/* Copyright The containerd Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package continuity import ( "errors" "fmt" "os" "reflect" "sort" pb "github.com/containerd/continuity/proto" "github.com/opencontainers/go-digest" ) // TODO(stevvooe): A record based model, somewhat sketched out at the bottom // of this file, will be more flexible. Another possibly is to tie the package // interface directly to the protobuf type. This will have efficiency // advantages at the cost coupling the nasty codegen types to the exported // interface. type Resource interface { // Path provides the primary resource path relative to the bundle root. In // cases where resources have more than one path, such as with hard links, // this will return the primary path, which is often just the first entry. Path() string // Mode returns the Mode() os.FileMode UID() int64 GID() int64 } // ByPath provides the canonical sort order for a set of resources. Use with // sort.Stable for deterministic sorting. type ByPath []Resource func (bp ByPath) Len() int { return len(bp) } func (bp ByPath) Swap(i, j int) { bp[i], bp[j] = bp[j], bp[i] } func (bp ByPath) Less(i, j int) bool { return bp[i].Path() < bp[j].Path() } type XAttrer interface { XAttrs() map[string][]byte } // Hardlinkable is an interface that a resource type satisfies if it can be a // hardlink target. type Hardlinkable interface { // Paths returns all paths of the resource, including the primary path // returned by Resource.Path. If len(Paths()) > 1, the resource is a hard // link. Paths() []string } type RegularFile interface { Resource XAttrer Hardlinkable Size() int64 Digests() []digest.Digest } // Merge two or more Resources into new file. Typically, this should be // used to merge regular files as hardlinks. If the files are not identical, // other than Paths and Digests, the merge will fail and an error will be // returned. func Merge(fs ...Resource) (Resource, error) { if len(fs) < 1 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("please provide a resource to merge") } if len(fs) == 1 { return fs[0], nil } var paths []string var digests []digest.Digest bypath := map[string][]Resource{} // The attributes are all compared against the first to make sure they // agree before adding to the above collections. If any of these don't // correctly validate, the merge fails. prototype := fs[0] xattrs := make(map[string][]byte) // initialize xattrs for use below. All files must have same xattrs. if prototypeXAttrer, ok := prototype.(XAttrer); ok { for attr, value := range prototypeXAttrer.XAttrs() { xattrs[attr] = value } } for _, f := range fs { h, isHardlinkable := f.(Hardlinkable) if !isHardlinkable { return nil, errNotAHardLink } if f.Mode() != prototype.Mode() { return nil, fmt.Errorf("modes do not match: %v != %v", f.Mode(), prototype.Mode()) } if f.UID() != prototype.UID() { return nil, fmt.Errorf("uid does not match: %v != %v", f.UID(), prototype.UID()) } if f.GID() != prototype.GID() { return nil, fmt.Errorf("gid does not match: %v != %v", f.GID(), prototype.GID()) } if xattrer, ok := f.(XAttrer); ok { fxattrs := xattrer.XAttrs() if !reflect.DeepEqual(fxattrs, xattrs) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("resource %q xattrs do not match: %v != %v", f, fxattrs, xattrs) } } for _, p := range h.Paths() { pfs, ok := bypath[p] if !ok { // ensure paths are unique by only appending on a new path. paths = append(paths, p) } bypath[p] = append(pfs, f) } if regFile, isRegFile := f.(RegularFile); isRegFile { prototypeRegFile, prototypeIsRegFile := prototype.(RegularFile) if !prototypeIsRegFile { return nil, errors.New("prototype is not a regular file") } if regFile.Size() != prototypeRegFile.Size() { return nil, fmt.Errorf("size does not match: %v != %v", regFile.Size(), prototypeRegFile.Size()) } digests = append(digests, regFile.Digests()...) } else if device, isDevice := f.(Device); isDevice { prototypeDevice, prototypeIsDevice := prototype.(Device) if !prototypeIsDevice { return nil, errors.New("prototype is not a device") } if device.Major() != prototypeDevice.Major() { return nil, fmt.Errorf("major number does not match: %v != %v", device.Major(), prototypeDevice.Major()) } if device.Minor() != prototypeDevice.Minor() { return nil, fmt.Errorf("minor number does not match: %v != %v", device.Minor(), prototypeDevice.Minor()) } } else if _, isNamedPipe := f.(NamedPipe); isNamedPipe { _, prototypeIsNamedPipe := prototype.(NamedPipe) if !prototypeIsNamedPipe { return nil, errors.New("prototype is not a named pipe") } } else { return nil, errNotAHardLink } } sort.Stable(sort.StringSlice(paths)) // Choose a "canonical" file. Really, it is just the first file to sort // against. We also effectively select the very first digest as the // "canonical" one for this file. first := bypath[paths[0]][0] resource := resource{ paths: paths, mode: first.Mode(), uid: first.UID(), gid: first.GID(), xattrs: xattrs, } switch typedF := first.(type) { case RegularFile: var err error digests, err = uniqifyDigests(digests...) if err != nil { return nil, err } return ®ularFile{ resource: resource, size: typedF.Size(), digests: digests, }, nil case Device: return &device{ resource: resource, major: typedF.Major(), minor: typedF.Minor(), }, nil case NamedPipe: return &namedPipe{ resource: resource, }, nil default: return nil, errNotAHardLink } } type Directory interface { Resource XAttrer // Directory is a no-op method to identify directory objects by interface. Directory() } type SymLink interface { Resource // Target returns the target of the symlink contained in the . Target() string } type NamedPipe interface { Resource Hardlinkable XAttrer // Pipe is a no-op method to allow consistent resolution of NamedPipe // interface. Pipe() } type Device interface { Resource Hardlinkable XAttrer Major() uint64 Minor() uint64 } type resource struct { paths []string mode os.FileMode uid, gid int64 xattrs map[string][]byte } var _ Resource = &resource{} func (r *resource) Path() string { if len(r.paths) < 1 { return "" } return r.paths[0] } func (r *resource) Mode() os.FileMode { return r.mode } func (r *resource) UID() int64 { return r.uid } func (r *resource) GID() int64 { return r.gid } type regularFile struct { resource size int64 digests []digest.Digest } var _ RegularFile = ®ularFile{} // newRegularFile returns the RegularFile, using the populated base resource // and one or more digests of the content. func newRegularFile(base resource, paths []string, size int64, dgsts ...digest.Digest) (RegularFile, error) { if !base.Mode().IsRegular() { return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a regular file") } base.paths = make([]string, len(paths)) copy(base.paths, paths) // make our own copy of digests ds := make([]digest.Digest, len(dgsts)) copy(ds, dgsts) return ®ularFile{ resource: base, size: size, digests: ds, }, nil } func (rf *regularFile) Paths() []string { paths := make([]string, len(rf.paths)) copy(paths, rf.paths) return paths } func (rf *regularFile) Size() int64 { return rf.size } func (rf *regularFile) Digests() []digest.Digest { digests := make([]digest.Digest, len(rf.digests)) copy(digests, rf.digests) return digests } func (rf *regularFile) XAttrs() map[string][]byte { xattrs := make(map[string][]byte, len(rf.xattrs)) for attr, value := range rf.xattrs { xattrs[attr] = append(xattrs[attr], value...) } return xattrs } type directory struct { resource } var _ Directory = &directory{} func newDirectory(base resource) (Directory, error) { if !base.Mode().IsDir() { return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a directory") } return &directory{ resource: base, }, nil } func (d *directory) Directory() {} func (d *directory) XAttrs() map[string][]byte { xattrs := make(map[string][]byte, len(d.xattrs)) for attr, value := range d.xattrs { xattrs[attr] = append(xattrs[attr], value...) } return xattrs } type symLink struct { resource target string } var _ SymLink = &symLink{} func newSymLink(base resource, target string) (SymLink, error) { if base.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a symlink") } return &symLink{ resource: base, target: target, }, nil } func (l *symLink) Target() string { return l.target } type namedPipe struct { resource } var _ NamedPipe = &namedPipe{} func newNamedPipe(base resource, paths []string) (NamedPipe, error) { if base.Mode()&os.ModeNamedPipe == 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a namedpipe") } base.paths = make([]string, len(paths)) copy(base.paths, paths) return &namedPipe{ resource: base, }, nil } func (np *namedPipe) Pipe() {} func (np *namedPipe) Paths() []string { paths := make([]string, len(np.paths)) copy(paths, np.paths) return paths } func (np *namedPipe) XAttrs() map[string][]byte { xattrs := make(map[string][]byte, len(np.xattrs)) for attr, value := range np.xattrs { xattrs[attr] = append(xattrs[attr], value...) } return xattrs } type device struct { resource major, minor uint64 } var _ Device = &device{} func newDevice(base resource, paths []string, major, minor uint64) (Device, error) { if base.Mode()&os.ModeDevice == 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a device") } base.paths = make([]string, len(paths)) copy(base.paths, paths) return &device{ resource: base, major: major, minor: minor, }, nil } func (d *device) Paths() []string { paths := make([]string, len(d.paths)) copy(paths, d.paths) return paths } func (d *device) XAttrs() map[string][]byte { xattrs := make(map[string][]byte, len(d.xattrs)) for attr, value := range d.xattrs { xattrs[attr] = append(xattrs[attr], value...) } return xattrs } func (d device) Major() uint64 { return d.major } func (d device) Minor() uint64 { return d.minor } // toProto converts a resource to a protobuf record. We'd like to push this // the individual types but we want to keep this all together during // prototyping. func toProto(resource Resource) *pb.Resource { b := &pb.Resource{ Path: []string{resource.Path()}, Mode: uint32(resource.Mode()), Uid: resource.UID(), Gid: resource.GID(), } if xattrer, ok := resource.(XAttrer); ok { // Sorts the XAttrs by name for consistent ordering. keys := []string{} xattrs := xattrer.XAttrs() for k := range xattrs { keys = append(keys, k) } sort.Strings(keys) for _, k := range keys { b.Xattr = append(b.Xattr, &pb.XAttr{Name: k, Data: xattrs[k]}) } } switch r := resource.(type) { case RegularFile: b.Path = r.Paths() b.Size = uint64(r.Size()) for _, dgst := range r.Digests() { b.Digest = append(b.Digest, dgst.String()) } case SymLink: b.Target = r.Target() case Device: b.Major, b.Minor = r.Major(), r.Minor() b.Path = r.Paths() case NamedPipe: b.Path = r.Paths() } // enforce a few stability guarantees that may not be provided by the // resource implementation. sort.Strings(b.Path) return b } // fromProto converts from a protobuf Resource to a Resource interface. func fromProto(b *pb.Resource) (Resource, error) { base := &resource{ paths: b.Path, mode: os.FileMode(b.Mode), uid: b.Uid, gid: b.Gid, } base.xattrs = make(map[string][]byte, len(b.Xattr)) for _, attr := range b.Xattr { base.xattrs[attr.Name] = attr.Data } switch { case base.Mode().IsRegular(): dgsts := make([]digest.Digest, len(b.Digest)) for i, dgst := range b.Digest { // TODO(stevvooe): Should we be validating at this point? dgsts[i] = digest.Digest(dgst) } return newRegularFile(*base, b.Path, int64(b.Size), dgsts...) case base.Mode().IsDir(): return newDirectory(*base) case base.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0: return newSymLink(*base, b.Target) case base.Mode()&os.ModeNamedPipe != 0: return newNamedPipe(*base, b.Path) case base.Mode()&os.ModeDevice != 0: return newDevice(*base, b.Path, b.Major, b.Minor) } return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown resource record (%#v): %s", b, base.Mode()) } // NOTE(stevvooe): An alternative model that supports inline declaration. // Convenient for unit testing where inline declarations may be desirable but // creates an awkward API for the standard use case. // type ResourceKind int // const ( // ResourceRegularFile = iota + 1 // ResourceDirectory // ResourceSymLink // Resource // ) // type Resource struct { // Kind ResourceKind // Paths []string // Mode os.FileMode // UID string // GID string // Size int64 // Digests []digest.Digest // Target string // Major, Minor int // XAttrs map[string][]byte // } // type RegularFile struct { // Paths []string // Size int64 // Digests []digest.Digest // Perm os.FileMode // os.ModePerm + sticky, setuid, setgid // }