string{ "metaData.test.password": "[FILTERED]", "metaData.test.value": "able", "metaData.test.broken": "[complex128]", "metaData.test.recurse.Recurse": "[RECURSION]", } { if got := getString(event, k); got != exp { t.Errorf("Expected %s to be '%s' but was '%s'", k, exp, got) } } exception := getIndex(event, "exceptions", 0) verifyExistsInStackTrace(t, exception, &StackFrame{File: "bugsnag_test.go", Method: "TestNotify", LineNumber: 98, InProject: true}) } type testPublisher struct { sync bool } func (tp *testPublisher) publishReport(p *payload) error { tp.sync = p.Synchronous return nil } func TestNotifySyncThenAsync(t *testing.T) { ts, _ := setup() defer ts.Close() Configure(generateSampleConfig(ts.URL)) //async by default pub := new(testPublisher) publisher = pub defer func() { publisher = new(defaultReportPublisher) }() Notify(fmt.Errorf("oopsie")) if pub.sync { t.Errorf("Expected notify to be async by default") } defaultNotifier.NotifySync(fmt.Errorf("oopsie"), true) if !pub.sync { t.Errorf("Expected notify to be sent synchronously when calling NotifySync with true") } Notify(fmt.Errorf("oopsie")) if pub.sync { t.Errorf("Expected notify to be sent asynchronously when calling Notify regardless of previous NotifySync call") } } func TestHandlerFunc(t *testing.T) { eventserver, reports := setup() defer eventserver.Close() Configure(generateSampleConfig(eventserver.URL)) t.Run("unhandled", func(st *testing.T) { sessionTracker = nil startSessionTracking() ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(crashyHandler)) defer ts.Close() http.Get(ts.URL + "/unhandled") json, _ := simplejson.NewJson(<-reports) assertPayload(t, json, eventJSON{ App: &appJSON{ReleaseStage: "test", Type: "foo", Version: "1.2.3"}, Context: "/unhandled", Device: &deviceJSON{Hostname: "web1"}, GroupingHash: "", Session: &sessionJSON{Events: sessions.EventCounts{Handled: 0, Unhandled: 1}}, Severity: "error", SeverityReason: &severityReasonJSON{Type: SeverityReasonHandledPanic}, Unhandled: true, Request: &RequestJSON{ Headers: map[string]string{"Accept-Encoding": "gzip"}, HTTPMethod: "GET", URL: ts.URL + "/unhandled", }, User: &User{Id: "", Name: "", Email: ""}, Exceptions: []exceptionJSON{{ErrorClass: "runtime.plainError", Message: "send on closed channel"}}, }) event := getIndex(json, "events", 0) if got, exp := getString(event, "request.headers.Accept-Encoding"), "gzip"; got != exp { st.Errorf("expected Accept-Encoding header to be '%s' but was '%s'", exp, got) } if got, exp := getString(event, "request.httpMethod"), "GET"; got != exp { st.Errorf("expected HTTP method to be '%s' but was '%s'", exp, got) } if got, exp := getString(event, "request.url"), "/unhandled"; !strings.Contains(got, exp) { st.Errorf("expected request URL to contain '%s' but was '%s'", exp, got) } assertValidSession(st, event, unhandled) }) t.Run("handled", func(st *testing.T) { ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { Notify(fmt.Errorf("oopsie"), r.Context()) })) defer ts.Close() http.Get(ts.URL + "/handled") json, _ := simplejson.NewJson(<-reports) assertPayload(t, json, eventJSON{ App: &appJSON{ReleaseStage: "test", Type: "foo", Version: "1.2.3"}, Context: "/handled", Device: &deviceJSON{Hostname: "web1"}, GroupingHash: "", Session: &sessionJSON{Events: sessions.EventCounts{Handled: 1, Unhandled: 0}}, Severity: "warning", SeverityReason: &severityReasonJSON{Type: SeverityReasonHandledError}, Unhandled: false, Request: &RequestJSON{ Headers: map[string]string{"Accept-Encoding": "gzip"}, HTTPMethod: "GET", URL: ts.URL + "/handled", }, User: &User{Id: "", Name: "", Email: ""}, Exceptions: []exceptionJSON{{ErrorClass: "*errors.errorString", Message: "oopsie"}}, }) event := getIndex(json, "events", 0) if got, exp := getString(event, "request.headers.Accept-Encoding"), "gzip"; got != exp { st.Errorf("expected Accept-Encoding header to be '%s' but was '%s'", exp, got) } if got, exp := getString(event, "request.httpMethod"), "GET"; got != exp { st.Errorf("expected HTTP method to be '%s' but was '%s'", exp, got) } if got, exp := getString(event, "request.url"), "/handled"; !strings.Contains(got, exp) { st.Errorf("expected request URL to contain '%s' but was '%s'", exp, got) } assertValidSession(st, event, handled) }) } func TestHandler(t *testing.T) { ts, reports := setup() defer ts.Close() l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer l.Close() mux := http.NewServeMux() mux.HandleFunc("/", crashyHandler) go (&http.Server{ Addr: l.Addr().String(), Handler: Handler(mux, generateSampleConfig(ts.URL), SeverityInfo), ErrorLog: log.New(ioutil.Discard, log.Prefix(), 0), }).Serve(l) sessionTracker = nil startSessionTracking() http.Get("http://" + l.Addr().String() + "/ok?foo=bar") json, err := simplejson.NewJson(<-reports) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assertPayload(t, json, eventJSON{ App: &appJSON{ReleaseStage: "test", Type: "foo", Version: "1.2.3"}, Context: "/ok", Device: &deviceJSON{Hostname: "web1"}, GroupingHash: "", Session: &sessionJSON{Events: sessions.EventCounts{Handled: 0, Unhandled: 1}}, Severity: "info", SeverityReason: &severityReasonJSON{Type: SeverityReasonHandledPanic}, Unhandled: true, User: &User{Id: "", Name: "", Email: ""}, Request: &RequestJSON{ Headers: map[string]string{"Accept-Encoding": "gzip"}, HTTPMethod: "GET", URL: "http://" + l.Addr().String() + "/ok?foo=bar", }, Exceptions: []exceptionJSON{{ErrorClass: "runtime.plainError", Message: "send on closed channel"}}, }) event := getIndex(json, "events", 0) if got, exp := getString(event, "request.headers.Accept-Encoding"), "gzip"; got != exp { t.Errorf("expected Accept-Encoding header to be '%s' but was '%s'", exp, got) } if got, exp := getString(event, "request.httpMethod"), "GET"; got != exp { t.Errorf("expected HTTP method to be '%s' but was '%s'", exp, got) } if got, exp := getString(event, "request.url"), "/ok?foo=bar"; !strings.Contains(got, exp) { t.Errorf("expected request URL to be '%s' but was '%s'", exp, got) } assertValidSession(t, event, unhandled) if got, exp := getFirstString(event, ""), "bar"; got != exp { t.Errorf("Expected metadata params 'foo' to be '%s' but was '%s'", exp, got) } exception := getIndex(event, "exceptions", 0) verifyExistsInStackTrace(t, exception, &StackFrame{File: "bugsnag_test.go", Method: "crashyHandler", InProject: true, LineNumber: 24}) } func TestAutoNotify(t *testing.T) { ts, reports := setup() defer ts.Close() var panicked error func() { defer func() { p := recover() switch p.(type) { case error: panicked = p.(error) default: t.Fatalf("Unexpected panic happened. Expected 'eggs' Error but was a(n) <%T> with value <%+v>", p, p) } }() defer AutoNotify(StartSession(context.Background()), generateSampleConfig(ts.URL)) panic(fmt.Errorf("eggs")) }() if panicked.Error() != "eggs" { t.Errorf("didn't re-panic") } json, err := simplejson.NewJson(<-reports) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assertPayload(t, json, eventJSON{ App: &appJSON{ReleaseStage: "test", Type: "foo", Version: "1.2.3"}, Context: "", Device: &deviceJSON{Hostname: "web1"}, GroupingHash: "", Session: &sessionJSON{Events: sessions.EventCounts{Handled: 0, Unhandled: 1}}, Severity: "error", SeverityReason: &severityReasonJSON{Type: SeverityReasonHandledPanic}, Unhandled: true, User: &User{}, Request: &RequestJSON{}, Exceptions: []exceptionJSON{{ErrorClass: "*errors.errorString", Message: "eggs"}}, }) } func TestRecover(t *testing.T) { ts, reports := setup() defer ts.Close() var panicked interface{} func() { defer func() { panicked = recover() }() defer Recover(StartSession(context.Background()), generateSampleConfig(ts.URL)) panic("ham") }() if panicked != nil { t.Errorf("Did not expect a panic but repanicked") } json, err := simplejson.NewJson(<-reports) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assertPayload(t, json, eventJSON{ App: &appJSON{ReleaseStage: "test", Type: "foo", Version: "1.2.3"}, Context: "", Device: &deviceJSON{Hostname: "web1"}, GroupingHash: "", Session: &sessionJSON{Events: sessions.EventCounts{Handled: 0, Unhandled: 1}}, Severity: "warning", SeverityReason: &severityReasonJSON{Type: SeverityReasonHandledPanic}, Unhandled: false, Request: &RequestJSON{}, User: &User{}, Exceptions: []exceptionJSON{{ErrorClass: "*errors.errorString", Message: "ham"}}, }) } func TestRecoverCustomHandledState(t *testing.T) { ts, reports := setup() defer ts.Close() var panicked interface{} func() { defer func() { panicked = recover() }() handledState := HandledState{ SeverityReason: SeverityReasonHandledPanic, OriginalSeverity: SeverityError, Unhandled: true, } defer Recover(handledState, StartSession(context.Background()), generateSampleConfig(ts.URL)) panic("at the disco?") }() if panicked != nil { t.Errorf("Did not expect a panic but repanicked") } json, err := simplejson.NewJson(<-reports) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assertPayload(t, json, eventJSON{ App: &appJSON{ReleaseStage: "test", Type: "foo", Version: "1.2.3"}, Context: "", Device: &deviceJSON{Hostname: "web1"}, GroupingHash: "", Session: &sessionJSON{Events: sessions.EventCounts{Handled: 0, Unhandled: 1}}, Severity: "error", SeverityReason: &severityReasonJSON{Type: SeverityReasonHandledPanic}, Unhandled: true, Request: &RequestJSON{}, User: &User{}, Exceptions: []exceptionJSON{{ErrorClass: "*errors.errorString", Message: "at the disco?"}}, }) } func TestSeverityReasonNotifyCallback(t *testing.T) { ts, reports := setup() defer ts.Close() OnBeforeNotify(func(event *Event, config *Configuration) error { event.Severity = SeverityInfo return nil }) Notify(fmt.Errorf("hello world"), generateSampleConfig(ts.URL), StartSession(context.Background())) json, _ := simplejson.NewJson(<-reports) assertPayload(t, json, eventJSON{ App: &appJSON{ReleaseStage: "test", Type: "foo", Version: "1.2.3"}, Context: "", Device: &deviceJSON{Hostname: "web1"}, GroupingHash: "", Session: &sessionJSON{Events: sessions.EventCounts{Handled: 0, Unhandled: 1}}, Severity: "info", SeverityReason: &severityReasonJSON{Type: SeverityReasonCallbackSpecified}, Unhandled: false, Request: &RequestJSON{}, User: &User{}, Exceptions: []exceptionJSON{{ErrorClass: "*errors.errorString", Message: "hello world"}}, }) } func TestNotifyWithoutError(t *testing.T) { ts, reports := setup() defer ts.Close() config := generateSampleConfig(ts.URL) config.Synchronous = true l := logger{} config.Logger = &l Configure(config) Notify(nil, StartSession(context.Background())) select { case r := <-reports: t.Fatalf("Unexpected request made to bugsnag: %+v", string(r)) default: for _, exp := range []string{"ERROR", "error", "Bugsnag", "not notified"} { if got := l.msg; !strings.Contains(got, exp) { t.Errorf("Expected to see '%s' in logged message but logged message was '%s'", exp, got) } } } } func TestConfigureTwice(t *testing.T) { Configure(Configuration{}) if !Config.IsAutoCaptureSessions() { t.Errorf("Expected auto capture sessions to be enabled by default") } Configure(Configuration{AutoCaptureSessions: false}) if Config.IsAutoCaptureSessions() { t.Errorf("Expected auto capture sessions to be disabled when configured") } Configure(Configuration{AutoCaptureSessions: true}) if !Config.IsAutoCaptureSessions() { t.Errorf("Expected auto capture sessions to be enabled when configured") } } func generateSampleConfig(endpoint string) Configuration { return Configuration{ APIKey: testAPIKey, Endpoints: Endpoints{Notify: endpoint}, ProjectPackages: []string{""}, Logger: log.New(ioutil.Discard, log.Prefix(), log.Flags()), ReleaseStage: "test", AppType: "foo", AppVersion: "1.2.3", Hostname: "web1", } } func get(j *simplejson.Json, path string) *simplejson.Json { return j.GetPath(strings.Split(path, ".")...) } func getBool(j *simplejson.Json, path string) bool { return get(j, path).MustBool() } func getInt(j *simplejson.Json, path string) int { return get(j, path).MustInt() } func getString(j *simplejson.Json, path string) string { return get(j, path).MustString() } func getIndex(j *simplejson.Json, path string, index int) *simplejson.Json { return get(j, path).GetIndex(index) } func getFirstString(j *simplejson.Json, path string) string { return getIndex(j, path, 0).MustString() } // assertPayload compares the payload that was received by the event-server to // the expected report JSON payload func assertPayload(t *testing.T, report *simplejson.Json, exp eventJSON) { expException := exp.Exceptions[0] event := getIndex(report, "events", 0) exception := getIndex(event, "exceptions", 0) for _, tc := range []struct { prop string exp, got interface{} }{ {prop: "API Key", exp: testAPIKey, got: getString(report, "apiKey")}, {prop: "notifier name", exp: "Bugsnag Go", got: getString(report, "")}, {prop: "notifier version", exp: VERSION, got: getString(report, "notifier.version")}, {prop: "notifier url", exp: "", got: getString(report, "notifier.url")}, {prop: "exception message", exp: expException.Message, got: getString(exception, "message")}, {prop: "exception error class", exp: expException.ErrorClass, got: getString(exception, "errorClass")}, {prop: "unhandled", exp: exp.Unhandled, got: getBool(event, "unhandled")}, {prop: "app version", exp: exp.App.Version, got: getString(event, "app.version")}, {prop: "app release stage", exp: exp.App.ReleaseStage, got: getString(event, "app.releaseStage")}, {prop: "app type", exp: exp.App.Type, got: getString(event, "app.type")}, {prop: "user id", exp: exp.User.Id, got: getString(event, "")}, {prop: "user name", exp: exp.User.Name, got: getString(event, "")}, {prop: "user email", exp: exp.User.Email, got: getString(event, "")}, {prop: "context", exp: exp.Context, got: getString(event, "context")}, {prop: "device hostname", exp: exp.Device.Hostname, got: getString(event, "device.hostname")}, {prop: "grouping hash", exp: exp.GroupingHash, got: getString(event, "groupingHash")}, {prop: "payload version", exp: "4", got: getString(event, "payloadVersion")}, {prop: "severity", exp: exp.Severity, got: getString(event, "severity")}, {prop: "severity reason type", exp: string(exp.SeverityReason.Type), got: getString(event, "severityReason.type")}, {prop: "request header 'Accept-Encoding'", exp: string(exp.Request.Headers["Accept-Encoding"]), got: getString(event, "request.headers.Accept-Encoding")}, {prop: "request HTTP method", exp: string(exp.Request.HTTPMethod), got: getString(event, "request.httpMethod")}, {prop: "request URL", exp: string(exp.Request.URL), got: getString(event, "request.url")}, } { if != tc.exp { t.Errorf("Wrong %s: expected '%v' but got '%v'", tc.prop, tc.exp, } } } func assertValidSession(t *testing.T, event *simplejson.Json, unhandled bool) { if sessionID := getString(event, ""); len(sessionID) != 36 { t.Errorf("Expected a valid session ID to be set but was '%s'", sessionID) } if _, e := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, getString(event, "session.startedAt")); e != nil { t.Error(e) } expHandled, expUnhandled := 1, 0 if unhandled { expHandled, expUnhandled = expUnhandled, expHandled } if got := getInt(event, ""); got != expUnhandled { t.Errorf("Expected %d unhandled events in session but was %d", expUnhandled, got) } if got := getInt(event, ""); got != expHandled { t.Errorf("Expected %d handled events in session but was %d", expHandled, got) } } func verifyExistsInStackTrace(t *testing.T, exception *simplejson.Json, exp *StackFrame) { isFile := func(frame *simplejson.Json) bool { return strings.HasSuffix(getString(frame, "file"), exp.File) } isMethod := func(frame *simplejson.Json) bool { return getString(frame, "method") == exp.Method } isLineNumber := func(frame *simplejson.Json) bool { return getInt(frame, "lineNumber") == exp.LineNumber } arr, _ := exception.Get("stacktrace").Array() for i := 0; i < len(arr); i++ { frame := getIndex(exception, "stacktrace", i) if isFile(frame) && isMethod(frame) && isLineNumber(frame) { return } } t.Errorf("Could not find expected stackframe %v in exception '%v'", exp, exception) }