/* Copyright The containerd Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package server import ( "context" "encoding/base64" "fmt" "strings" "testing" digest "github.com/opencontainers/go-digest" imagespec "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" runtime "k8s.io/cri-api/pkg/apis/runtime/v1alpha2" criconfig "github.com/containerd/containerd/pkg/cri/config" ) func TestParseAuth(t *testing.T) { testUser := "username" testPasswd := "password" testAuthLen := base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(testUser + ":" + testPasswd)) testAuth := make([]byte, testAuthLen) base64.StdEncoding.Encode(testAuth, []byte(testUser+":"+testPasswd)) invalidAuth := make([]byte, testAuthLen) base64.StdEncoding.Encode(invalidAuth, []byte(testUser+"@"+testPasswd)) for desc, test := range map[string]struct { auth *runtime.AuthConfig host string expectedUser string expectedSecret string expectErr bool }{ "should not return error if auth config is nil": {}, "should not return error if empty auth is provided for access to anonymous registry": { auth: &runtime.AuthConfig{}, expectErr: false, }, "should support identity token": { auth: &runtime.AuthConfig{IdentityToken: "abcd"}, expectedSecret: "abcd", }, "should support username and password": { auth: &runtime.AuthConfig{ Username: testUser, Password: testPasswd, }, expectedUser: testUser, expectedSecret: testPasswd, }, "should support auth": { auth: &runtime.AuthConfig{Auth: string(testAuth)}, expectedUser: testUser, expectedSecret: testPasswd, }, "should return error for invalid auth": { auth: &runtime.AuthConfig{Auth: string(invalidAuth)}, expectErr: true, }, "should return empty auth if server address doesn't match": { auth: &runtime.AuthConfig{ Username: testUser, Password: testPasswd, ServerAddress: "https://registry-1.io", }, host: "registry-2.io", expectedUser: "", expectedSecret: "", }, "should return auth if server address matches": { auth: &runtime.AuthConfig{ Username: testUser, Password: testPasswd, ServerAddress: "https://registry-1.io", }, host: "registry-1.io", expectedUser: testUser, expectedSecret: testPasswd, }, "should return auth if server address is not specified": { auth: &runtime.AuthConfig{ Username: testUser, Password: testPasswd, }, host: "registry-1.io", expectedUser: testUser, expectedSecret: testPasswd, }, } { t.Logf("TestCase %q", desc) u, s, err := ParseAuth(test.auth, test.host) assert.Equal(t, test.expectErr, err != nil) assert.Equal(t, test.expectedUser, u) assert.Equal(t, test.expectedSecret, s) } } func TestRegistryEndpoints(t *testing.T) { for desc, test := range map[string]struct { mirrors map[string]criconfig.Mirror host string expected []string }{ "no mirror configured": { mirrors: map[string]criconfig.Mirror{ "registry-1.io": { Endpoints: []string{ "https://registry-1.io", "https://registry-2.io", }, }, }, host: "registry-3.io", expected: []string{ "https://registry-3.io", }, }, "mirror configured": { mirrors: map[string]criconfig.Mirror{ "registry-3.io": { Endpoints: []string{ "https://registry-1.io", "https://registry-2.io", }, }, }, host: "registry-3.io", expected: []string{ "https://registry-1.io", "https://registry-2.io", "https://registry-3.io", }, }, "wildcard mirror configured": { mirrors: map[string]criconfig.Mirror{ "*": { Endpoints: []string{ "https://registry-1.io", "https://registry-2.io", }, }, }, host: "registry-3.io", expected: []string{ "https://registry-1.io", "https://registry-2.io", "https://registry-3.io", }, }, "host should take precedence if both host and wildcard mirrors are configured": { mirrors: map[string]criconfig.Mirror{ "*": { Endpoints: []string{ "https://registry-1.io", }, }, "registry-3.io": { Endpoints: []string{ "https://registry-2.io", }, }, }, host: "registry-3.io", expected: []string{ "https://registry-2.io", "https://registry-3.io", }, }, "default endpoint in list with http": { mirrors: map[string]criconfig.Mirror{ "registry-3.io": { Endpoints: []string{ "https://registry-1.io", "https://registry-2.io", "http://registry-3.io", }, }, }, host: "registry-3.io", expected: []string{ "https://registry-1.io", "https://registry-2.io", "http://registry-3.io", }, }, "default endpoint in list with https": { mirrors: map[string]criconfig.Mirror{ "registry-3.io": { Endpoints: []string{ "https://registry-1.io", "https://registry-2.io", "https://registry-3.io", }, }, }, host: "registry-3.io", expected: []string{ "https://registry-1.io", "https://registry-2.io", "https://registry-3.io", }, }, "default endpoint in list with path": { mirrors: map[string]criconfig.Mirror{ "registry-3.io": { Endpoints: []string{ "https://registry-1.io", "https://registry-2.io", "https://registry-3.io/path", }, }, }, host: "registry-3.io", expected: []string{ "https://registry-1.io", "https://registry-2.io", "https://registry-3.io/path", }, }, "miss scheme endpoint in list with path": { mirrors: map[string]criconfig.Mirror{ "registry-3.io": { Endpoints: []string{ "https://registry-3.io", "registry-1.io", "", }, }, }, host: "registry-3.io", expected: []string{ "https://registry-3.io", "https://registry-1.io", "", }, }, } { t.Logf("TestCase %q", desc) c := newTestCRIService() c.config.Registry.Mirrors = test.mirrors got, err := c.registryEndpoints(test.host) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, test.expected, got) } } func TestDefaultScheme(t *testing.T) { for desc, test := range map[string]struct { host string expected string }{ "should use http by default for localhost": { host: "localhost", expected: "http", }, "should use http by default for localhost with port": { host: "localhost:8080", expected: "http", }, "should use http by default for": { host: "", expected: "http", }, "should use http by default for with port": { host: "", expected: "http", }, "should use http by default for ::1": { host: "::1", expected: "http", }, "should use http by default for ::1 with port": { host: "[::1]:8080", expected: "http", }, "should use https by default for remote host": { host: "remote", expected: "https", }, "should use https by default for remote host with port": { host: "remote:8080", expected: "https", }, "should use https by default for remote ip": { host: "", expected: "https", }, "should use https by default for remote ip with port": { host: "", expected: "https", }, } { t.Logf("TestCase %q", desc) got := defaultScheme(test.host) assert.Equal(t, test.expected, got) } } func TestEncryptedImagePullOpts(t *testing.T) { for desc, test := range map[string]struct { keyModel string expectedOpts int }{ "node key model should return one unpack opt": { keyModel: criconfig.KeyModelNode, expectedOpts: 1, }, "no key model selected should default to node key model": { keyModel: "", expectedOpts: 0, }, } { t.Logf("TestCase %q", desc) c := newTestCRIService() c.config.ImageDecryption.KeyModel = test.keyModel got := len(c.encryptedImagesPullOpts()) assert.Equal(t, test.expectedOpts, got) } } func TestImageLayersLabel(t *testing.T) { sampleKey := "sampleKey" sampleDigest, err := digest.Parse("sha256:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa") assert.NoError(t, err) sampleMaxSize := 300 sampleValidate := func(k, v string) error { if (len(k) + len(v)) > sampleMaxSize { return fmt.Errorf("invalid: %q: %q", k, v) } return nil } tests := []struct { name string layersNum int wantNum int }{ { name: "valid number of layers", layersNum: 2, wantNum: 2, }, { name: "many layers", layersNum: 5, // hits sampleMaxSize (300 chars). wantNum: 4, // layers should be omitted for avoiding invalid label. }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { var sampleLayers []imagespec.Descriptor for i := 0; i < tt.layersNum; i++ { sampleLayers = append(sampleLayers, imagespec.Descriptor{ MediaType: imagespec.MediaTypeImageLayerGzip, Digest: sampleDigest, }) } gotS := getLayers(context.Background(), sampleKey, sampleLayers, sampleValidate) got := len(strings.Split(gotS, ",")) assert.Equal(t, tt.wantNum, got) }) } }