syntax = "proto3"; package; import weak "gogoproto/gogo.proto"; import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; import ""; import ""; option go_package = ";diff"; // Diff service creates and applies diffs service Diff { // Apply applies the content associated with the provided digests onto // the provided mounts. Archive content will be extracted and // decompressed if necessary. rpc Apply(ApplyRequest) returns (ApplyResponse); // Diff creates a diff between the given mounts and uploads the result // to the content store. rpc Diff(DiffRequest) returns (DiffResponse); } message ApplyRequest { // Diff is the descriptor of the diff to be extracted containerd.types.Descriptor diff = 1; repeated containerd.types.Mount mounts = 2; map payloads = 3; } message ApplyResponse { // Applied is the descriptor for the object which was applied. // If the input was a compressed blob then the result will be // the descriptor for the uncompressed blob. containerd.types.Descriptor applied = 1; } message DiffRequest { // Left are the mounts which represent the older copy // in which is the base of the computed changes. repeated containerd.types.Mount left = 1; // Right are the mounts which represents the newer copy // in which changes from the left were made into. repeated containerd.types.Mount right = 2; // MediaType is the media type descriptor for the created diff // object string media_type = 3; // Ref identifies the pre-commit content store object. This // reference can be used to get the status from the content store. string ref = 4; // Labels are the labels to apply to the generated content // on content store commit. map labels = 5; } message DiffResponse { // Diff is the descriptor of the diff which can be applied containerd.types.Descriptor diff = 3; }