/* Copyright The containerd Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ // Package gc experiments with providing central gc tooling to ensure // deterministic resource removal within containerd. // // For now, we just have a single exported implementation that can be used // under certain use cases. package gc import ( "context" "sync" "time" ) // ResourceType represents type of resource at a node type ResourceType uint8 // ResourceMax represents the max resource. // Upper bits are stripped out during the mark phase, allowing the upper 3 bits // to be used by the caller reference function. const ResourceMax = ResourceType(0x1F) // Node presents a resource which has a type and key, // this node can be used to lookup other nodes. type Node struct { Type ResourceType Namespace string Key string } // Stats about a garbage collection run type Stats interface { Elapsed() time.Duration } // Tricolor implements basic, single-thread tri-color GC. Given the roots, the // complete set and a refs function, this function returns a map of all // reachable objects. // // Correct usage requires that the caller not allow the arguments to change // until the result is used to delete objects in the system. // // It will allocate memory proportional to the size of the reachable set. // // We can probably use this to inform a design for incremental GC by injecting // callbacks to the set modification algorithms. func Tricolor(roots []Node, refs func(ref Node) ([]Node, error)) (map[Node]struct{}, error) { var ( grays []Node // maintain a gray "stack" seen = map[Node]struct{}{} // or not "white", basically "seen" reachable = map[Node]struct{}{} // or "black", in tri-color parlance ) grays = append(grays, roots...) for len(grays) > 0 { // Pick any gray object id := grays[len(grays)-1] // effectively "depth first" because first element grays = grays[:len(grays)-1] seen[id] = struct{}{} // post-mark this as not-white rs, err := refs(id) if err != nil { return nil, err } // mark all the referenced objects as gray for _, target := range rs { if _, ok := seen[target]; !ok { grays = append(grays, target) } } // strip bits above max resource type id.Type = id.Type & ResourceMax // mark as black when done reachable[id] = struct{}{} } return reachable, nil } // ConcurrentMark implements simple, concurrent GC. All the roots are scanned // and the complete set of references is formed by calling the refs function // for each seen object. This function returns a map of all object reachable // from a root. // // Correct usage requires that the caller not allow the arguments to change // until the result is used to delete objects in the system. // // It will allocate memory proportional to the size of the reachable set. func ConcurrentMark(ctx context.Context, root <-chan Node, refs func(context.Context, Node, func(Node)) error) (map[Node]struct{}, error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) defer cancel() var ( grays = make(chan Node) seen = map[Node]struct{}{} // or not "white", basically "seen" wg sync.WaitGroup errOnce sync.Once refErr error ) go func() { for gray := range grays { if _, ok := seen[gray]; ok { wg.Done() continue } seen[gray] = struct{}{} // post-mark this as non-white go func(gray Node) { defer wg.Done() send := func(n Node) { wg.Add(1) select { case grays <- n: case <-ctx.Done(): wg.Done() } } if err := refs(ctx, gray, send); err != nil { errOnce.Do(func() { refErr = err cancel() }) } }(gray) } }() for r := range root { wg.Add(1) select { case grays <- r: case <-ctx.Done(): wg.Done() } } // Wait for outstanding grays to be processed wg.Wait() close(grays) if refErr != nil { return nil, refErr } if cErr := ctx.Err(); cErr != nil { return nil, cErr } return seen, nil } // Sweep removes all nodes returned through the slice which are not in // the reachable set by calling the provided remove function. func Sweep(reachable map[Node]struct{}, all []Node, remove func(Node) error) error { // All black objects are now reachable, and all white objects are // unreachable. Free those that are white! for _, node := range all { if _, ok := reachable[node]; !ok { if err := remove(node); err != nil { return err } } } return nil }