package jsonrpc import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "" httptransport "" ) // Server wraps an endpoint and implements http.Handler. type Server struct { ecm EndpointCodecMap before []httptransport.RequestFunc after []httptransport.ServerResponseFunc errorEncoder httptransport.ErrorEncoder finalizer httptransport.ServerFinalizerFunc logger log.Logger } // NewServer constructs a new server, which implements http.Server. func NewServer( ecm EndpointCodecMap, options ...ServerOption, ) *Server { s := &Server{ ecm: ecm, errorEncoder: DefaultErrorEncoder, logger: log.NewNopLogger(), } for _, option := range options { option(s) } return s } // ServerOption sets an optional parameter for servers. type ServerOption func(*Server) // ServerBefore functions are executed on the HTTP request object before the // request is decoded. func ServerBefore(before ...httptransport.RequestFunc) ServerOption { return func(s *Server) { s.before = append(s.before, before...) } } // ServerAfter functions are executed on the HTTP response writer after the // endpoint is invoked, but before anything is written to the client. func ServerAfter(after ...httptransport.ServerResponseFunc) ServerOption { return func(s *Server) { s.after = append(s.after, after...) } } // ServerErrorEncoder is used to encode errors to the http.ResponseWriter // whenever they're encountered in the processing of a request. Clients can // use this to provide custom error formatting and response codes. By default, // errors will be written with the DefaultErrorEncoder. func ServerErrorEncoder(ee httptransport.ErrorEncoder) ServerOption { return func(s *Server) { s.errorEncoder = ee } } // ServerErrorLogger is used to log non-terminal errors. By default, no errors // are logged. This is intended as a diagnostic measure. Finer-grained control // of error handling, including logging in more detail, should be performed in a // custom ServerErrorEncoder or ServerFinalizer, both of which have access to // the context. func ServerErrorLogger(logger log.Logger) ServerOption { return func(s *Server) { s.logger = logger } } // ServerFinalizer is executed at the end of every HTTP request. // By default, no finalizer is registered. func ServerFinalizer(f httptransport.ServerFinalizerFunc) ServerOption { return func(s *Server) { s.finalizer = f } } // ServeHTTP implements http.Handler. func (s Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.Method != http.MethodPost { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed) _, _ = io.WriteString(w, "405 must POST\n") return } ctx := r.Context() if s.finalizer != nil { iw := &interceptingWriter{w, http.StatusOK} defer func() { s.finalizer(ctx, iw.code, r) }() w = iw } for _, f := range s.before { ctx = f(ctx, r) } // Decode the body into an object var req Request err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&req) if err != nil { rpcerr := parseError("JSON could not be decoded: " + err.Error()) s.logger.Log("err", rpcerr) s.errorEncoder(ctx, rpcerr, w) return } // Get the endpoint and codecs from the map using the method // defined in the JSON object ecm, ok := s.ecm[req.Method] if !ok { err := methodNotFoundError(fmt.Sprintf("Method %s was not found.", req.Method)) s.logger.Log("err", err) s.errorEncoder(ctx, err, w) return } // Decode the JSON "params" reqParams, err := ecm.Decode(ctx, req.Params) if err != nil { s.logger.Log("err", err) s.errorEncoder(ctx, err, w) return } // Call the Endpoint with the params response, err := ecm.Endpoint(ctx, reqParams) if err != nil { s.logger.Log("err", err) s.errorEncoder(ctx, err, w) return } for _, f := range s.after { ctx = f(ctx, w) } res := Response{ ID: req.ID, JSONRPC: Version, } // Encode the response from the Endpoint resParams, err := ecm.Encode(ctx, response) if err != nil { s.logger.Log("err", err) s.errorEncoder(ctx, err, w) return } res.Result = resParams w.Header().Set("Content-Type", ContentType) _ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(res) } // DefaultErrorEncoder writes the error to the ResponseWriter, // as a json-rpc error response, with an InternalError status code. // The Error() string of the error will be used as the response error message. // If the error implements ErrorCoder, the provided code will be set on the // response error. // If the error implements Headerer, the given headers will be set. func DefaultErrorEncoder(_ context.Context, err error, w http.ResponseWriter) { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", ContentType) if headerer, ok := err.(httptransport.Headerer); ok { for k := range headerer.Headers() { w.Header().Set(k, headerer.Headers().Get(k)) } } e := Error{ Code: InternalError, Message: err.Error(), } if sc, ok := err.(ErrorCoder); ok { e.Code = sc.ErrorCode() } w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) _ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(Response{ JSONRPC: Version, Error: &e, }) } // ErrorCoder is checked by DefaultErrorEncoder. If an error value implements // ErrorCoder, the integer result of ErrorCode() will be used as the JSONRPC // error code when encoding the error. // // By default, InternalError (-32603) is used. type ErrorCoder interface { ErrorCode() int } // interceptingWriter intercepts calls to WriteHeader, so that a finalizer // can be given the correct status code. type interceptingWriter struct { http.ResponseWriter code int } // WriteHeader may not be explicitly called, so care must be taken to // initialize w.code to its default value of http.StatusOK. func (w *interceptingWriter) WriteHeader(code int) { w.code = code w.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(code) }