package oras import ( "context" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "testing" "time" orascontent "" "" "" "" "" "" _ "" ocispec "" "" "" ) var ( testTarball = "../../testdata/charts/chartmuseum-1.8.2.tgz" testDir = "../../testdata/charts/chartmuseum" testDirFiles = []string{ "Chart.yaml", "values.yaml", "", "templates/_helpers.tpl", "templates/NOTES.txt", "templates/service.yaml", ".helmignore", } ) type ORASTestSuite struct { suite.Suite DockerRegistryHost string } func newContext() context.Context { return context.Background() } func newResolver() remotes.Resolver { return docker.NewResolver(docker.ResolverOptions{}) } // Start Docker registry func (suite *ORASTestSuite) SetupSuite() { config := &configuration.Configuration{} port, err := freeport.GetFreePort() if err != nil { suite.Nil(err, "no error finding free port for test registry") } suite.DockerRegistryHost = fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", port) config.HTTP.Addr = fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port) config.HTTP.DrainTimeout = time.Duration(10) * time.Second config.Storage = map[string]configuration.Parameters{"inmemory": map[string]interface{}{}} dockerRegistry, err := registry.NewRegistry(context.Background(), config) suite.Nil(err, "no error finding free port for test registry") go dockerRegistry.ListenAndServe() } // Push files to docker registry func (suite *ORASTestSuite) Test_0_Push() { var ( err error ref string desc ocispec.Descriptor descriptors []ocispec.Descriptor store *orascontent.FileStore ) _, err = Push(newContext(), nil, ref, nil, descriptors) suite.NotNil(err, "error pushing with empty resolver") _, err = Push(newContext(), newResolver(), ref, nil, descriptors) suite.NotNil(err, "error pushing when context missing hostname") ref = fmt.Sprintf("%s/empty:test", suite.DockerRegistryHost) _, err = Push(newContext(), newResolver(), ref, nil, descriptors) suite.NotNil(ErrEmptyDescriptors, err, "error pushing with empty descriptors") // Load descriptors with test chart tgz (as single layer) store = orascontent.NewFileStore("") basename := filepath.Base(testTarball) desc, err = store.Add(basename, "", testTarball) suite.Nil(err, "no error loading test chart") descriptors = []ocispec.Descriptor{desc} ref = fmt.Sprintf("%s/chart-tgz:test", suite.DockerRegistryHost) _, err = Push(newContext(), newResolver(), ref, store, descriptors) suite.Nil(err, "no error pushing test chart tgz (as single layer)") // Load descriptors with test chart dir (each file as layer) testDirAbs, err := filepath.Abs(testDir) suite.Nil(err, "no error parsing test directory") store = orascontent.NewFileStore(testDirAbs) descriptors = []ocispec.Descriptor{} var ff = func(pathX string, infoX os.FileInfo, errX error) error { if !infoX.IsDir() { filename := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(pathX), infoX.Name()) name := filepath.ToSlash(filename) desc, err = store.Add(name, "", filename) if err != nil { return err } descriptors = append(descriptors, desc) } return nil } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(testDir) filepath.Walk(".", ff) os.Chdir(cwd) ref = fmt.Sprintf("%s/chart-dir:test", suite.DockerRegistryHost) _, err = Push(newContext(), newResolver(), ref, store, descriptors) suite.Nil(err, "no error pushing test chart dir (each file as layer)") } // Pull files and verify descriptors func (suite *ORASTestSuite) Test_1_Pull() { var ( err error ref string descriptors []ocispec.Descriptor store *orascontent.Memorystore ) _, descriptors, err = Pull(newContext(), nil, ref, nil) suite.NotNil(err, "error pulling with empty resolver") suite.Nil(descriptors, "descriptors nil pulling with empty resolver") // Pull non-existant store = orascontent.NewMemoryStore() ref = fmt.Sprintf("%s/nonexistant:test", suite.DockerRegistryHost) _, descriptors, err = Pull(newContext(), newResolver(), ref, store) suite.NotNil(err, "error pulling non-existant ref") suite.Nil(descriptors, "descriptors empty with error") // Pull chart-tgz store = orascontent.NewMemoryStore() ref = fmt.Sprintf("%s/chart-tgz:test", suite.DockerRegistryHost) _, descriptors, err = Pull(newContext(), newResolver(), ref, store) suite.Nil(err, "no error pulling chart-tgz ref") // Verify the descriptors, single layer/file content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testTarball) suite.Nil(err, "no error loading test chart") name := filepath.Base(testTarball) _, actualContent, ok := store.GetByName(name) suite.True(ok, "find in memory") suite.Equal(content, actualContent, ".tgz content matches on pull") // Pull chart-dir store = orascontent.NewMemoryStore() ref = fmt.Sprintf("%s/chart-dir:test", suite.DockerRegistryHost) _, descriptors, err = Pull(newContext(), newResolver(), ref, store) suite.Nil(err, "no error pulling chart-dir ref") // Verify the descriptors, multiple layers/files cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(testDir) for _, filename := range testDirFiles { content, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filename) suite.Nil(err, fmt.Sprintf("no error loading %s", filename)) _, actualContent, ok := store.GetByName(filename) suite.True(ok, "find in memory") suite.Equal(content, actualContent, fmt.Sprintf("%s content matches on pull", filename)) } os.Chdir(cwd) } // Push and pull with customized media types func (suite *ORASTestSuite) Test_2_MediaType() { var ( testData = [][]string{ {"hi.txt", "application/", "hi"}, {"bye.txt", "application/", "bye"}, } err error ref string descriptors []ocispec.Descriptor store *orascontent.Memorystore ) // Push content with customized media types store = orascontent.NewMemoryStore() descriptors = nil for _, data := range testData { desc := store.Add(data[0], data[1], []byte(data[2])) descriptors = append(descriptors, desc) } ref = fmt.Sprintf("%s/media-type:test", suite.DockerRegistryHost) _, err = Push(newContext(), newResolver(), ref, store, descriptors) suite.Nil(err, "no error pushing test data with customized media type") // Pull with all media types store = orascontent.NewMemoryStore() ref = fmt.Sprintf("%s/media-type:test", suite.DockerRegistryHost) _, descriptors, err = Pull(newContext(), newResolver(), ref, store) suite.Nil(err, "no error pulling media-type ref") suite.Equal(2, len(descriptors), "number of contents matches on pull") for _, data := range testData { _, actualContent, ok := store.GetByName(data[0]) suite.True(ok, "find in memory") content := []byte(data[2]) suite.Equal(content, actualContent, "test content matches on pull") } // Pull with specified media type store = orascontent.NewMemoryStore() ref = fmt.Sprintf("%s/media-type:test", suite.DockerRegistryHost) _, descriptors, err = Pull(newContext(), newResolver(), ref, store, WithAllowedMediaType(testData[0][1])) suite.Nil(err, "no error pulling media-type ref") suite.Equal(1, len(descriptors), "number of contents matches on pull") for _, data := range testData[:1] { _, actualContent, ok := store.GetByName(data[0]) suite.True(ok, "find in memory") content := []byte(data[2]) suite.Equal(content, actualContent, "test content matches on pull") } // Pull with non-existing media type store = orascontent.NewMemoryStore() ref = fmt.Sprintf("%s/media-type:test", suite.DockerRegistryHost) _, descriptors, err = Pull(newContext(), newResolver(), ref, store, WithAllowedMediaType("")) suite.Nil(err, "no error pulling media-type ref") suite.Equal(0, len(descriptors), "number of contents matches on pull") } // Pull with condition func (suite *ORASTestSuite) Test_3_Conditional_Pull() { var ( testData = [][]string{ {"version.txt", "edge"}, {"content.txt", "hello world"}, } err error ref string descriptors []ocispec.Descriptor store *orascontent.Memorystore stop bool ) // Push test content store = orascontent.NewMemoryStore() descriptors = nil for _, data := range testData { desc := store.Add(data[0], "", []byte(data[1])) descriptors = append(descriptors, desc) } ref = fmt.Sprintf("%s/conditional-pull:test", suite.DockerRegistryHost) _, err = Push(newContext(), newResolver(), ref, store, descriptors) suite.Nil(err, "no error pushing test data") // Pull all contents in sequence store = orascontent.NewMemoryStore() ref = fmt.Sprintf("%s/conditional-pull:test", suite.DockerRegistryHost) _, descriptors, err = Pull(newContext(), newResolver(), ref, store, WithPullByBFS) suite.Nil(err, "no error pulling ref") suite.Equal(2, len(descriptors), "number of contents matches on pull") for i, data := range testData { _, actualContent, ok := store.GetByName(data[0]) suite.True(ok, "find in memory") content := []byte(data[1]) suite.Equal(content, actualContent, "test content matches on pull") name, _ := orascontent.ResolveName(descriptors[i]) suite.Equal(data[0], name, "content sequence matches on pull") } // Selective pull contents: stop at the very beginning store = orascontent.NewMemoryStore() ref = fmt.Sprintf("%s/conditional-pull:test", suite.DockerRegistryHost) _, descriptors, err = Pull(newContext(), newResolver(), ref, store, WithPullByBFS, WithPullBaseHandler(images.HandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, desc ocispec.Descriptor) ([]ocispec.Descriptor, error) { if name, ok := orascontent.ResolveName(desc); ok && name == testData[0][0] { return nil, ErrStopProcessing } return nil, nil }))) suite.Nil(err, "no error pulling ref") suite.Equal(0, len(descriptors), "number of contents matches on pull") // Selective pull contents: stop in the middle store = orascontent.NewMemoryStore() ref = fmt.Sprintf("%s/conditional-pull:test", suite.DockerRegistryHost) stop = false _, descriptors, err = Pull(newContext(), newResolver(), ref, store, WithPullByBFS, WithPullBaseHandler(images.HandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, desc ocispec.Descriptor) ([]ocispec.Descriptor, error) { if stop { return nil, ErrStopProcessing } if name, ok := orascontent.ResolveName(desc); ok && name == testData[0][0] { stop = true } return nil, nil }))) suite.Nil(err, "no error pulling ref") suite.Equal(1, len(descriptors), "number of contents matches on pull") for _, data := range testData[:1] { _, actualContent, ok := store.GetByName(data[0]) suite.True(ok, "find in memory") content := []byte(data[1]) suite.Equal(content, actualContent, "test content matches on pull") } } func TestORASTestSuite(t *testing.T) { suite.Run(t, new(ORASTestSuite)) }