package gogen import ( "fmt" "go/ast" "go/token" "strings" "" "" ) // AddImport adds n number of import statements into the path provided func AddImport(gf genny.File, imports ...string) (genny.File, error) { pf, err := ParseFile(gf) if err != nil { return gf, errors.WithStack(err) } gf = pf.File end := findLastImport(pf.Ast, pf.FileSet, pf.Lines) x := make([]string, len(imports), len(imports)+2) for _, i := range imports { x = append(x, fmt.Sprintf("\t\"%s\"", i)) } if end < 0 { x = append([]string{"import ("}, x...) x = append(x, ")") } pf.Lines = append(pf.Lines[:end], append(x, pf.Lines[end:]...)...) fileContent := strings.Join(pf.Lines, "\n") return genny.NewFile(gf.Name(), strings.NewReader(fileContent)), nil } func findLastImport(f *ast.File, fset *token.FileSet, fileLines []string) int { var end = -1 ast.Inspect(f, func(n ast.Node) bool { switch x := n.(type) { case *ast.ImportSpec: end = fset.Position(x.End()).Line return true } return true }) return end }