syntax = "proto3"; package; import ""; import "google/rpc/status.proto"; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; import weak "gogoproto/gogo.proto"; option go_package = ";introspection"; service Introspection { // Plugins returns a list of plugins in containerd. // // Clients can use this to detect features and capabilities when using // containerd. rpc Plugins(PluginsRequest) returns (PluginsResponse); // Server returns information about the containerd server rpc Server(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ServerResponse); } message Plugin { // Type defines the type of plugin. // // See package plugin for a list of possible values. Non core plugins may // define their own values during registration. string type = 1; // ID identifies the plugin uniquely in the system. string id = 2; // Requires lists the plugin types required by this plugin. repeated string requires = 3; // Platforms enumerates the platforms this plugin will support. // // If values are provided here, the plugin will only be operable under the // provided platforms. // // If this is empty, the plugin will work across all platforms. // // If the plugin prefers certain platforms over others, they should be // listed from most to least preferred. repeated types.Platform platforms = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false]; // Exports allows plugins to provide values about state or configuration to // interested parties. // // One example is exposing the configured path of a snapshotter plugin. map exports = 5; // Capabilities allows plugins to communicate feature switches to allow // clients to detect features that may not be on be default or may be // different from version to version. // // Use this sparingly. repeated string capabilities = 6; // InitErr will be set if the plugin fails initialization. // // This means the plugin may have been registered but a non-terminal error // was encountered during initialization. // // Plugins that have this value set cannot be used. google.rpc.Status init_err = 7; } message PluginsRequest { // Filters contains one or more filters using the syntax defined in the // containerd filter package. // // The returned result will be those that match any of the provided // filters. Expanded, plugins that match the following will be // returned: // // filters[0] or filters[1] or ... or filters[n-1] or filters[n] // // If filters is zero-length or nil, all items will be returned. repeated string filters = 1; } message PluginsResponse { repeated Plugin plugins = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false]; } message ServerResponse { string uuid = 1 [(gogoproto.customname) = "UUID"]; }