/* Copyright The containerd Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package server import ( "net" goruntime "runtime" "testing" cni "github.com/containerd/go-cni" "github.com/containerd/typeurl" imagespec "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1" runtimespec "github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec/specs-go" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" runtime "k8s.io/cri-api/pkg/apis/runtime/v1alpha2" "github.com/containerd/containerd/pkg/cri/annotations" criconfig "github.com/containerd/containerd/pkg/cri/config" sandboxstore "github.com/containerd/containerd/pkg/cri/store/sandbox" ) func TestSandboxContainerSpec(t *testing.T) { if goruntime.GOOS == "darwin" { t.Skip("not implemented on Darwin") } testID := "test-id" nsPath := "test-cni" for desc, test := range map[string]struct { configChange func(*runtime.PodSandboxConfig) podAnnotations []string imageConfigChange func(*imagespec.ImageConfig) specCheck func(*testing.T, *runtimespec.Spec) expectErr bool }{ "should return error when entrypoint and cmd are empty": { imageConfigChange: func(c *imagespec.ImageConfig) { c.Entrypoint = nil c.Cmd = nil }, expectErr: true, }, "a passthrough annotation should be passed as an OCI annotation": { podAnnotations: []string{"c"}, specCheck: func(t *testing.T, spec *runtimespec.Spec) { assert.Equal(t, spec.Annotations["c"], "d") }, }, "a non-passthrough annotation should not be passed as an OCI annotation": { configChange: func(c *runtime.PodSandboxConfig) { c.Annotations["d"] = "e" }, podAnnotations: []string{"c"}, specCheck: func(t *testing.T, spec *runtimespec.Spec) { assert.Equal(t, spec.Annotations["c"], "d") _, ok := spec.Annotations["d"] assert.False(t, ok) }, }, "passthrough annotations should support wildcard match": { configChange: func(c *runtime.PodSandboxConfig) { c.Annotations["t.f"] = "j" c.Annotations["z.g"] = "o" c.Annotations["z"] = "o" c.Annotations["y.ca"] = "b" c.Annotations["y"] = "b" }, podAnnotations: []string{"t*", "z.*", "y.c*"}, specCheck: func(t *testing.T, spec *runtimespec.Spec) { assert.Equal(t, spec.Annotations["t.f"], "j") assert.Equal(t, spec.Annotations["z.g"], "o") assert.Equal(t, spec.Annotations["y.ca"], "b") _, ok := spec.Annotations["y"] assert.False(t, ok) _, ok = spec.Annotations["z"] assert.False(t, ok) }, }, } { t.Logf("TestCase %q", desc) c := newTestCRIService() config, imageConfig, specCheck := getRunPodSandboxTestData() if test.configChange != nil { test.configChange(config) } if test.imageConfigChange != nil { test.imageConfigChange(imageConfig) } spec, err := c.sandboxContainerSpec(testID, config, imageConfig, nsPath, test.podAnnotations) if test.expectErr { assert.Error(t, err) assert.Nil(t, spec) continue } assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NotNil(t, spec) specCheck(t, testID, spec) if test.specCheck != nil { test.specCheck(t, spec) } } } func TestTypeurlMarshalUnmarshalSandboxMeta(t *testing.T) { for desc, test := range map[string]struct { configChange func(*runtime.PodSandboxConfig) }{ "should marshal original config": {}, "should marshal Linux": { configChange: func(c *runtime.PodSandboxConfig) { if c.Linux == nil { c.Linux = &runtime.LinuxPodSandboxConfig{} } c.Linux.SecurityContext = &runtime.LinuxSandboxSecurityContext{ NamespaceOptions: &runtime.NamespaceOption{ Network: runtime.NamespaceMode_NODE, Pid: runtime.NamespaceMode_NODE, Ipc: runtime.NamespaceMode_NODE, }, SupplementalGroups: []int64{1111, 2222}, } }, }, } { t.Logf("TestCase %q", desc) meta := &sandboxstore.Metadata{ ID: "1", Name: "sandbox_1", NetNSPath: "/home/cloud", } meta.Config, _, _ = getRunPodSandboxTestData() if test.configChange != nil { test.configChange(meta.Config) } any, err := typeurl.MarshalAny(meta) assert.NoError(t, err) data, err := typeurl.UnmarshalAny(any) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.IsType(t, &sandboxstore.Metadata{}, data) curMeta, ok := data.(*sandboxstore.Metadata) assert.True(t, ok) assert.Equal(t, meta, curMeta) } } func TestToCNIPortMappings(t *testing.T) { for desc, test := range map[string]struct { criPortMappings []*runtime.PortMapping cniPortMappings []cni.PortMapping }{ "empty CRI port mapping should map to empty CNI port mapping": {}, "CRI port mapping should be converted to CNI port mapping properly": { criPortMappings: []*runtime.PortMapping{ { Protocol: runtime.Protocol_UDP, ContainerPort: 1234, HostPort: 5678, HostIp: "", }, { Protocol: runtime.Protocol_TCP, ContainerPort: 4321, HostPort: 8765, HostIp: "", }, { Protocol: runtime.Protocol_SCTP, ContainerPort: 1234, HostPort: 5678, HostIp: "", }, }, cniPortMappings: []cni.PortMapping{ { HostPort: 5678, ContainerPort: 1234, Protocol: "udp", HostIP: "", }, { HostPort: 8765, ContainerPort: 4321, Protocol: "tcp", HostIP: "", }, { HostPort: 5678, ContainerPort: 1234, Protocol: "sctp", HostIP: "", }, }, }, "CRI port mapping without host port should be skipped": { criPortMappings: []*runtime.PortMapping{ { Protocol: runtime.Protocol_UDP, ContainerPort: 1234, HostIp: "", }, { Protocol: runtime.Protocol_TCP, ContainerPort: 4321, HostPort: 8765, HostIp: "", }, }, cniPortMappings: []cni.PortMapping{ { HostPort: 8765, ContainerPort: 4321, Protocol: "tcp", HostIP: "", }, }, }, "CRI port mapping with unsupported protocol should be skipped": { criPortMappings: []*runtime.PortMapping{ { Protocol: runtime.Protocol_TCP, ContainerPort: 4321, HostPort: 8765, HostIp: "", }, }, cniPortMappings: []cni.PortMapping{ { HostPort: 8765, ContainerPort: 4321, Protocol: "tcp", HostIP: "", }, }, }, } { t.Logf("TestCase %q", desc) assert.Equal(t, test.cniPortMappings, toCNIPortMappings(test.criPortMappings)) } } func TestSelectPodIP(t *testing.T) { for desc, test := range map[string]struct { ips []string expectedIP string expectedAdditionalIPs []string }{ "ipv4 should be picked even if ipv6 comes first": { ips: []string{"2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334", ""}, expectedIP: "", expectedAdditionalIPs: []string{"2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334"}, }, "ipv4 should be picked when there is only ipv4": { ips: []string{""}, expectedIP: "", expectedAdditionalIPs: nil, }, "ipv6 should be picked when there is no ipv4": { ips: []string{"2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334"}, expectedIP: "2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334", expectedAdditionalIPs: nil, }, "the first ipv4 should be picked when there are multiple ipv4": { // unlikely to happen ips: []string{"2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334", "", "2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7335", ""}, expectedIP: "", expectedAdditionalIPs: []string{"2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334", "2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7335", ""}, }, } { t.Logf("TestCase %q", desc) var ipConfigs []*cni.IPConfig for _, ip := range test.ips { ipConfigs = append(ipConfigs, &cni.IPConfig{ IP: net.ParseIP(ip), }) } ip, additionalIPs := selectPodIPs(ipConfigs) assert.Equal(t, test.expectedIP, ip) assert.Equal(t, test.expectedAdditionalIPs, additionalIPs) } } func TestHostAccessingSandbox(t *testing.T) { privilegedContext := &runtime.PodSandboxConfig{ Linux: &runtime.LinuxPodSandboxConfig{ SecurityContext: &runtime.LinuxSandboxSecurityContext{ Privileged: true, }, }, } nonPrivilegedContext := &runtime.PodSandboxConfig{ Linux: &runtime.LinuxPodSandboxConfig{ SecurityContext: &runtime.LinuxSandboxSecurityContext{ Privileged: false, }, }, } hostNamespace := &runtime.PodSandboxConfig{ Linux: &runtime.LinuxPodSandboxConfig{ SecurityContext: &runtime.LinuxSandboxSecurityContext{ Privileged: false, NamespaceOptions: &runtime.NamespaceOption{ Network: runtime.NamespaceMode_NODE, Pid: runtime.NamespaceMode_NODE, Ipc: runtime.NamespaceMode_NODE, }, }, }, } tests := []struct { name string config *runtime.PodSandboxConfig want bool }{ {"Security Context is nil", nil, false}, {"Security Context is privileged", privilegedContext, false}, {"Security Context is not privileged", nonPrivilegedContext, false}, {"Security Context namespace host access", hostNamespace, true}, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { if got := hostAccessingSandbox(tt.config); got != tt.want { t.Errorf("hostAccessingSandbox() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want) } }) } } func TestGetSandboxRuntime(t *testing.T) { untrustedWorkloadRuntime := criconfig.Runtime{ Type: "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux", Engine: "untrusted-workload-runtime", Root: "", } defaultRuntime := criconfig.Runtime{ Type: "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux", Engine: "default-runtime", Root: "", } fooRuntime := criconfig.Runtime{ Type: "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux", Engine: "foo-bar", Root: "", } for desc, test := range map[string]struct { sandboxConfig *runtime.PodSandboxConfig runtimeHandler string runtimes map[string]criconfig.Runtime expectErr bool expectedRuntime criconfig.Runtime }{ "should return error if untrusted workload requires host access": { sandboxConfig: &runtime.PodSandboxConfig{ Linux: &runtime.LinuxPodSandboxConfig{ SecurityContext: &runtime.LinuxSandboxSecurityContext{ Privileged: false, NamespaceOptions: &runtime.NamespaceOption{ Network: runtime.NamespaceMode_NODE, Pid: runtime.NamespaceMode_NODE, Ipc: runtime.NamespaceMode_NODE, }, }, }, Annotations: map[string]string{ annotations.UntrustedWorkload: "true", }, }, runtimes: map[string]criconfig.Runtime{ criconfig.RuntimeDefault: defaultRuntime, criconfig.RuntimeUntrusted: untrustedWorkloadRuntime, }, expectErr: true, }, "should use untrusted workload runtime for untrusted workload": { sandboxConfig: &runtime.PodSandboxConfig{ Annotations: map[string]string{ annotations.UntrustedWorkload: "true", }, }, runtimes: map[string]criconfig.Runtime{ criconfig.RuntimeDefault: defaultRuntime, criconfig.RuntimeUntrusted: untrustedWorkloadRuntime, }, expectedRuntime: untrustedWorkloadRuntime, }, "should use default runtime for regular workload": { sandboxConfig: &runtime.PodSandboxConfig{}, runtimes: map[string]criconfig.Runtime{ criconfig.RuntimeDefault: defaultRuntime, }, expectedRuntime: defaultRuntime, }, "should use default runtime for trusted workload": { sandboxConfig: &runtime.PodSandboxConfig{ Annotations: map[string]string{ annotations.UntrustedWorkload: "false", }, }, runtimes: map[string]criconfig.Runtime{ criconfig.RuntimeDefault: defaultRuntime, criconfig.RuntimeUntrusted: untrustedWorkloadRuntime, }, expectedRuntime: defaultRuntime, }, "should return error if untrusted workload runtime is required but not configured": { sandboxConfig: &runtime.PodSandboxConfig{ Annotations: map[string]string{ annotations.UntrustedWorkload: "true", }, }, runtimes: map[string]criconfig.Runtime{ criconfig.RuntimeDefault: defaultRuntime, }, expectErr: true, }, "should use 'untrusted' runtime for untrusted workload": { sandboxConfig: &runtime.PodSandboxConfig{ Annotations: map[string]string{ annotations.UntrustedWorkload: "true", }, }, runtimes: map[string]criconfig.Runtime{ criconfig.RuntimeDefault: defaultRuntime, criconfig.RuntimeUntrusted: untrustedWorkloadRuntime, }, expectedRuntime: untrustedWorkloadRuntime, }, "should use 'untrusted' runtime for untrusted workload & handler": { sandboxConfig: &runtime.PodSandboxConfig{ Annotations: map[string]string{ annotations.UntrustedWorkload: "true", }, }, runtimeHandler: "untrusted", runtimes: map[string]criconfig.Runtime{ criconfig.RuntimeDefault: defaultRuntime, criconfig.RuntimeUntrusted: untrustedWorkloadRuntime, }, expectedRuntime: untrustedWorkloadRuntime, }, "should return an error if untrusted annotation with conflicting handler": { sandboxConfig: &runtime.PodSandboxConfig{ Annotations: map[string]string{ annotations.UntrustedWorkload: "true", }, }, runtimeHandler: "foo", runtimes: map[string]criconfig.Runtime{ criconfig.RuntimeDefault: defaultRuntime, criconfig.RuntimeUntrusted: untrustedWorkloadRuntime, "foo": fooRuntime, }, expectErr: true, }, "should use correct runtime for a runtime handler": { sandboxConfig: &runtime.PodSandboxConfig{}, runtimeHandler: "foo", runtimes: map[string]criconfig.Runtime{ criconfig.RuntimeDefault: defaultRuntime, criconfig.RuntimeUntrusted: untrustedWorkloadRuntime, "foo": fooRuntime, }, expectedRuntime: fooRuntime, }, "should return error if runtime handler is required but not configured": { sandboxConfig: &runtime.PodSandboxConfig{}, runtimeHandler: "bar", runtimes: map[string]criconfig.Runtime{ criconfig.RuntimeDefault: defaultRuntime, "foo": fooRuntime, }, expectErr: true, }, } { t.Run(desc, func(t *testing.T) { cri := newTestCRIService() cri.config = criconfig.Config{ PluginConfig: criconfig.DefaultConfig(), } cri.config.ContainerdConfig.DefaultRuntimeName = criconfig.RuntimeDefault cri.config.ContainerdConfig.Runtimes = test.runtimes r, err := cri.getSandboxRuntime(test.sandboxConfig, test.runtimeHandler) assert.Equal(t, test.expectErr, err != nil) assert.Equal(t, test.expectedRuntime, r) }) } }