/* Copyright The containerd Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package server import ( "testing" "time" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "golang.org/x/net/context" runtime "k8s.io/cri-api/pkg/apis/runtime/v1alpha2" containerstore "github.com/containerd/containerd/pkg/cri/store/container" imagestore "github.com/containerd/containerd/pkg/cri/store/image" ) func getContainerStatusTestData() (*containerstore.Metadata, *containerstore.Status, *imagestore.Image, *runtime.ContainerStatus) { imageID := "sha256:1123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" testID := "test-id" config := &runtime.ContainerConfig{ Metadata: &runtime.ContainerMetadata{ Name: "test-name", Attempt: 1, }, Image: &runtime.ImageSpec{Image: "test-image"}, Mounts: []*runtime.Mount{{ ContainerPath: "test-container-path", HostPath: "test-host-path", }}, Labels: map[string]string{"a": "b"}, Annotations: map[string]string{"c": "d"}, } createdAt := time.Now().UnixNano() metadata := &containerstore.Metadata{ ID: testID, Name: "test-long-name", SandboxID: "test-sandbox-id", Config: config, ImageRef: imageID, LogPath: "test-log-path", } status := &containerstore.Status{ Pid: 1234, CreatedAt: createdAt, } image := &imagestore.Image{ ID: imageID, References: []string{ "gcr.io/library/busybox:latest", "gcr.io/library/busybox@sha256:e6693c20186f837fc393390135d8a598a96a833917917789d63766cab6c59582", }, } expected := &runtime.ContainerStatus{ Id: testID, Metadata: config.GetMetadata(), State: runtime.ContainerState_CONTAINER_CREATED, CreatedAt: createdAt, Image: &runtime.ImageSpec{Image: "gcr.io/library/busybox:latest"}, ImageRef: "gcr.io/library/busybox@sha256:e6693c20186f837fc393390135d8a598a96a833917917789d63766cab6c59582", Reason: completeExitReason, Labels: config.GetLabels(), Annotations: config.GetAnnotations(), Mounts: config.GetMounts(), LogPath: "test-log-path", } return metadata, status, image, expected } func TestToCRIContainerStatus(t *testing.T) { for desc, test := range map[string]struct { startedAt int64 finishedAt int64 exitCode int32 reason string message string expectedState runtime.ContainerState expectedReason string }{ "container created": { expectedState: runtime.ContainerState_CONTAINER_CREATED, }, "container running": { startedAt: time.Now().UnixNano(), expectedState: runtime.ContainerState_CONTAINER_RUNNING, }, "container exited with reason": { startedAt: time.Now().UnixNano(), finishedAt: time.Now().UnixNano(), exitCode: 1, reason: "test-reason", message: "test-message", expectedState: runtime.ContainerState_CONTAINER_EXITED, expectedReason: "test-reason", }, "container exited with exit code 0 without reason": { startedAt: time.Now().UnixNano(), finishedAt: time.Now().UnixNano(), exitCode: 0, message: "test-message", expectedState: runtime.ContainerState_CONTAINER_EXITED, expectedReason: completeExitReason, }, "container exited with non-zero exit code without reason": { startedAt: time.Now().UnixNano(), finishedAt: time.Now().UnixNano(), exitCode: 1, message: "test-message", expectedState: runtime.ContainerState_CONTAINER_EXITED, expectedReason: errorExitReason, }, } { metadata, status, _, expected := getContainerStatusTestData() // Update status with test case. status.StartedAt = test.startedAt status.FinishedAt = test.finishedAt status.ExitCode = test.exitCode status.Reason = test.reason status.Message = test.message container, err := containerstore.NewContainer( *metadata, containerstore.WithFakeStatus(*status), ) assert.NoError(t, err) // Set expectation based on test case. expected.Reason = test.expectedReason expected.StartedAt = test.startedAt expected.FinishedAt = test.finishedAt expected.ExitCode = test.exitCode expected.Message = test.message patchExceptedWithState(expected, test.expectedState) containerStatus := toCRIContainerStatus(container, expected.Image, expected.ImageRef) assert.Equal(t, expected, containerStatus, desc) } } // TODO(mikebrow): add a fake containerd container.Container.Spec client api so we can test verbose is true option func TestToCRIContainerInfo(t *testing.T) { metadata, status, _, _ := getContainerStatusTestData() container, err := containerstore.NewContainer( *metadata, containerstore.WithFakeStatus(*status), ) assert.NoError(t, err) info, err := toCRIContainerInfo(context.Background(), container, false) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Nil(t, info) } func TestContainerStatus(t *testing.T) { for desc, test := range map[string]struct { exist bool imageExist bool startedAt int64 finishedAt int64 reason string expectedState runtime.ContainerState expectErr bool }{ "container created": { exist: true, imageExist: true, expectedState: runtime.ContainerState_CONTAINER_CREATED, }, "container running": { exist: true, imageExist: true, startedAt: time.Now().UnixNano(), expectedState: runtime.ContainerState_CONTAINER_RUNNING, }, "container exited": { exist: true, imageExist: true, startedAt: time.Now().UnixNano(), finishedAt: time.Now().UnixNano(), reason: "test-reason", expectedState: runtime.ContainerState_CONTAINER_EXITED, }, "container not exist": { exist: false, imageExist: true, expectErr: true, }, "image not exist": { exist: false, imageExist: false, expectErr: true, }, } { t.Logf("TestCase %q", desc) c := newTestCRIService() metadata, status, image, expected := getContainerStatusTestData() // Update status with test case. status.StartedAt = test.startedAt status.FinishedAt = test.finishedAt status.Reason = test.reason container, err := containerstore.NewContainer( *metadata, containerstore.WithFakeStatus(*status), ) assert.NoError(t, err) if test.exist { assert.NoError(t, c.containerStore.Add(container)) } if test.imageExist { c.imageStore, err = imagestore.NewFakeStore([]imagestore.Image{*image}) assert.NoError(t, err) } resp, err := c.ContainerStatus(context.Background(), &runtime.ContainerStatusRequest{ContainerId: container.ID}) if test.expectErr { assert.Error(t, err) assert.Nil(t, resp) continue } // Set expectation based on test case. expected.StartedAt = test.startedAt expected.FinishedAt = test.finishedAt expected.Reason = test.reason patchExceptedWithState(expected, test.expectedState) assert.Equal(t, expected, resp.GetStatus()) } } func patchExceptedWithState(expected *runtime.ContainerStatus, state runtime.ContainerState) { expected.State = state switch state { case runtime.ContainerState_CONTAINER_CREATED: expected.StartedAt, expected.FinishedAt = 0, 0 case runtime.ContainerState_CONTAINER_RUNNING: expected.FinishedAt = 0 } }