syntax = "proto3"; package containerd.runc.v1; import weak "gogoproto/gogo.proto"; option go_package = ";options"; message Options { // disable pivot root when creating a container bool no_pivot_root = 1; // create a new keyring for the container bool no_new_keyring = 2; // place the shim in a cgroup string shim_cgroup = 3; // set the I/O's pipes uid uint32 io_uid = 4; // set the I/O's pipes gid uint32 io_gid = 5; // binary name of the runc binary string binary_name = 6; // runc root directory string root = 7; // criu binary path string criu_path = 8; // enable systemd cgroups bool systemd_cgroup = 9; // criu image path string criu_image_path = 10; // criu work path string criu_work_path = 11; } message CheckpointOptions { // exit the container after a checkpoint bool exit = 1; // checkpoint open tcp connections bool open_tcp = 2; // checkpoint external unix sockets bool external_unix_sockets = 3; // checkpoint terminals (ptys) bool terminal = 4; // allow checkpointing of file locks bool file_locks = 5; // restore provided namespaces as empty namespaces repeated string empty_namespaces = 6; // set the cgroups mode, soft, full, strict string cgroups_mode = 7; // checkpoint image path string image_path = 8; // checkpoint work path string work_path = 9; } message ProcessDetails { // exec process id if the process is managed by a shim string exec_id = 1; }