--- swagger: '2.0' info: title: 'fixture for issue #581' version: '1.0' description: | Exercise boundary checks for minimum, maximum and multipleOf This provides supplementary test cases not tested in the fixture-581 series - multipleOf - maximum with native type check - minimum with native type check produces: - application/json paths: /fixture: get: operationId: op1 parameters: # MultipleOf value not compatible with format # => still performs default value check as float64, and fails - name: param1 in: query type: integer format: int32 # maxInt32+1 multipleOf: 2147483648 default: 99 # => still performs default value check as float64, and succeeds - name: param2 in: query type: integer format: int32 # maxInt32+1 multipleOf: 2147483648 default: 4294967296 # MultipleOf. Default value not compatible with format # => still performs default value check as float64, and fails - name: param3 in: query type: integer format: int32 multipleOf: 10 default: 2147483648 # MultipleOf. Default value not compatible with format # => still performs default value check as float64, and succeeds - name: param4 in: query type: integer format: int32 multipleOf: 2 default: 2147483648 # Maximum. Default value not compatible with format # => still performs default value check as float64, and fails - name: param5 in: query type: integer format: int32 # maxInt32 maximum: 2147483647 # maxInt32+1 default: 2147483648 # Maximum. Default value not compatible with format # => still performs default value check as float64, and succeeds - name: param6 in: query type: integer format: uint32 # maxInt32 maximum: 2147483647 # maxInt32+1 default: -1 # Minimum. Default value not compatible with format # => still performs default value check as float64, and succeeds - name: param7 in: query type: integer format: int32 # maxInt32 minimum: 2147483647 # maxInt32+1 default: 2147483648 # Minimum. Default value not compatible with format # => still performs default value check as float64, and fails - name: param8 in: query type: integer format: uint32 # maxInt32 minimum: 2147483647 # maxInt32+1 default: -1 responses: 200: